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Final say on the Paul Ryan pick...comes from Obama

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It was a NBC/WSJ poll. I seen it on Morning Joe a couple days ago. It was 54-39. I can't seem to find the poll though. Hmmm...


Here is the video from MoJo: http://video.msnbc.m...ng-joe/48735257 (The poll was from July, not August)


But, here it shows Obama with a 10, not 15 point lead: http://firstread.nbc...point-lead?lite


(In the margin of error of changing so it's not too crazy, but definitely misleading from Morning Joe!)


Registered voter polls are not a true indicator of how an election will go. Also, considering that it was done by NBC you can rest assure that they oversampled democrats by a much larger than normal margin. Then if you factor in the enthusiasm gap, it's not at all looking good for Obama.


The Fox News poll went from a registered voter poll a week or two ago in which Obama had a huge lead, to a likely voter poll in which Romney now leads. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I felt I needed to let you know so you won't be too upset at the final 2012 results.


BTW, I have no data to back it up but I think about 5% of white democrats who say they're voting for Obama are lying to the pollsters because being against Obama is a public admission to being a racist in the democratic world. If the polls start to swing Romney's way it might open up the flood gates so much so that the election will be foregone conclusion in favor of Romney.

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Registered voter polls are not a true indicator of how an election will go. Also, considering that it was done by NBC you can rest assure that they oversampled democrats by a much larger than normal margin. Then if you factor in the enthusiasm gap, it's not at all looking good for Obama.


The Fox News poll went from a registered voter poll a week or two ago in which Obama had a huge lead, to a likely voter poll in which Romney now leads. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I felt I needed to let you know so you won't be too upset at the final 2012 results.


BTW, I have no data to back it up but I think about 5% of white democrats who say they're voting for Obama are lying to the pollsters because being against Obama is a public admission to being a racist in the democratic world. If the polls start to swing Romney's way it might open up the flood gates so much so that the election will be foregone conclusion in favor of Romney.


The poll was NBC and Wall Street Journal....


CNN just put out a LV poll that had Obama +2. And why would someone lie to an anonymous pollster?? Never got an answer for that.

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Don't get why you guys are talking about seniors?


Ryan has nothing to help Romney with his 15 point gap with women, and 30+ point gap with latinos.

Even if that was true...which it isn't, what is going to make up for Obama's gap with white males, of all classes...which I assure you is much larger, and accounts for such a wide gap...that it obliterates the women and latino vote? In other words...a 50 point gap with white men...means women and latinos don't matter.


See...you are thinking like they want: "no...no...we are actually winning...see how well we're doing in this little demographic over here...and this one over here?" Next we will be hearing about Bucks County, PA, etc. :rolleyes:


They are trying to win by cutting the country up into little pieces, and winning those pieces.


It will FAIL.

No. Pretty sure Obama high fived Biden when the pick was announced. Ryan pretty much ensured that Romney would lose the election. You make like him, but you are not the only person who votes in this country.

How many white males will vote for Obama conner?


How many will vote after Oct 11?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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How many white males will vote for Obama conner?


How many will vote after Oct 11?


How many African Americans will vote for Romney?


Romney all but promised Obama would give them MORE welfare and not have to worry about getting a job!!!


If what I read is credible .... Romney has less than 4% of the African American vote in many places.

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How many African Americans will vote for Romney?


Romney all but promised Obama would give them MORE welfare and not have to worry about getting a job!!!


If what I read is credible .... Romney has less than 4% of the African American vote in many places.

Probably true. And why? Because he's black and/or will give them more welfare? Yeah, GREAT reasons to re-elect him. :rolleyes:

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Probably true. And why? Because he's black and/or will give them more welfare? Yeah, GREAT reasons to re-elect him. :rolleyes:


To his point though, which plan do you think will "sparkle" with people more? Free money, or you have to work for your money?

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To his point though, which plan do you think will "sparkle" with people more? Free money, or you have to work for your money?

The answer is obvious. You give people free anything and they'll take advantage of it to their fullest extent. Creating more people on welfare will kill this country and no one can argue otherwise. Which brings me back to Maggie Thatcher's great line about "the problem with socialism is that you always run out of other people's money."

Edited by Doc
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The answer is obvious. You give people free anything and they'll take advantage of it to their fullest extent.


You have to hand it to liberals, though. They hand out entitlements using other people's money, and when anyone suggests that their plan promotes laziness and dependence on the state, they get to say things like "You're a heartless person who wants children to starve and old people to die."


Pretty well crafted.

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How many African Americans will vote for Romney?


Romney all but promised Obama would give them MORE welfare and not have to worry about getting a job!!!


If what I read is credible .... Romney has less than 4% of the African American vote in many places.


So black people = welfare?

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At the current pace, it won't be long before it'll be racial to refer to "the unemployed."


Remember I moved to Oakland. I have a shitload of words the are construed as racists.


To my wife: "As he days get shorter you'll be getting into the BART Fruitvale station when it's dark."


"You racist bastard!!"

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How many African Americans will vote for Romney?


Romney all but promised Obama would give them MORE welfare and not have to worry about getting a job!!!


If what I read is credible .... Romney has less than 4% of the African American vote in many places.

So you missed the part above...where I said Dems are trying to divide the country into little pieces...and winning some of the pieces...resulting in a squeaker win at best for Obama?


Against the positive, unifying message/intellectual campaign that Romney is now running full bore?


Not a chance.


The only way it works is if Romney screws up...and even then, all Obama will get is a fractured country, and 0 mandate. He will not be able to govern. That task, as it has been for the last 1.5 years, will fall to Congress. Harry Reid will now not have to try to protect Obama's flank....so finally a budget might get passed.


But, Obama wouldn't even have the power to threaten a veto, never mind actually sign one....not unless he wanted to flirt with real impeachment, for real cause.



I heard an ABC, not FOX, news reporter, not analyst, say: "The country has proven that they are ready and willing to fire Obama." That about covers it.


It's Romney's game to lose at this point. All he has to do is run the ball, and get first downs. However, I doubt he will. He's going to look for the blow out....and...like I said above, screwing that up is the only way Obama can still win. Romney is looking to blast his way into office...not slide by via 15k votes in Ohio.

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Don't get why you guys are talking about seniors?


Ryan has nothing to help Romney with his 15 point gap with women, and 30+ point gap with latinos.


Ryan being Catholic will certainly help with the latter.

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