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do you guys think mars one is possible?

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Had to google them...a company that wants a manned mission to mars by 2023...They have 4 employees:


(1) Entrepenuer who started a windpower company

(2) Physiscist who works on telescopes and maybe payload design

(3) Marketing person

(4) Graphic artist


They should get to Mars in no time.

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Had to google them...a company that wants a manned mission to mars by 2023...They have 4 employees:


(1) Entrepenuer who started a windpower company

(2) Physiscist who works on telescopes and maybe payload design

(3) Marketing person

(4) Graphic artist


They should get to Mars in no time.


Now wait a minute. I just heard they hired a janitor who used to build Estes rockets as a kid.

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Put on a comparative level we are to Mars, what Christopher Columbus was to America.


Within 500 years it is highly probable we will have colonized Mars and beyond.


The nearest star is 35,000 years away with present technology. Given advancements in our understanding of physics I'd say we will be traveling near light speed within the that time period.


My only regret is we are still living in a primitive society when compared to technology 35000 years in the future.

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Put on a comparative level we are to Mars, what Christopher Columbus was to America.


Within 500 years it is highly probable we will have colonized Mars and beyond.


Also possible that we are to Mars what the Romans were to Northern Europe/India/China/etc


They knew something was out there and sent expeditions

But their Empire was too over stretched and lacked the ability to manage their internal affairs. So they ended up imploding


Within 500 years it's highly probably civilization will have devolved back into tribal feudalism

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Also possible that we are to Mars what the Romans were to Northern Europe/India/China/etc


They knew something was out there and sent expeditions

But their Empire was too over stretched and lacked the ability to manage their internal affairs. So they ended up imploding


Within 500 years it's highly probably civilization will have devolved back into tribal feudalism


Actually, trade between Rome and the Far East was relatively extensive. They were well known to each other.


Put on a comparative level we are to Mars, what Christopher Columbus was to America.


Within 500 years it is highly probable we will have colonized Mars and beyond.


The nearest star is 35,000 years away with present technology. Given advancements in our understanding of physics I'd say we will be traveling near light speed within the that time period.


My only regret is we are still living in a primitive society when compared to technology 35000 years in the future.


Oh, please tell me what our advancements in understanding physics actually are that will accomplish that.


I need a good laugh today.

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Why? When we have so many people out of work, needy, no insurance would we want to spend all this money going to mars. We need to cut all non-welfare spending to the bone and give it to the poor, black, illegal immigrants, elderly, and liberals.

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Also possible that we are to Mars what the Romans were to Northern Europe/India/China/etc


They knew something was out there and sent expeditions

But their Empire was too over stretched and lacked the ability to manage their internal affairs. So they ended up imploding


Within 500 years it's highly probably civilization will have devolved back into tribal feudalism

We may have already colonized Mars and collapsed and built our civilization backup and colonized Mars, and then collapsed dozens of times over.

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Actually, trade between Rome and the Far East was relatively extensive. They were well known to each other.




Oh, please tell me what our advancements in understanding physics actually are that will accomplish that.


I need a good laugh today.


I don't know what/who/how but given the fact that Archimedes was only 2200 years ago and to see how far we've come, it's not unfathomable to think our understanding of science will be far advanced in 35000 years over our current understanding.

Edited by BiggieScooby
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I have always wondered about that...


is there any cool info/literature on that?


MDP----I've told you before, don't PM me. I don't need your lengthy Chris Mathews and Bill Maher videos. If you have nothing better to do at 3:00am take a walk down Bailey Avenue dressed up in a white sheet.

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stop being a little B word! this is ppp!


No genius, your schit goes directly to my work email address. Regardless, it is not the thing to do when you've been asked not to do it. The last time you PM'd me it was full of calling me every name in the book. I don't want you to do it again, and I especially don't want your sniveling little ass sending me third party videos. If you have anything to say to me, have the balls to say it in public.

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Seriously? How much of a complete !@#$ing retard are you that you set THAT up? At least get a gmail account, dumbass. :lol:


Naw, I originally started on the main board and it was no big deal. After making a political comment Lori Chase directed me to PPP which I didn't reeally know existed. It isn't even so much that it's a work account. I just don't want him PMing me and I especially don't want to get third party schit from him.

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Oh, please tell me what our advancements in understanding physics actually are that will accomplish that.


I need a good laugh today.


Isn't our understanding of advanced physics constantly evolving? I'm honestly asking because as you well know reading my stuff, I'm no scientist. I kind of echo what Skooby said in his last post ... which I didn't notice until after I started writing this response.


I don't know what/who/how but given the fact that Archimedes was only 2200 years ago and to see how far we've come, it's not unfathomable to think our understanding of science will be far advanced in 35000 years over our current understanding.


Or is scientific knowledge finite? ... I now realize that's two different questions. Still, curious as to your thoughts about those subjects for obvious reasons.

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