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NFL Scab Ref's will work game 1


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Sad to say, but this is modern day economics. No matter what your profession, if you can't/won't accept whatever the fair/unfair terms of your employment may be, there is no shortage of people who try to undercut your position. At least that's the view the "employers" never fail to remind you of!


The employers generally hold ALL the cards! They know that some employees will give in and accept the deal. Those that won't are "easily" replaced by generally undertrained, inexperienced new hires. This leads to all kinds of problems within the surviving employee group. The employers don't care, because they're "saving money." Only IF the customers notice, and either complain, or take their business elsewhere, will they sometimes re-think their position.


This happens everywhere, and the NFL is no exception.



Hogwash, an oversimplification of a very complex issue.


Employer are charged with maki g decisions for the good of the enterprise, while employees are charged with making decisions that make sense for them. Some decisions are painful, others less so. Compensation issues have ramifications decades into the future. If you believe the refs are in he right, fine. If you think the deal the officials are looking for is fair, great. But to portray it in terms of it's all about corporate greed (any more than personal 'greed" on the part of officials anyway) is unfair. Let's face it--- the officials could make less money as well.


And if you want to take this to it's natural conclusion, why on earth are the players moving forward with the season when there's not an agreement with he officials. Where's the solidarity there? That's the real story here



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