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Romney Is Now A Birther!

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its doesnt matter if you admit it or not, romney wasnt joking... and its pretty sick...


The President jokes about it, late night comediennes joke about it, everyone jokes about it.


But when Mitt Romney jokes about it, its suddenly "sick."


People who think like you worry me.

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It was a joke, and many people laughed at Obama's expense. But hey, he's communicating in "dog whistle" language, and fortunately, the only people who have the "dog whistle" communication decoder are left wing dipshits.



Mitt trying another angle to see what will push the polls.


What an insufferable jackass.

And here is leftwing dipshit #1 :lol:
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romeny wasnt joking or laughing, his body language, none of it pointed to him joking... " they know where i was born" and then the crowd cheers...





Yes really..........................................as in reality.


You are seeing what you wish, the majority knows that this is nothing.


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its doesnt matter if you admit it or not, romney wasnt joking... and its pretty sick...


The only sick thing was that it was a lame joke.


Romney should have said..."I'm sorry, but Obama's birth certificate is a dead issue to us. I just talked to Mayor McCheese and he said he said the certificate is legit."

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romeny wasnt joking or laughing, his body language, none of it pointed to him joking... " they know where i was born" and then the crowd cheers...





I'm convinced the Romney joke was specifically made so people like you would go nutschitt crazy, much like Chris Matthews did this morning on MSNBC. It was the Crayonz of comments...said with a wink-and-a-nudge so we can see how fast stupid people will jump up and down like you're in a Whack-a-Mole game.


You, like most progressives, took it hook, line and sinker. The only thing missing from your panic attacks is Charlie Crist at your side.

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I saw that, and I'm noticing how the left wing media is beginning to become unhinged and panicky sort of like what we saw from Chris Tingles today. They are seeing the momentum switch and are beginning to feel a lot of anxiety of the prospects of this thing possibly slipping away from them. Obviously it's still early, and there are lots of debates and both their conventions, but considering how they had all the press on their side throughout the summer, the incessant attempt to disqualify Romney early, while giving lots of bad publicity for Romney, and for it to be literally a tossup race and trending against them after all this, along with the prospects of getting massively outspent going down the stretch, a lot of panties are getting bunched up.



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Has anybody gotten wind of Chris "Tingles" Matthews lately? He's cracking. He sounds like an angry chick who just snapped on someone for talking **** about her boyfriend.




Holy ****. I think he spent too much time at the bar in the background before this segment. I really hope he went home embarrassed with that "performance." What a whiny unprofessional B word.

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Holy ****. I think he spent too much time at the bar in the background before this segment. I really hope he went home embarrassed with that "performance." What a whiny unprofessional B word.


Priebus has been all-in mocking Matthews today. "If he had more than 10 people watching his show, maybe I'd care," and "When you see someone yelling like that and spitting all over you, -it's a good idea to just let them be the biggest idiot in the room."


Matthews absolutely personifies the desperation of the left right now. Not a single success story to tell beyond "So far it looks like GM won't need to be bailed out again" , so yell "racist" over and over and over. It worked against Hillary. This time...not so much.

Edited by LABillzFan
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"Why do you assume food stamp refers to black? What kind of racist thinking do you have?" Newt Gingrich asked Chris Matthews when the MSNBC host said it was racist to call President Obama a "food stamp President."

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Okay, so now "birth certificate" and "food stamps" are racist.


Is anyone keeping a list somewhere? This is getting tough to remember.


To avoid being called a "racist", perhaps its best if we just don't criticize Mr. Obama.........................................................


HEY, wait a minute.... :doh:









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Okay, so now "birth certificate" and "food stamps" are racist.


Is anyone keeping a list somewhere? This is getting tough to remember.

The truely sad part about this, is that once we're all racist, no one is. Victim politics is doing immense harm to real victims, because when something truely racist occurs, no one is even going to bother reading the story, much less care. Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Romney will need to win the white vote by 20% if he wins. With white women backing Obama 55/45 Romney would virtually need 70% of all white men to vote for him.


Romney's arrogance in courting the social conservatives while opposing the Dream Act is another reason Romney trails Obama 2 to 1 among Latinos.


Why else do you think Romney said what he said in Michigan? He needs the white male vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Ohio.


The GOP is at a demographic crossroads -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/08/27/romney-white-vote-push_n_1834670.html?utm_hp_ref=elections-2012


That my friends ain't happening and is the reason why this election can only be won by Romney via the electoral college. He will need Florida to have ANY chance.

Edited by BiggieScooby
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