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So Obama's speeches are evasive and manipulative? That's racist.


Darn it...................I take it White Collar is over ?.............................................lol





23 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, or have stopped looking for work”


“Instead of moving oceans and saving planets, let’s pay our bills”


“We can make the case over the raised voices. To those Democrats and Independents - listen to the Democratic Convention and ask yourself if they speak for you.”


“we don’t need flowery words about inequality...and we don’t need a party that has led while poverty and hunger rose to record levels to give us lectures about suffering”


Good speech by Davis

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All politicians should get together and say "wives don't have to do this"... not that this is bad but wives should be allowed to do nothing including once they get to the white house.


All politicians should get together and say "wives don't have to do this"... not that this is bad but wives should be allowed to do nothing including once they get to the white house.


For once NB, I agree with you.


Obviously, Ann Romney is giving a very effective and terrific speech, and Michell O. has been good at promoting causes during her White House stay.


But this (Media driven) obligation that is imposed on First Ladies, that they HAVE to work and perform, or they are less than a woman is just not right.


Look at the nonsense they said about Laura Bush, derisively comparing her "service" to Hillary......its crazy.





As with most things, I blame FDR...............lol


Haha, bipartisan no wives bill passed on the PPP. Ann was lovely, no issues with her...but c'mon man they're obviously "behind their husband" no need to force each one to prove it publicly.



Anyway, main event...Chris "the steak" Christie on next


Chris...I know you are a NJ republican but...Mitt is from Mass and he's giving more than the keynote....he's got ya beat


From Gov. Christie's speech:



"Our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity is fleeting and that this country's principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and emotions of the times."


"Our leaders today have decided it is more important to be popular, to do what is easy and say "yes," rather than to say no when "no" is what's required.


In recent years, we as a country have too often chosen the same path.


It's been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues. And we've stood silently by and let them get away with it.


But tonight, I say enough."



I know this simple truth and I'm not afraid to say it: our ideas are right for America and their ideas have failed America.


Let's be clear with the American people tonight. Here's what we believe as Republicans and what they believe as Democrats.


We believe in telling hard working families the truth about our country's fiscal realities. Telling them what they already know - the math of federal spending doesn't add up.


With $5 trillion in debt added over the last four years, we have no other option but to make the hard choices, cut federal spending and fundamentally reduce the size of government.


They believe that the American people don't want to hear the truth about the extent of our fiscal difficulties and need to be coddled by big government.


They believe the American people are content to live the lie with them.




It's the power of our ideas, not of our rhetoric, that attracts people to our Party.


We win when we make it about what needs to be done; we lose when we play along with their game of scaring and dividing.


"When there are people in the room who care more about doing the job they were elected to do than worrying about winning re-election, it's possible to work together, achieve principled compromise and get results.




We need politicians to care more about doing something and less about being something"

Posted (edited)

Three Doors Down now? Well...I'm sure Dems will have JayZ or something hehe...if I go crazy then will you still call me superman?



Solid speech. Nothing amazing, everything good. He won't ride that to a future nomination but it can't hurt him.

Edited by TheNewBills
Posted (edited)

Fox news analysis praising Christie speech delivery...saying he is a figure that could bring out "Reagan democrats" in future elections. High praise.

Edited by TheNewBills

Fox news analysis praising Christie speech delivery...saying he is a figure that could bring out "Reagan democrats" in future elections. High praise.


Over on MSNBC Rev. Al had nothing good to say about Christie's speech. Shocking, I know.


Over on MSNBC Rev. Al had nothing good to say about Christie's speech. Shocking, I know.


I swear I'm "one of those" on this board and I get my MSNBC news from you guys. I really think there's something to this media war....here I am watching cspan in the afternoon and fox news all night for the GOP convention and hearing about PBS and MSNBC from you guys...hehe...funny. Then again I probably will watch CNN for the Dems in prime time and maybe I'll hear about some fox news points from you guys. Interesting.


I swear I'm "one of those" on this board and I get my MSNBC news from you guys. I really think there's something to this media war....here I am watching cspan in the afternoon and fox news all night for the GOP convention and hearing about PBS and MSNBC from you guys...hehe...funny. Then again I probably will watch CNN for the Dems in prime time and maybe I'll hear about some fox news points from you guys. Interesting.


During these type of events I like clicking back and forth from Fox and MSNBC. It is hysterical to see groups of people have such a different point of view about the exact same speech lol.

Posted (edited)

CNNs has excellent election night coverage, their convention coverage not so much.


Fox news loves to bash all media. And I get it...don't get me wrong. I don't disagree most media leans left...I disagree they "are" left. Certainly MSNBC is basically pathetic (I do admit I sometimes watch it) but there are a lot of pathetic shows on Fox as well. And yes the times is the biggest print outlet and they lean left clearly. But Ye who cast stones etc...all in all though...I'm not a huge CNN hater. If I were a true blue total conservative and it permeated my very being and I identified with political leanings as a person...yes I would find it unbearable b/c it sucks. And yes btw...it has sucked at various points in time (Obamacare decision was pathetic). But all in all, I would take CNN over Fox and MSNBC easily...easily...in any event I shamelessly watch CSPAN pretty often and the truth is CSPAN is pretty good. Aside from CSPAN I admit I watch Fox news a lot along w/ CNN...I probably watch Fox News as much as CNN and as much as anything....if I removed O'Reilly it would be different but I tivo that and watch it most nights...I don't know why it just goes on. In any event if you do the rounds of meet the press, face the nation, and GPS w/ Fareed you are good to go once a week and can do as you please w/ dirty pleasures in daily cable. Along w/ reading some various articles online of course.

Edited by TheNewBills

All politicians should get together and say "wives don't have to do this"... not that this is bad but wives should be allowed to do nothing including once they get to the white house.

um, what about husbands? your comment discounts the prospect of a woman prez, doesn't it?


and i thought ann romney was wooden and insincere. i kept thinking of dleta, delta , delta sorority girls with their big hair and big plastic smiles welcoming you into their house while nicely whispering "don't touch anything".. then an image of her playing mahjong on a covered patio gossiping about friends husbands and wives.. geez, she looked right out of the stepford wives or pleasantville, once again, maybe it's just me but i've seen that cariacature before and haven't been impressed. the remarkable thing is that what you saw was clearly what the organizers wanted you to.


um, what about husbands? your comment discounts the prospect of a woman prez, doesn't it?


and i thought ann romney was wooden and insincere. i kept thinking of dleta, delta , delta sorority girls with their big hair and big plastic smiles welcoming you into their house while nicely whispering "don't touch anything".. then an image of her playing mahjong on a covered patio gossiping about friends husbands and wives.. geez, she looked right out of the stepford wives or pleasantville, once again, maybe it's just me but i've seen that cariacature before and haven't been impressed. the remarkable thing is that what you saw was clearly what the organizers wanted you to.


REALLY?? You must have the bed side manner of a mop. HTF did you ever make it through med school.

I feel sorry for your patients.

Posted (edited)

um, what about husbands? your comment discounts the prospect of a woman prez, doesn't it?


and i thought ann romney was wooden and insincere. i kept thinking of dleta, delta , delta sorority girls with their big hair and big plastic smiles welcoming you into their house while nicely whispering "don't touch anything".. then an image of her playing mahjong on a covered patio gossiping about friends husbands and wives.. geez, she looked right out of the stepford wives or pleasantville, once again, maybe it's just me but i've seen that cariacature before and haven't been impressed. the remarkable thing is that what you saw was clearly what the organizers wanted you to.

I think what's throwing you off is that she has class.

Edited by Doc

To fuel their false "GOP is racist" argument, MSNBC conveniently cut every speech given by a minority from their RNC coverage tonight.


When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech.


MSNBC stayed on commercial through former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis’ speech, as well. Davis, who recently became a Republican, is black.


Then, when Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño took the stage minutes later, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews opted to talk over the First Lady’s speech.


And Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval? Noticeably missing from MSNBC, too.


Mia Love, a black candidate for Congress in Utah, was also ignored by MSNBC.

MSNBC doesn't have the evidence to back up their claims that the GOP is racist, so what do they do? They manufacture it based on lies and false coverage.

MSNBC doesn't have the evidence to back up their claims that the GOP is racist, so what do they do? They manufacture it based on lies and false coverage.


I watched MSNBC's coverage of the mid-term elections and it was like watching an episode of MST3K. No matter what conservative was speaking, you had Maddow, Matthews, Olbermann and some other dumbass sitting at desks mocking people.


On the other hand, few things are as funny as watching a group of lily-white people sitting on their asses whining that another group of people are too lily white.


I think what's throwing you off is that she has class.

i suppose if you find the kind of scenarios i descibed as classy, you're right. i don't know if she is a player in those types of dramas but i've known plenty of folks who are and never found them classy. now pretentious...

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