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12-year old too big to play football: 6-2, 297

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thats crap...they cant give him an age maturity test or something and move him up?? You remeber this Elijah cause if ou keep working your butt off those other kids will be to small for football and people will be begging you to play!!


It's not crap. Unfortunately for the kid he's in no mans land and will have to wait til high school to play organized football. You can't fault either sides and it sux. Especially with all this concussion talks and stuff floating around, there's nothing anybody can do. You can't have a 12 year old kid playing football against older kids especially if he's only been playing for a couple weeks, which is why the NFL has an age requirement in effect. And obviously he can't play against kids half his size or he'll kill them. Unfortunate story.

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I had that happen when I wanted to play pee wee football. I was nowhere near the size of that guy, but over the weight limit for the team. My son had the same thing happen when he played, but only missed by seven pounds. He worked out and dieted and then weighed in on the day of the first game and made it. They have to be careful about injuries, and the rules are understandable. If you are the kid who misses the limit by less than a pound it can seem very unfair.

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At the risk of sounding heretical, I'm on board with that ruling, for the kid's sake not just for the sake of potential injuries to the other players.


A 12 year old is unlikely to be carrying that 297 lbs as muscle, and 180-220 lbs is a healthier weight range for 6'2"

If they let him play now, he'll be dominating based merely on size and he won't learn good technique or the need for strength and conditioning.

If he finds other sports he can play and works on strength and quickness, he can play football in HS when the other kids catch up, and he'll be a better player for it in the end.

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Did I miss something? Can't he play for Modified League (7-8th) grade or at worst move up to Freshman Football? For some weird reason they don't have Freshman, couldn't he play JV. At his size he'll dominate any of those leagues. So he doesn't get to play with his friends. When they are done with their pee wee games they can o watch him play football with the big boys.

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I think the weight rule in pee wee football is dumb too....


On my sons team if your over 90 pounds you cant run the ball. Way to teach the chubbies they cant touch a football morons!


Adults are the ones to blame anymore for these stupid rules. Adults constantly are ruining kids athletics.

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Did I miss something? Can't he play for Modified League (7-8th) grade or at worst move up to Freshman Football? For some weird reason they don't have Freshman, couldn't he play JV. At his size he'll dominate any of those leagues. So he doesn't get to play with his friends. When they are done with their pee wee games they can o watch him play football with the big boys.


The kids 12 years old. You may think that 12 years and 14 year olds aren't that much off but mentally I think theres a big difference.


I think the weight rule in pee wee football is dumb too....


On my sons team if your over 90 pounds you cant run the ball. Way to teach the chubbies they cant touch a football morons!


Adults are the ones to blame anymore for these stupid rules. Adults constantly are ruining kids athletics.


Its for the sake of their safety. So if your son was 110 lbs and got flattened by a kid that was 310 lbs, you'd be OK with that? I feel sorry for your kid.

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Did I miss something? Can't he play for Modified League (7-8th) grade or at worst move up to Freshman Football? For some weird reason they don't have Freshman, couldn't he play JV. At his size he'll dominate any of those leagues. So he doesn't get to play with his friends. When they are done with their pee wee games they can o watch him play football with the big boys.


He can but doesn't want to/isn't good enough depending on which story you read (I've seen it both ways)

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I remember when Aaron Gibson was drafted and he was talking if a younger brother who was about this kids age and weight- or over 300 if I recall correct. The story was about his poor mum having to do sooooo much cooking for the boys! Big eaters!

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Isn't this Michael Oher but doesn't have a rich southern family to back him?


But honestly, if he was that big, the school district that he plays in can call him up to JV or Varsity if they wanted to. I knew a girl that was an 8th grader on the varsity team for high school soccer.

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My pop warner league (7th and 8th grade) had weight limits, 135 for running backs, and 145 for linemen, I was always above the backs weight but under the linemen weight but I played line anyway so it didn't matter to me. I don't see what the big deal is, its a kids league they shouldn't have to go up against men that could seriously hurt them, that's what high school football is for.

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You wouldn't say this if your 85 pound kid was getting run over by 110 pounders


The rules are fair- this boy can play, just not with kids 1/3 his weight- what's the issue??


Especially now with player safety so important- as a coach I had to take an online safety course, get cpr certified and sign an emergency procedure guideline- all new this year. Also there is a new rule that any boy with a head issue is automatically out and can't come back without a doctors note.







I think the weight rule in pee wee football is dumb too....


On my sons team if your over 90 pounds you cant run the ball. Way to teach the chubbies they cant touch a football morons!


Adults are the ones to blame anymore for these stupid rules. Adults constantly are ruining kids athletics.

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Welcome to my world as a kid. Why is this a story? It happens every year to countless kids. At 6'2" 297 he's way too big to be playing with those kids. He needs to get focus on working out and trimming down his weight. That's dangerous to be that big at that age.

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