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Obama's letter to fallen SEALS…

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Oh my lol I'm a certified idiot. Im a die hard bills fan, i spend lots of $$$ on the bills. There was no need to inform me that I was a idiot.


We all know we're idiots for following the Bills, that goes without saying. You're an idiot here because, well because you're here

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Let's be honest. The president can't sign all those letters. He's busy. Very busy. Doing important president things.


Like calling Sandra Fluke because Rush Limbaugh insulted her on the radio.


Or golfing. Or eating at Bens Chili Bowl weekly, Or apoloigizing to someone else.

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I'm pretty sure that's normal.


I'm also pretty sure this is one of the more ridiculous manufactured "scandals" I've heard of...it's not the President's job to give personalized condolences to the families and friends of every fallen soldier (I'm pretty sure FDR and Ike didn't. Lyndon Johnson may have, arrogant control freak that he was.) It's embarrassing that anyone would pretend that he should.




That's a point the article highlighted, not me. I'm outraged (if true) about Obama using an electronic pen instead of putting forth the most minimal of efforts and writing the signature himself.

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That's a point the article highlighted, not me. I'm outraged (if true) about Obama using an electronic pen instead of putting forth the most minimal of efforts and writing the signature himself.


Yeah because he was the one that made the final decision on that. This is silly.

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That's a point the article highlighted, not me. I'm outraged (if true) about Obama using an electronic pen instead of putting forth the most minimal of efforts and writing the signature himself.


I would agree with you simply on the principle of "If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all"...


But I've already wasted far too much time on this ridiculous "issue". It's an election year, and instead of substantive issues you're crying about the president's improper sympathy card etiquette? You're such a !@#$ing retard that it's honestly redundant to call you a !@#$ing retard, it's so self-evident.

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I would agree with you simply on the principle of "If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all"...


But I've already wasted far too much time on this ridiculous "issue". It's an election year, and instead of substantive issues you're crying about the president's improper sympathy card etiquette? You're such a !@#$ing retard that it's honestly redundant to call you a !@#$ing retard, it's so self-evident.


Have you ever wondered why nobody calls you an idiot? :devil:

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I would agree with you simply on the principle of "If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all"...But I've already wasted far too much time on this ridiculous "issue". It's an election year, and instead of substantive issues you're crying about the president's improper sympathy card etiquette? You're such a !@#$ing retard that it's honestly redundant to call you a !@#$ing retard, it's so self-evident.


You embarrass yourself when you write adolescent stuff like this. You do know that, right?

Edited by 1billsfan
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You embarrass yourself when you write adolescent stuff like this. You do know that, right?


Your point about Obama not bothering to personally sign them is well taken. I wonder if the WH sends letters to all families of deceased servicemen? Tom's point about this in the over all picture is also pertinent. Your point seems minor when compared to the larger problems, but they are being argued ad nauseum elsewhere in this site. It would be pretty boring if we only argued 4 or 5 big issues.




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Your point about Obama not bothering to personally sign them is well taken. I wonder if the WH sends letters to all families of deceased servicemen? Tom's point about this in the over all picture is also pertinent. Your point seems minor when compared to the larger problems, but they are being argued ad nauseum elsewhere in this site. It would be pretty boring if we only argued 4 or 5 big issues.





You are just "on" today.


See what happens when you go to your strengths? :P

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How do they know it was an electric pen? It could be a MS Word doc with the sig already embedded that they simply insert the family name, address, and deceased name, print, and mail.


Do they send it postage due ? ?

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Just signing on can't be bothered to read the whole thread but wow. hehe


The summary: Obama improperly exhibited sympathy for dead SEALs.


Though the real high point was when some yahoo blamed it on Bush invading Iraq.

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