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I'm less interested in this issue than I am in pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the left as displayed in the whiny little B word from San Diego. You can not in one breath say that only a woman should be responsible for decisons relating to her womb and then turn around and say "We think they're smart enough to make the decision but too stupid to do anything about it."


That is the extent of my dog in this fight. No one is changing anything about abortion any time in the near billion years and the only reason we're having this conversation at all is because a massive dumbass in the middle of BFE said something that finally gave the left the shiny object it desperately needed to once again avoid discussing the real issues facing our country. Period.


This topic will also pass and then you'll be stuck trying to explain to everyone, once again, why the economy sucks, millions are out of work, nothing looks to be getting better and the ONLY solution the current administration has about fixing things is once again hoping they can convince a few people to re-fi their homes, take $3000 and but a freaking laptop for their child.


But hey...how about that whole abortion thing, huh?


For the sake of discussion, could you link to what that whiny little B word said?

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For the sake of discussion, could you link to what that whiny little B word said?


I see it this way. It's the woman's womb, it's her choice to make what is right for her or what is not right for her. We need to stay out of that decision nor do I believe we have any right to interfer in her personal decision. That is between her and her doctor.

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There's a little curved arrow at the upper corner of his quote. Click that, start there, and do your own homework, Sue.


FiSD: Its' a woman's choice, it's between her and her doctor.


LABZ: They can make the choice, but they're too stupid to do anything.


So is this one of those if you want to eat meat, you should have the gall to kill the beast yourself deals? She's too stupid because she can't perform an abortion on herself or medically advise herself that it would be the prudent action?


You're not being clear as to where "too stupid to do anything about it" factors in...

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FiSD: When it comes to the womb, its' a woman's choice, it's between her and her doctor.


LABZ: They can make the choice about abortion, but they're too stupid to do anything pay for their own birth control.


Jesus, does someone spoon-feed you breakfast, too?


FIxed above for the reading impaired.

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Jesus, does someone spoon-feed you breakfast, too?


FIxed above for the reading impaired.


:lol: Never mind your little revision there, you're saying the capacity to pay for medical care is a matter of intelligence.


I guess we're also dealing with birth control medication only as a means to prevent pregnancy, which it's not--but that's a nit picky critique that misses the point.


Now my question is: unless it's a life-saving medication, should insurance cover it?


For example: I take a synthroid every morning. In March my TSH level was measured at 282--literally off the charts (normal range is 0-4). My basal metabolic rate, while exercising, was lower than what a normal person's would be...while sleeping.


If I stopped taking it, I'd be cold all the time, I'd lose a lot of body hair, I'd talk slow, move slow, would have decreased muscle enzymes, wouldn't be able to effectively exercise and I'd likely gain 30 pounds. But I probably wouldn't die.


Should my insurance cover my daily medication?


And if my insurance dropped it, and I couldn't afford it, does that make me fat, listless AND stupid?

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What conclusion? That what he said marginalizes rape victims?


It's quite logical. If you say "legitimate" rape, you acknowledge the existence of non-"legitimate rape," thereby saying some women (or men for that matter, but not all together applicable here) who were raped weren't really raped.

So it's offensive to rape victims that weren't legitimately raped? Which rape victims fall into that category? I think we need to establish this so we know who should feel marginalized.

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Since about 70-75% of conceptions end up miscarrying - if life starts at conception then we live in a graveyard where we should be constantly mourning, Heaven or Limbo (not sure what the Vatican position is now) is filled to the brim with souls that never spent a second with a brain or even a nervous system. Pollution and stress both increase miscarriages so basically that smokestack laden factory or nasty aggressive boss are both trying to kill your unborn children and should be dealt with accordingly and remember you have the right to stand your ground.

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Since about 70-75% of conceptions end up miscarrying - if life starts at conception then we live in a graveyard where we should be constantly mourning, Heaven or Limbo (not sure what the Vatican position is now) is filled to the brim with souls that never spent a second with a brain or even a nervous system. Pollution and stress both increase miscarriages so basically that smokestack laden factory or nasty aggressive boss are both trying to kill your unborn children and should be dealt with accordingly and remember you have the right to stand your ground.

100% of people die. Therefore...

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Are you trying to be a smart ass? Or are you trolling?


I'm just being a devil's advocate here but if abortion was illegal except for incest and rape there would be a lot of women crying rape (and incest) which would not be legitimate rape. Go ahead, prove she wasn't raped.




has anyone every told you that you are and IDIOT?


I was going to question that 70-75% number but telt it wasn't worth it.

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I'm just being a devil's advocate here but if abortion was illegal except for incest and rape there would be a lot of women crying rape (and incest) which would not be legitimate rape. Go ahead, prove she wasn't raped.


I was going to question that 70-75% number but telt it wasn't worth it.


Ha, had the exact same reaction to the 70-75.


That's a fair point, but one that discredits the argument to outlaw...except (and quite reasonably so).


Seems to me the only rational approach is to just make it legal.

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Ha, had the exact same reaction to the 70-75.


That's a fair point, but one that discredits the argument to outlaw...except (and quite reasonably so).


Seems to me the only rational approach is to just make it legal.


I'm against abortion but have no problem with it being legal. And I was not using at an agrument to outlaw abortion. As I mentioned, just playing devil's advocate.

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I'm against abortion but have no problem with it being legal. And I was not using at an agrument to outlaw abortion. As I mentioned, just playing devil's advocate.


Oh, I understand.


I find it far too complicated to have a problem with it, but I believe it's categorically absurd to ban it.

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you obviously don't know the difference between conception (the fertilization of an egg) and pregnancy (the implantation of said fertilized egg to the inner wall of the uterus).

Oh, my bad, we were talking pregnancy and you changed the subject.


and your number is still wrong.



Edited by Gary M
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you obviously don't know the difference between conception (the fertilization of an egg) and pregnancy (the implantation of said fertilized egg to the inner wall of the uterus).


You obviously don't know the definition of the word miscarriage.

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