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Obama sux but what Mitt Romney should be focusing on/exploiting is that Barack Obama really doesn't care - about anything.


Obama doesn't care about the unemployed because he rarely if ever goes to his jobs council meetings. He doesn't care about national security because he doesn't have the CIA brief him daily like George Bush did (no WAY is Obama competent to read CIA briefings on his own). He doesn't care about Isreal because he blew off PM Benjamin Netanyahu to be on David Letterman. He doesn't care about health care because he never read the health care bill that he signed. He doesn't care about the middle east going up in flames because he went campaigning in California. He doesn't care about the speeches he makes so he simply reads whatever is on his teleprompter - three years into his Presidency.


Barack Obama's BIGGEST WEAKNESS is that he just doesn't care about anything. Barack Obama has even ADMITTED to being lazy. He's completely mailing-in his Presidency.


He was a back-office Junior Senator from Illinois who was recruited to run for President because he had "no negro dialect". That's it. Obama belongs back in the Senate in a non-leadership role.


Dick Cheney was only 1/2 right when he called Barack Obama a "ditherer". Obama is a ditherer not because he dithers but because he really doesn't care about issues.


So, when you have a Presidential candidate who doesn't care about issues, and there's ample evidence that they don't care, the opposing candidate Romney should draw that contrast with him by saying "I care" whenever he starts talking about his policies.


Mitt Romney should say "I care" every time he opens his mouth between now and election day. The caring Romney versus the uncaring Obama will be 100% obvious to all voters to think about.


Candidates who are exposed as not caring don't get reelected. People don't support candidates who don't care about their needs. Whenever Mitt Romney speaks about any of his proposals he should preface everything he says with "I care".


You've got some exploiting and caring to do, Mitt!

Hope things get better, and when they don't, change the subject.


Obama and the Democrats don't have to change any subject.


Smug, arrogant jerk Mitt Romney is doing it for them.


Then we're stuck with not-a-care-in-the-world Disaster In Chief Barack Obama for four more years! Then the economic Depression starts in 2-3 years this country is in the deepest trouble its ever seen. And with an incompetent teleprompter for President we're all gonna suck for a long time.

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