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Those jobs could be filled by people who had their unemployment, welfare, food stamp monies taken away. "Here's a job, you don't have to take it but you'll also no longer get handouts from the government" I remember when I was a kid we had migrant workers in the fields of WNY. Guess what, they were all Americans.


I remember them as being Puerto Rican.


Except it is true. Talk to anyone in the trades who need low skill manual labor. Americans won't touch that work.


Why won't they do that work? Because they don't have to, the government pays them not to work. Once again take away the handout and give them a job or nothing I bet you'd see a lot of Americans lining up for those jobs.


I remember them as being Puerto Rican.


No, they were mostly blacks from the south at least in the 60's they were.


I still call BS. A coworker's son is doing landscaping over the summer and isn't getting anywhere near $20/hr. More like half that. Is it more than the illegal immagrants are making? Sure. But it's not $20-$30/hr either.


My brother owns a landscaping business in WNY and he only hires American kids one of which is his 22 year old daughter.


Why won't they do that work? Because they don't have to, the government pays them not to work. Once again take away the handout and give them a job or nothing I bet you'd see a lot of Americans lining up for those jobs.



My brother owns a landscaping business in WNY and he only hires American kids one of which is his 22 year old daughter.


Yeah, good luck passing legislation eliminating entitlements when the current administration just made it easier to skirt Welfare's work rules.


Bottom line is that for whatever reason you want to ascribe, you won't get enough native born Americans to do all the low-skill manual labor jobs. The Bush plan was a reasonable compromise to address the legality issue and provide a steady workforce. It also would have paid dividends for GOP's voting rolls.


I still call BS. A coworker's son is doing landscaping over the summer and isn't getting anywhere near $20/hr. More like half that. Is it more than the illegal immagrants are making? Sure. But it's not $20-$30/hr either.


I'm not sure what state you live in but in California this is true. I grew up in Canada and my brother had a landscaping company and I helped him. I also picked cherries as a summer job once. Man that was physically hard work. And I was young and could handle it. I used to joke with my Mexican workers on the ranch that in Canada all white guys are doing the jobs your doing. Yes they were legal in case your wondering.


Those jobs could be filled by people who had their unemployment, welfare, food stamp monies taken away. "Here's a job, you don't have to take it but you'll also no longer get handouts from the government" I remember when I was a kid we had migrant workers in the fields of WNY. Guess what, they were all Americans.

Yes that would work except most welfare and unemployment recipients are in San Diego, LA, San Fran etc. not in central valley where a lot of this work is going on. Are you going to bus them in and pay for their housing?


Yup. That vacuum created would do wonders for the US unemployment rate.


If farmers paid more I'm sure there would be more Americans interested in taking those jobs and the un employment rate would go down.


There is such a thing called legal immigration and documented workers.


Yes there is certainly legal immigration, the problem for Mexicans who are financially poor they can't afford to get the documents necessary to immigrate legally without a lot of money to pay the Mexican government officials. It's a catch 22 for them, it's cheaper to sneak in illegally than to go the legal route. Solve that problem and the illegal immigration would be greatly decreased.

Posted (edited)
Bottom line is that for whatever reason you want to ascribe, you won't get enough native born Americans to do all the low-skill manual labor jobs. The Bush plan was a reasonable compromise to address the legality issue and provide a steady workforce. It also would have paid dividends for GOP's voting rolls.


I would like to see more efforts to crack down on companies hiring illegals. This admin did it once in its first year and you never heard about it again. We need much more of this.


Odd, we'll go after a guitar manufacturer because of the wood they use, but have no time to hammer companies hiring illegals.

Edited by LABillzFan

I would like to see more efforts to crack down on companies hiring illegals. This admin did it once in its first year and you never heard about it again. We need much more of this.


Odd, we'll go after a guitar manufacturer because of the wood they use, but have no time to hammer companies hiring illegals.


Good plan in a struggling economy.


Good plan in a struggling economy.


It's always something, I guess. Bad economy. No one wants to do the work. No one wants to make it harder to come into the country. No one wants to stop giving them free money, food and shelter just for showing up. Tough out there.




It's always something, I guess. Bad economy. No one wants to do the work. No one wants to make it harder to come into the country. No one wants to stop giving them free money, food and shelter just for showing up. Tough out there.


Being an !@#$ is hard.


Yeah, good luck passing legislation eliminating entitlements when the current administration just made it easier to skirt Welfare's work rules.



I'm not saying it's easy or even possible but it would be interesting to see what would happen if the welfare/unemployment work rules were enforced.


And I know what you're saying regarding Americans not wanting to work. Since I bought my place in the Oakland Hills I spend my Saturdays going back and forth between my place and the Home Depot. To get to the closest HD I have to drive through the Oakland ghetto. There I see all sorts of able bodied men sitting on their porches drinking, smoking or otherwise just watching the world go by. All around the HD I see Hispanics looking for work, zero Americans. I say we deport the lazy ass Americans and give green cards to the Hispanics looking for work. :D


But you know why Americans in the ghetto don't work? Because they don't have to.


I am so tired of the "but if we give them amnesty, all of them can vote, and they will all vote Democrat, and we will lose elections" GOP political argument. :rolleyes:


The worst part is that this argument is wrong on it's face: "latinos", or any other immigrant group, by definition as an immigrant group, are more conservative than anybody seems to get. There is no auto-win for the left in adding these people.


Think about it: they have risked life and limb, and their family's life and limb to improve their station in life. Does that sound like a "gimme" person to you? NO. The gimme people in that country...are still sitting in their own schit. The people who endure hell to get here are hardly the "please make me dependent on the government" types, aren't they? IF they wanted to be poor/underpaid for their skills/dependent on the govt...they could do that at home, couldn't they?


That's why we shouldn't have a "guest worker" program. If they want to come here...then make them kick in, be a citizen, and not just take their money, go back home, and be "rich"..


If I was Romney or Ryan, I'd go to New Mexico...and ask one question, first in Englsih, then in Spanish: "Did you come here to be poor? Seriously. Is that why you are here?


I didn't think so. Did you come here to get stuff from the government, or to make a better life for your family, be proud of what you accomplish, and pass that on to your kids? It's the second one, isn't it? We represent why you came here, and they represent why you should have stayed home."


Think about it again: if the situation was reversed....and we were faced with guaranteed poverty and/or reliance on the government...would you stay here? Would you want your kids to be raised in that?


To a lesser degree, we already have your answer: why do most of you live someplace besides NYS?


Who cares if you are tired about this argument? And no one is saying grant full amnesty, the argument is centered around inclusiveness and tone. They are a growing constituency, the vast majority are hard working people who have aspirations of becoming productive members in our society and there are large portions of the conservative base that alienate these folks.


I just hope that the dynamic changes, if not, it is virtually guaranteed that the GOP will be the minority party.

Posted (edited)

My brother owns a landscaping business in WNY and he only hires American kids one of which is his 22 year old daughter.


Edited by /dev/null

Michael Bloomberg has the answer to the problems with illegal immigration.




“All the federal government’s got to do is say, ‘We’re gonna welcome here in this country--first come, first served--families, if they’re willing to come here under the following terms,': Bloomberg said in Boston on Aug. 14. "We’re going to assign you a city--let’s say Detroit--you got to agree to not be arrested and not take any federal, state or city money, and you’ve got to live there for seven years, and if you survive seven years, we’ll make you and your family full citizens."


Bloomberg was speaking along with News Corporation Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch at a forum sponsored by the New England Council.


Bloomberg predicted if the federal government assigned immigrants to cities such as Detroit they would buy and fix up “houses that are derelict,” improve the local schools, create businesses and stimulate the local economy.


“Since they value education, they’d make a big fuss and demand the schools get better," Bloomberg said. "Immigrants have a very low crime rate, so that you certainly don’t have to worry about that. They’d create businesses. If they had to drive to California every morning for three jobs and drive back at night, they’d do it, anything."


Good idea. Give 'em Detroit. No economy, bunch of beat-up houses, but damn if that city won't end up with the nicest landscaping in the country...


Is Bloomberg calling everyone in Detroit a Monday?

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