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1000th post so I figured I'd make it specail...


Why do I love the Buffalo Bills?


My grandparents are Bills fans, which made my uncle and Mom Bills fans, which made me a Bills fan.


Ralph Wilson and I share the same birth date (not year), which always made me feel a certain kindredness (is that a word?) with him - every year on my birthday I think about him.


Jim Kelly, Thurman, Bruuuuccceee, Andre, and (prob my favorite) Lofton. These guys were unbelievable. For a kid just starting out it was incredible to take for granted that the Bills would win and couldn't be stopped.


Freakin Ronnie Harmon. First year being a Bills fan - I still remember where I was when I watched him not make that catch. What stuck out to me though was how invested I was. One of my first I love sports moments.


The Bills are my bandwagon beard. I'm a Lakers and Yankees fan which generally leads to being called a bandwagoner - unti they find out i'm a Bills fan which ties into my next point...


The brotherhood of Bills fans. We are a dying breed in cny. Every one it seems has moved on picked a different team. So when I see someone in a shirt, hat, jacket or even zubaz I always give them a nice whatever article they have on and a let's go bills!


The feeling Sunday morning... doesn't matter how bad the Bills are when I wake up Sunday I'm convinced they will win. I feed off this adrenaline all morning long. So excited to watch and see what happens. (say what you will but the games are generally interesting - heart breakingly punched in the nuts interesting but interesting)


Monday morning at work after a win. Everyone I work with knows I'm a Bills fan so I spend Monday morning reveling in glory (and on tsw/tbd)


The Mario Williams saga. The banding together, collective breath holding, f5, ground up in the freezer, the ecstasy when he signed, and my fiancee (now wife) pretending to care enough so that I thought she actually did.


The stadium wall/tbd. I remember stumbling on this site, lurking, and then finally needing to join in. I don't post as much as others but love to read the discussion. Some of you are absolutely nuts, some unabashed homers, others I couldn't imagine how much it would suck to hang out with your miserable a$$, and others still who I wonder whether they actually watch football or not, the invaluable contributions of journalists (jw and tim graham before him, the insight of ngu, and all of you other lovable goofs that come here as well.


These are some of the many reasons I love this team. What are some reasons you love them?


Above all else the unity amongst fans and specifically the bond it gave my Dad and I from a young age.


I absolutely love the NFL specifically the Buffalo Bills. Nothing keeps my attention more than this team.


I love the Bills because I can't handle dissonance in my life and, since the fishing sucks, I'm terminally bored and have a generally negative view of things in my old age; the Bills fit right in and require no additional mental maintenance. Hoooah!

The brotherhood of Bills fans. We are a dying breed in cny.


I live in CNY - Syracuse.


I don't think that we're a dying breed. It's just that when the Bills don't make the playoffs for 12 seasons you can expect fans to lose interest. We have SU Orange college football in our back yard.


If the Bills put 10 or more wins in the record book this year CNY will be just as pumped for the Buffalo Bills as any fan in Buffalo or Rochester.


I live in CNY - Syracuse.


I don't think that we're a dying breed. It's just that when the Bills don't make the playoffs for 12 seasons you can expect fans to lose interest. We have SU Orange college football in our back yard.


If the Bills put 10 or more wins in the record book this year CNY will be just as pumped for the Buffalo Bills as any fan in Buffalo or Rochester.


I wouldnt brag about having SU Orange college football in your back yard haha....how I read this post is "we only root for winning teams, so right now, since the bills have sucked, there aren't many diehards, unless its SU-you better win or we will forget about you (until you do win again)" - cny=bandwagoners?



to the OP - GREAT post, and great reasons to love the bills (mine are all very similar) and keep the Bills love strong brother!


Gratz on the 1k posts. I joined in '03 and I check in everyday, most days multiple times. I don't post much either so given my longevity I suppose by 2025 I may hit 1k too! F5, ground up in the freezer was my favorite day on this site by far!


Born & raised in BUF....What more can I say.


Old enough to say i remember their first season. Lived in other NFL cities including Washington DC, Chicago, Houston (Oilers) and Seattle. It's just not the same in other places.


First move out of BUF was to DC in '70. Lombardi was the Coach, and I thought I would like to go to a game. I quickly found out that RFK was sold out for the next 400 years and that you had to be a; Congressman, Judge, General, Admiral, High Powered Lawyer etc. to even get near the place. That experience likely kept me a BILLS fan for life. The Rock Pile and Rich Stadium were the anti-RFK for me, and that's the way I like it. Enjoy a game with real fans/people!


Section 122. Your great man. What you said really can't be added to in any way, shape or form. You bleed Bills Blue and it shows. Very nicely done. Since you asked for our stories of how we support I'll add this:


I have been a Bills fans since I can remember which is right around the same time as you. I'm 33 years old so I'm sure your right around the same. I used to get all my tickets from a woman I worked with, Sharon, who had front row in the corner of the Bills side, scroreboard end zone. I was able to get them cheaply, thank you Sharon, because she didn't like to go to the cold games (medical issues) and always appreciated how much I loved the team and the experience, just like her so she always gave me first option to buy, which I ALWAYS did no matter what.


I remember being at the stadium for many memorable games:

-The Jags/Flutie game.

-Kevin Everett

-Monday Night against the Cowboys

-My first game ever which was the early 90s against the Eagles. James Loftin scored on a long TD on the very first play from scrimmage and I was hooked to that stadium ever since. On another note that game, my uncle didn't do it purposely but he wore a green sweater and was booed all game. Lol.

-The game when we played the Bengals and cheered him to come to Buffalo.


I moved to Las Vegas in 2004, during the Mularkey years (perfect time right, lol). I was an assistant Manager and Bar Manager for one of the busiest Buffalo Wild Wings in the country. I ALWAYS made sure the Bills had a big screen every Sunday. I still remember the Pitt game when we lost to thier 3rd stringers. Ugh!!! I heard it all day there.


I moved back to Buffalo the year Juron took over and have had season tickets since. One reason I moved back was for a change, which is odd because that's why I moved there too. But deep down I just love this city. I love this team. I love being a fan. Always will be.


I take pride in only missing 1 game since that season. (had to be out of town for a wedding and only had so much time off, it was either the Eagles game or the Pats game last year. I chose right) I take pride in being in the tunnel End Zone every game. Us end zone fans all pride ourselves on being the 12th man when it counts. Because we feel that when your team is backed up into your end zone, your support, yelling, kicking, screaming makes a difference. And when it's so loud that you can't think, and when the opposing team gets a false start, or takes a timeout, you just know you made a difference. I don't sit all game. I'm up, standing, jumping up and down (pissing off most behind me I'm sure) and kicking the bleachers, making noise, raising my hands high in the air for everyone else to get on thier feet and do the same. I too Bleed Bills Blue!!!


My most memorable game ever has to be the Patriots win last year. Considering it was after the amazing comeback the week before against the Raiders, it was the best 7 days that I can remember.


Here's a few videos, one which I'm in (thank you to whoever made it and put me in it. Never had any idea we were being photographed at the time or ever for that matter). These videos really get me going and show what it means to be a Bills fan.



I really hope you all enjoyed my story. Take Pride in being a Bills fan. Some young kid somewhere will notice and memories will live on. Just this past pre season game, I was there with my little niece (cousins daughter, the same cousin I went to my first Bills game with) and she was so excited to be there because she always knew her Uncle and Mom had such a love for them. Possibly nothing in my life was so cool to see my niece begging to have her whole face painted red, white and blue for the game. I just know she's a Buffalo Bills fan for life and I am so proud to pass that on to someone.


Go Bills!!!!!


Here's that other link, would only let me post 1



oh, and please excuse any typos or misspelling in my post. Fat fingers on small phone thing.



Not a stretch to say you are president of all 3 chapters.


No, way too many members for just one President.


If you want an accurate fan opinion of the Buffalo Bills, come to Syracuse. We are the smartest, Buffalo Bills fans around.


Anyone who wants to get your Bills Fandemonium going read the last chapter of "Big Russ and Me". God bless Tim Russert, probably our best most notable Bills fan, who I'll never forget before those Superbowls would say a prayer on National TV on Meet the Press, for our beloved Bills. To see his commentary on the Bills on the NFL network talking of the glory years was special.


He was everything good about all of you as faithful Bills fans, and miss him on Sundays. I just read that last chapter today at the beach, and thought, THANK GOD FOOTBALL IS BACK!!!!


God bless the Bills and let's kick the snot out fo the J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS. Since I don't don't live in Buffalo anymore, one of our best family friends is from LI, and a huge Jets fan. I already ordered the apparel to appropriately place all over his SUV, Car, House and front yard the morning of the game letting hom know who's going to win at 4:15 pm that day.




19-0 BABY!


I live in CNY - Syracuse.


I don't think that we're a dying breed. It's just that when the Bills don't make the playoffs for 12 seasons you can expect fans to lose interest. We have SU Orange college football in our back yard.


If the Bills put 10 or more wins in the record book this year CNY will be just as pumped for the Buffalo Bills as any fan in Buffalo or Rochester.

Yup I'm from Auburn... now it's more of a secret society where we nod at each other to silently recognize each others suffering I don't mind it though. I think the Bills sucking has actually helped create some fans. When they were great then couldn't finish the job there were so many jokes. Since they have been bad for so long the jokes have stopped and people did start to get behind them last year. You know what I say to those people though? Nothing I'm just glad to have more Bills fans :bag:


I wouldnt brag about having SU Orange college football in your back yard haha....how I read this post is "we only root for winning teams, so right now, since the bills have sucked, there aren't many diehards, unless its SU-you better win or we will forget about you (until you do win again)" - cny=bandwagoners?



to the OP - GREAT post, and great reasons to love the bills (mine are all very similar) and keep the Bills love strong brother!

SU football has been wretched but it does take a ton of fans. Another reason why I think regionalization efforts should include a preseason game in the dome.


Gratz on the 1k posts. I joined in '03 and I check in everyday, most days multiple times. I don't post much either so given my longevity I suppose by 2025 I may hit 1k too! F5, ground up in the freezer was my favorite day on this site by far!

dang and I thought I was a lurker :w00t: what a great 3 days that was... I couldn't wait to get to work everyday - to sit on tbd and the shoutbox to see what the latest news was!


Section 122. Your great man. What you said really can't be added to in any way, shape or form. You bleed Bills Blue and it shows. Very nicely done. Since you asked for our stories of how we support I'll add this:


I have been a Bills fans since I can remember which is right around the same time as you. I'm 33 years old so I'm sure your right around the same. I used to get all my tickets from a woman I worked with, Sharon, who had front row in the corner of the Bills side, scroreboard end zone. I was able to get them cheaply, thank you Sharon, because she didn't like to go to the cold games (medical issues) and always appreciated how much I loved the team and the experience, just like her so she always gave me first option to buy, which I ALWAYS did no matter what.


I remember being at the stadium for many memorable games:

-The Jags/Flutie game.

-Kevin Everett

-Monday Night against the Cowboys

-My first game ever which was the early 90s against the Eagles. James Loftin scored on a long TD on the very first play from scrimmage and I was hooked to that stadium ever since. On another note that game, my uncle didn't do it purposely but he wore a green sweater and was booed all game. Lol.

-The game when we played the Bengals and cheered him to come to Buffalo.


I moved to Las Vegas in 2004, during the Mularkey years (perfect time right, lol). I was an assistant Manager and Bar Manager for one of the busiest Buffalo Wild Wings in the country. I ALWAYS made sure the Bills had a big screen every Sunday. I still remember the Pitt game when we lost to thier 3rd stringers. Ugh!!! I heard it all day there.


I take pride in only missing 1 game since that season. (had to be out of town for a wedding and only had so much time off, it was either the Eagles game or the Pats game last year. I chose right) I take pride in being in the tunnel End Zone every game. Us end zone fans all pride ourselves on being the 12th man when it counts. Because we feel that when your team is backed up into your end zone, your support, yelling, kicking, screaming makes a difference. And when it's so loud that you can't think, and when the opposing team gets a false start, or takes a timeout, you just know you made a difference. I don't sit all game. I'm up, standing, jumping up and down (pissing off most behind me I'm sure) and kicking the bleachers, making noise, raising my hands high in the air for everyone else to get on thier feet and do the same. I too Bleed Bills Blue!!!


I really hope you all enjoyed my story. Take Pride in being a Bills fan. Some young kid somewhere will notice and memories will live on. Just this past pre season game, I was there with my little niece (cousins daughter, the same cousin I went to my first Bills game with) and she was so excited to be there because she always knew her Uncle and Mom had such a love for them. Possibly nothing in my life was so cool to see my niece begging to have her whole face painted red, white and blue for the game. I just know she's a Buffalo Bills fan for life and I am so proud to pass that on to someone.


Go Bills!!!!!




Thanks dude great stories! It sounds like our fandom has followed a very similar path indeed. I am right around your age (31 soon) and agree with all of your thoughts. My nephews regularly get Bills gear from me to make sure they become fans. I loved the tunnel end zone(obvious by my sn)! The yelling, cheering, stomping you talk about is such an amazing feeling - you don't get to cause false starts in your living room that's for sure.


I still hold out that those 3rd string steelers everyone mentions were the basis for a few sb teams so in hindsight it wasn't as bad of a loss as it felt/looked like that day. Kevin Everett was a scary day for sure every time I see a player go down I fear the worst now. That Monday Nighter against the Cowboys is the most electric atmosphere I've ever been in... until the end. My friends and I had a hotel room booked and planned on partying/casino/etc instead we just drove home in a stupor.


Lastly, I love standing and cheering. I even do it in my living room. There is no room for sitting at a professional football (or even college really) game. Sitting is for baseball!


:beer: :beer: :beer:


I'm calling a foul by the OP; I think he was born the same year as Ralph.

and I would have gotten away with it too... if it wasn't for those meddling kids!


Ralph was already in his 60s by the time I came around though


I do enjoy that Tom Santori song. Saw him perform that at a Bills party down in Miami last year.

this is the first time i'd seen it and it was pretty sweet. Not much of a country guy but exceptions can be made for the Bills :thumbsup:


I love being a Bills fan because no matter how much we get dumped on, how bad we might be year after year, it's a family. A true brotherhood and it's something that sticks in me like nothing else. I was born in Niagara Falls, and now live in South Buffalo, haven't travelled much but don't feel a need. This area is home. Just how the Bills are. It's home.

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