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Condi's speech

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Cue MSNBC explaining how it was racist because it was clearly meant to imply that black men are better endowed, and play on the age-old fear of the black man raping the white women (ref. King Kong).


Just for giggles, I tuned into MSNBC just to see the reaction to Ryan. Other than Matthews who apparently was in the middle of some nonsensical tirade when his mic finally cut in, they were surprisingly positive about it. Except for that smug prick with the glasses who looks like Edward Norton (the guy giggling to himself when explaining that the GOP were silly for calling out Obama on the "you didn't build that" statement a few months back), Then I saw Al Sharpton and actually laughed out loud. That's when I turned it. Really, they lose EVERY shred of credibility (haha) they ever might have had by allowing that buffoon any airtime...

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Just for giggles, I tuned into MSNBC just to see the reaction to Ryan. Other than Matthews who apparently was in the middle of some nonsensical tirade when his mic finally cut in, they were surprisingly positive about it. Except for that smug prick with the glasses who looks like Edward Norton (the guy giggling to himself when explaining that the GOP were silly for calling out Obama on the "you didn't build that" statement a few months back), Then I saw Al Sharpton and actually laughed out loud. That's when I turned it. Really, they lose EVERY shred of credibility (haha) they ever might have had by allowing that buffoon any airtime...

Yeah...I did the same. And, like you, I flipped to CNN after Shapton's 2nd sentence. The guy is no "analyst". You have to be capable of non-linear thought in order to analyze things.


The guy with the glasses....(they talk about Ryan being a wonk that can't speak in public) made a point that 80% of people will be too bored with to consider. It's not even accurate...as it is the GROWTH of spending that we are concerned with.


Pat...or Rachel Maddow.....got owned by Scott Walker. I guess they can't just leave that guy alone. He beat them, and they still can't stop.


What has permanently killed my MSNBC viewing for tonight? Chris Matthews forcing a mortified Andrea Mitchell to ask Condi about "birthers". <_< So banal and undignified. Mitchell was scared schitless, and mumbled the word, and tried to add something else. Condi....outclassing all of them with her answer. Making them look like the small people they are.



EDIT: These people are all either too stupid, or too amateurish, to understand that nobody cares about the details of the car plant. It's still CLOSED TODAY, idiots. That's all that matters: results. Ryan has put them all on defense....and now Obama is going to have to speak to an issue that 60+% of the country hates = the auto bailout.


That's fighting the enemy on the ground of your choosing. Meanwhile...Chirs Tingle is trying to insert race into Ryan's speech....on a night where Condi speaks? :lol: Amateurs....wishful thinking riddled, unmitigated morons.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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EDIT: These people are all either too stupid, or too amateurish, to understand that nobody cares about the details of the car plant. It's still CLOSED TODAY, idiots. That's all that matters: results. Ryan has put them all on defense....and now Obama is going to have to speak to an issue that 60+% of the country hates = the auto bailout.


That's fighting the enemy on the ground of your choosing. Meanwhile...Chirs Tingle is trying to insert race into Ryan's speech....on a night where Condi speaks? :lol: Amateurs....wishful thinking riddled, unmitigated morons.


Which plant? This one that Axelrod mentions, and everyone thinks it's gospel?


Senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod pounced on the claim in a tweet: "Again, Ryan blames Obama for a GM plant that closed under Bush. But then, they did say they wouldn't "let fact checkers get in the way."


Who checks the fact checkers? Bush was still POTUS in April 2009?

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Dear Progressives,


You will rue the day Condoleeza Rice decides to run for president.


Rue. The. Day.


She accomplished in one speech what President Obama will never accomplish in three lifetimes. She mastered the truth and spoke as a leader. Pay attention. Her time is not done.





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Condi has a real credibility problem since she was complicit in the decision to invade Iraq, and Obama had to clean that up as best as possible and refocus on Bin Laden and al Quada.


And if she thinks that states rights are so important, does that mean she thinks states rights should have taken precedence in the south during the civil rights movement in the 60's? Or is it just when it suits Republican causes like anti-choice?

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Condi has a real credibility problem since she was complicit in the decision to invade Iraq, and Obama had to clean that up as best as possible and refocus on Bin Laden and al Quada.


And if she thinks that states rights are so important, does that mean she thinks states rights should have taken precedence in the south during the civil rights movement in the 60's? Or is it just when it suits Republican causes like anti-choice?

With your post it clearly show's, You're a racist.

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Condi has a real credibility problem since she was complicit in the decision to invade Iraq, and Obama had to clean that up as best as possible and refocus on Bin Laden and al Quada.


And if she thinks that states rights are so important, does that mean she thinks states rights should have taken precedence in the south during the civil rights movement in the 60's? Or is it just when it suits Republican causes like anti-choice?

:lol: :lol: Oh this is one of your better one's. Get a job. will ya? :lol: :lol:

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Dear Progressives,


You will rue the day Condoleeza Rice decides to run for president.


Rue. The. Day.


She accomplished in one speech what President Obama will never accomplish in three lifetimes. She mastered the truth and spoke as a leader. Pay attention. Her time is not done.






I heard Condi on Hannity (yeah, yeah,yeah it happened to be on when I turned my car radio on) yesterday and they seemed to have a good rapport. He pressed her several times about the VP position (was she interested, was she even considered) and possible cabinet position. She was VERY adamemt about her being done with her service to her country. She came across as very sincere with that.

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Condi has a real credibility problem since she was complicit in the decision to invade Iraq, and Obama had to clean that up as best as possible and refocus on Bin Laden and al Quada.


And if she thinks that states rights are so important, does that mean she thinks states rights should have taken precedence in the south during the civil rights movement in the 60's? Or is it just when it suits Republican causes like anti-choice?


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Dear Progressives,


You will rue the day Condoleeza Rice decides to run for president.


Rue. The. Day.


She accomplished in one speech what President Obama will never accomplish in three lifetimes. She mastered the truth and spoke as a leader. Pay attention. Her time is not done.




America.Some Americans


So wait, you can accomplish something with a speech? Two Americas...I found her speach pretty infuriating.

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So wait, you can accomplish something with a speech?


Holy crap dude, did you even think before you wrote that?


I didn't listen to her whole speech but I heard bits of it on the radio on the way to work this morning. Was it her voice or the echo of the convention hall but am I the only one that couldn't stop thinking about Linus' monologue on the meaning of Christmas in Charle Brown's Christmas?

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