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Obama Hates Black People

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Hell, you don't need to look at Isaac to realize Obama hates black people. Just look at what his economic recovery has done for them.


But I thought there were record number of people on welfare and food stamps. An we all know only black peoe are on welfare and food stamps.

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No Obama loves black people. He is using bush's weather machine to weaken isaac. Had he not used divine intervention Isaac would be a category 6 ready to destroy n'orleans all over again. Good thing its Barry in control and not evil racist bush steering katrina right to the lower 9th ward


It's the Yakuza's weather machine. Purchased from the KGB, for revenge for Hiroshima.


Get your facts straight, people. :wallbash:

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Obama declares emergency as Isaac targets New Orleans


President Obama: "Now's not the time to tempt fate"



I think you should check this out.



WASHINGTON (AP) — As Hurricane Isaac bears down on the Gulf Coast, there should be plenty of money — some $1.5 billion — in federal disaster aid coffers, thanks, in part, to a new system that budgets help for victims of hurricanes, tornadoes and floods before they occur.


It's a system that Paul Ryan, the Republican nominee-to-be for vice president, had hoped to scrap as a way to make his House GOP budget look smaller by about $10 billion a year. Politely, party elders told him no way, at least for now.


Capitol Hill Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana were the driving force behind the new disaster funding scheme and made it part of last summer's hard-fought budget pact with backing from President Barack Obama. Prior to that, the president had given short shrift to budgeting for disasters before a spate of them early last year, including tornadoes that ripped through Missouri and Alabama.


Congresses and administrations, after all, always had been fairly forthcoming with whatever disaster aid was needed after the fact, though the rise to power of tea party Republicans contributed to delays in providing disaster money last year.


Ryan earlier this year tried to gut it and eliminate $10 billion a year in disaster costs when putting together the House GOP budget.



So, who is it that hates the people in Florida up through Texas and the farmers that live in Tornado Alley?


Bobby Jindal says what?




Show Me the Money!!!


Jindal, a Republican, shot back late Monday in a letter to the Obama administration that the declaration fell short of the help he was requesting.


The same Bobby Jindal that refused stimulus money now wants to get bailed out. (pardon the pun)



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Jindal, a Republican, shot back late Monday in a letter to the Obama administration that the declaration fell short of the help he was requesting.


The same Bobby Jindal that refused stimulus money now wants to get bailed out. (pardon the pun)


http://search.yahoo....efuses stimulus


It is fitting that you are using Yahoo as your source, because it apply describes someone who would equate "stimulus" spending with FEMA funds.


I will speak slowly............ they are not the same................and you are embarassing yourself with your desperation




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Stimumus money coud have gone into infrastructure to further protect NO form storm flooding. It could have been used for Emergency Evacuation Routes and Emergency Medical facilities.


yahoo, google like it matters. Like I'm going to read FOX NATION (a complete fabrication of news) and use it as a source!



Did I not post that Ryan wants to STRIP emergency funds?


Maybe Jindal can hit up Romney and his Billionaire donators for some spare cash.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Stimumus money coud have gone into infrastructure to further protect NO form storm flooding. It could have been used for Emergency Evacuation Routes and Emergency Medical facilities.


yahoo, google like it matters. Like I'm going to read FOX NATION (a complete fabrication of news) and use it as a source?



Did I not post that Ryan wants to STRIP emergency funds?


Maybe Jindal can hit up Romney and his Billionaire donators for some spare cash.

How does spending millions (billions?) on infrastructure that will be imminently destroyed by a natural disaster stimulate the economy? Don't cut yourself on the glass from your broken window fallacy.
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Stimumus money coud have gone into infrastructure to further protect NO form storm flooding.


The USACE and New Orleans got more than $10B for a ten year, $6B project to rebuild the levees well before the stimulus. Putting money into an over-funded project is an economic stimulus?


It could have been used for Emergency Evacuation Routes and Emergency Medical facilities.


Funding infrequently used infrastructure is a stimulus?


You really are an idiot.

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I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for any of those fools choosing to live in a hurricane zone five feet below sea level. They get whatever they deserve.


Yes, but they are nearly all democrats and can't swim.


(check out my signature line)

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So what we have is this comparison:


Katrina — Bush begs Democrat Governor for days to allow him to call out the National Guard, ..........Delay is Bush’s fault.

Isaac — Republican Governor Jindal begs Obama to release more funds than he originally did; Obama follows and does so the next day


Gee, if there is widespread damage (God forbid) I wonder who the media will report is at fault this time?

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So what we have is this comparison:


Katrina — Bush begs Democrat Governor for days to allow him to call out the National Guard, ..........Delay is Bush’s fault.

Isaac — Republican Governor Jindal begs Obama to release more funds than he originally did; Obama follows and does so the next day


Gee, if there is widespread damage (God forbid) I wonder who the media will report is at fault this time?


I'm guessing they blame Bush again.

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