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New Bain Scandal

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I see humor is your defense mechanism. :lol: Well then:


It's OK. I understand. This ain't no never-never land.

I hope that when Dear Leader's gone

You'll see him right as a moron


Take his crap, yes we will

Take his crap and drive it

Take it to the garbage dump

Cause all real jobs are private

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Obama campaign will be all over this " ... busted for DUI and illegally possessing prescription meds ... "




Somewhere, right now, some asshat Democratic campaign staffer is trying to figure out a way to make this a campaign point. Just to make Romney deny he has anything to do with it, so MSNBC can explain how Romney's denial is racist.

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Somewhere, right now, some asshat Democratic campaign staffer is trying to figure out a way to make this a campaign point. Just to make Romney deny he has anything to do with it, so MSNBC can explain how Romney's denial is racist.

Oh, oh, oh, I've got it! The dude was from Dio, Ronnie James Dio went to the University of Buffalo, and Rick James was born in Buffalo.


And that concludes another episode of "6 degrees of racism separation."

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Oh, oh, oh, I've got it! The dude was from Dio, Ronnie James Dio went to the University of Buffalo, and Rick James was born in Buffalo.


And that concludes another episode of "6 degrees of racism separation."


No, no, no, you have to do it all MSNBC-like. Simply say "It's obvious that Bain's prescription medicine abuse is a reference to the free and easy availability of illegal drugs in inner-city neighborhoods. If I have to explain how they're demonizing Obama as a black man with this racist reference, you just won't understand it."

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