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Captain Hindsight costs police chief his job!


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Basically an independent report came out saying the police could have done more to prevent this attack so the chief resigned. I don't mind the independent reports happening but feel the findings should be kept private. This was one man's fault and one man only. The report should be a teaching tool of what to do if this happens again not a declaration of police incompetence.

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Someone has to fall on their sword and he's the logical choice, even if the findings are complete bullsh--.


"intelligence services could have learned about Breivik's plans months before the attack when he purchased bomb-making components"


Hmmm. I wonder what the prevailing attitude was in Norway toward police investigation of private citizens and their habits of purchasing legal materials prior to this incident.

Edited by KD in CT
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It's astonishing how many people, even here, believe that the police should be able to prevent crime before it happens.


And how often the exact same people are the first ones to scream about over zealous cops if they sneeze too close to someone.

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It's astonishing how many people, even here, believe that the police should be able to prevent crime before it happens.


By and large, they're there after the fact as the first step of our "justice" system, and to file reports that insurance companies use.

Those same people also use the benefit of Hindsight to make their judgements on how the authorities could have done something or more to prevent it. And they are also the ones who scream about how they overreact to nothing and its all hype to allow them to get more control over us. Just look at the other thread here about the officer that was let go over the drunk woman. A poster here was going on about security and the cops asking to look in his bag before entering a concert and he refused and left but the cop continued to ask to see in his bag. If he had nothing in his bag, he can turn around and say to them that they overreacted and complain about it. If they didn't and he entered the venue with weapons or worse a bomb, then teh police would be blamed for not searching it before letting him in.
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