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Former Republican Governor Christ Endorses Obama

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There's really no way to put a positive spin on this for Crist. This is either political opportunism at it's worst or pouting and sticking it to his old party out of bitterniess; neither one of which says much for his character. If Romney were some radical right-wing extremist or Obama was a moderate centrist, or even if there was one key issue close to his heart, like national security or healthcare, he could play this off as genuine. But that's not the case. By all accounts Obama is a staunch left-winger, and there's no way that a guy his age goes from supporting Republican principles (moderate as he might have been) to supporting Obama virtually overnight. The guy's a phony. Crist and Colin Powell should hang out. Maybe they could run on a ticket together under a new "Statesman" party.

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So, Rubio was/is the madman and Crist was the sane one? It would appear that more Floridians felt the opposite.


It's meaningless to draw any conclusion from how the voters in Florida actually vote, considering that there's only a 50-50 chance of any given Floridiot successfully casting a ballot.

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Shouldn't the headline read "Former Republican Govorner and Defeated Independent Senate Candidate... "

This is awful. Floridians rejected him for embracing Obama. How could this be helpful to anybody but the GOP?


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Shouldn't the headline read "Former Republican Govorner and Defeated Independent Senate Candidate... "

This is awful. Floridians rejected him for embracing Obama. How could this be helpful to anybody but the GOP?

I'd've probably run with "Former Republican, Ex-Governor Christ Endorses Obama."


Somehow I don't see his endorsement as being quite in the same league as Zell Miller backing Bush. (No tthat that was any particular surprise either.)

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This just in...the "extreme" "maniac" tea party has been kicking your america-hatin' marxist-lovin' asses since 2010...LOL


This just in...the tea party has bent over to the GOP.


No New Taxes!!!



He's gay....

Hey Doc, do you also refuse to treat Gay's?

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