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Take a stand one way or another on when life begins.

So your assertion is that everyone must choose either that life begins at conception or that it begins at birth, and that no other place on the pregnancy timeline has merit. Furthermore, medical certainty is undesirable in making this decision, and anyone who disagrees with your position is a coward.



Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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So you look at this analytically and can't decide. That is weak and cowardly.


Take a stand one way or another on when life begins.

No, making things up, when you don't have an answer, then faking that you are right, is cowardly and weak. It takes a heck of a lot more guts, to admit that you don't know. And the fact is that nobody knows, and never will know.

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Abortion is a hate crime you idiot.

Edit: abortion as a means of birth control is a hate crime you idiot.



Abortion is LEGAL and has been for 40 years.


Fighting year after year repeating the same schitt over and over and expecting a different outcome is lunacy.

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I don't know enough about the subject to speak intelligently on the matter, but if what he said is true it doesn't sound like he meant anything offensive by it. Not saying it wasn't a stupid comment; just sounds like more of a "gotcha" gaffe than anything substantive.

I agree with you- I think he is a good person and his only failure in this case was eloquence. As someone who has trouble gettibng across the thought "The sky is blue", I can't attack him for that.


So your assertion is that everyone must choose either that life begins at conception or that it begins at birth, and that no other place on the pregnancy timeline has merit. Furthermore, medical certainty is undesirable in making this decision, and anyone who disagrees with your position is a coward.



Well stated. I believe that it starts somewhere in between, but our primitive science has no way of determining when it begins and that renders opinions meaningless speculation. I will not condemn either side for their meaningless speculation, unless they try to force it on others.


This election can't be over soon enough. Has there ever been another election season this painfully stupid?

I hope we never find out.......

Edited by Adam
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Abortion is LEGAL and has been for 40 years.


Fighting year after year repeating the same schitt over and over and expecting a different outcome is lunacy.

Fighting for what you believe in is never wrong.

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The office of Republican Rep. Todd Akin is reacting angrily to a quote attributed to GOP activist Karl Rove that joked about the idea of the Missouri Senate candidate being murdered.


Bloomberg Businessweek's website reported Friday that Rove's comment came at a GOP donors' breakfast at the Tampa Club in Florida. The site says Rove quipped to the audience: "We should sink Todd Akin. If he's found mysteriously murdered, don't look for my whereabouts!"

A Rove spokesman didn't immediately return a call and email from The Associated Press seeking comment.


Akin's office issued a statement calling the quote deeply disturbing, given that the FBI has been investigating threats against Akin after his comments that women's bodies can shut down pregnancy in cases of what he called "legitimate rape."


Stay classy Karl Rove!!

Edited by fjl2nd
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Abortion is LEGAL and has been for 40 years.


Fighting year after year repeating the same schitt over and over and expecting a different outcome is lunacy.

That is not part of my argument and all the silly emoticons in the world won't change the fact that abortion is snuffing out a life.


Now, I am in agreement that abortion is LEGAL and has been since 1973 (not quibbling about 39 vs 40, just pointing out the year).


If you read what I post, then you'd take notice that I agree that it should be LEGAL, safe, and rare. I disagree with abortion on demand. But I understand the other alternatives and that disgust me more. Education is the key and I support right to life efforts on that front only. Not the banning of all abortion.


So, why does the left bring this up every friggin election? The GOP had full control of the House, the Senate, the White House, and the SCOTUS yet, abortion is still legal. Go figure.

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That is not part of my argument and all the silly emoticons in the world won't change the fact that abortion is snuffing out a life.


Now, I am in agreement that abortion is LEGAL and has been since 1973 (not quibbling about 39 vs 40, just pointing out the year).


If you read what I post, then you'd take notice that I agree that it should be LEGAL, safe, and rare. I disagree with abortion on demand. But I understand the other alternatives and that disgust me more. Education is the key and I support right to life efforts on that front only. Not the banning of all abortion.


So, why does the left bring this up every friggin election? The GOP had full control of the House, the Senate, the White House, and the SCOTUS yet, abortion is still legal. Go figure.

How about angry emoticons, instead of silly ones?

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Neither side, the right or the left, wants Roe v Wade overturned.


Not really.


Their constituents do, but not the politicians. If it's overturned, then both sides lose their boogeyman. It's much more politically useful for them to use Roe v Wade as fuel for their rhetoric than it is to actually do something about it.

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Neither side, the right or the left, wants Roe v Wade overturned.


Not really.


Their constituents do, but not the politicians. If it's overturned, then both sides lose their boogeyman. It's much more politically useful for them to use Roe v Wade as fuel for their rhetoric than it is to actually do something about it.

I agree with part of what you are saying here. I'll add, however, that some Pro-Life constituents do not what it overturned as the alternative is more barbaric.

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Missouri Rep. Todd Akin—who sparked a firestorm of criticism with his comments about "legitimate rape" in August—gave a speech on the House floor in 2008 in which he called those who perform abortions "terrorists" and claimed some do so on "women who are not actually pregnant."



"It is no big surprise that we fight the terrorists because they are fundamentally un-American, and yet we have terrorists in our own culture called abortionists," Akin said in the Jan. 22, 2008, speech. "One of the good pieces of news why we are winning this war is because there are not enough heartless doctors being graduated from medical schools. There is a real shortage of abortionists.



a) not even pregnant???


b) ahhh like those non heartless doctors refuse to care for fat people.

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