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Tony Scott ...


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Yeah. Inoperable brain cancer can be a B word.


I've seen lots of rumor, but no confirmation.


And please...if you've got inoperable brain cancer and want to spare yourself the lingering death, don't jump off a tall bridge. It's a nasty, ugly, messy death.

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I've seen lots of rumor, but no confirmation.


And please...if you've got inoperable brain cancer and want to spare yourself the lingering death, don't jump off a tall bridge. It's a nasty, ugly, messy death.


ya, there has to be a more kinder, gentle, refined way to off yourself. Sleeping pills perhaps?

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Drowning's pretty good. So I've heard.


I've never even understood how you can drown yourself. I guess get yourself to a place where you can't swim anymore? So, you're bloated body looks good after that?

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Drowning's pretty good. So I've heard.


Not as I've heard. An RN I know said it's one of the more physically painful ways to go, which can last for up to 3-4 minutes before water fills your lungs and oxygen depravation kills your brain. It's not like the movies (e.g. Eva Green in Casino Royale).


At least with Mr. Scott's method, there's no prolonged agony. It's like flying for a few seconds and then *WHOOMP* it's over.


If it were me, I'd probably go for sleeping pills or CO.

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Not as I've heard. An RN I know said it's one of the more physically painful ways to go, which can last for up to 3-4 minutes before water fills your lungs and oxygen depravation kills your brain. It's not like the movies (e.g. Eva Green in Casino Royale).


At least with Mr. Scott's method, there's no prolonged agony. It's like flying for a few seconds and then *WHOOMP* it's over.


If it were me, I'd probably go for sleeping pills or CO.


I've read testimony from near-drowning victims that have been revived that say otherwise...that once your lungs fill up with water, it's actually rather peaceful. The agony apparently comes from trying to resist breathing in the water.


But then, I've also read testimony from people getting chomped by man-eating lions that says it's relatively painless, and from others that say it hurts like a mother!@#$er. A lot of it probably depends on the individual and particular situation.

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Yeah. Inoperable brain cancer can be a B word.


I've seen lots of rumor, but no confirmation.


And please...if you've got inoperable brain cancer and want to spare yourself the lingering death, don't jump off a tall bridge. It's a nasty, ugly, messy death.


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