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I am a longshot to make the roster.


In fact of matter the Bills never replied to my numerous solicitations and self-made workout videos imploring them to give me a try out.


And yet I cling to my last precious embers of hope…


Know the feeling :D


1. Fendi Onobun is just a shade less impressive an athlete then Jimmy Graham not saying he will ever have the stats of Graham but the potential is there - if he's not a great blocker then call him a WR he's 6,5 260 and runs a sub 4.5 and probably brings more to the table then Hagen


2. Prince Miller - I know the Bills love McGee but short, old, expensive and injured makes it hard for me to see why he has an edge- I'd think McKelvin and Brooks are looking good for the nickle and dime and I'd give Rodgers the nod over McGee if Williams fails on the outside. McGee use to be a special teams ace but I don't see that as a big value anymore so except for experience to mentor our young CBs I think Miller should have an edge.


3. Kyle Moore, Jarron Gilbert, Robert Eddins - depends if the Bills are looking for a pass rushing specialist or and all around back up- I think the Bills go Moore and Gilbert and Eddins goes on the PS to add some weight for next year.

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