OCinBuffalo Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 I 'saw' this gig one time. I think it was on the Chappelle show. No disrespect to Chappelle but I can imagine him 'playing' this guy and saying the exact same thing. Only difference is that he would intend it to be humorous.....unlike the clown who actually said it. Exactly. That's what I thought. It would have been a hilarious bit.
Rob's House Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=Yrx2bv_LoG0 NSFW
meazza Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 (edited) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/18/maher_on_obama_when_it_comes_to_fighting_hes_black.html "I'm not obsessed with race" Edited August 18, 2012 by meazza
Chef Jim Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 http://www.realclear..._hes_black.html"]http://www.realclear..._hes_black.html "I'm not obsessed with race" Linky thingy not worky
Rob's House Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/18/maher_on_obama_when_it_comes_to_fighting_hes_black.html "I'm not obsessed with race" This reminds me why of why I quit watching his show. It would be like reading this board but filtering out everyone but DIN, Conner, & Joe Spaghetti with EII moderating and 3rd as the lone conservative whose posts get cut off half way through.
WorldTraveller Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=Yrx2bv_LoG0 NSFW
Chef Jim Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 Fixed I'm sorry you fixed it. That guy's insane. So you tried is now racist?? WTF dude? Just shut up already.
DC Tom Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 At the rate we're going, by November a vote for Romney will be considered racist... ...hence, a violation of Obama's civil rights, hence illegal.
TakeYouToTasker Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 It's going to be impossible for a white person to speak without being labled racist by September.
CosmicBills Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 It's going to be impossible for a white person to speak without being labled racist by September. That's so racist.
B-Man Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 Lamestream coverage leans left by Howie Carr, The more the campaign goes on, the more desperate the bowtied bumkissers of the lamestream media become in their attempts to save the failed administration of their hero. The latest example: A hip-hop expert went on MSNBC (where else?) and claimed that using the word “angry” to describe Barack Obama is racist. Then he threw in the n-word for good measure. Angry used to be popular with this crowd, at least when describing “angry white men” (Republican voters) or “temper tantrums” (GOP victories). But now “angry” joins an ever-growing list of moonbat-proscribed words and phrases that have been deemed “racist.” Also, were you aware that we’re in an economic “recovery”? And that Barack has “created” more than 4 million jobs? That’s what his cheerleaders report, day after day, with straight faces, even when they glumly add that the newest numbers are “unexpectedly” bad. When Obama abruptly changes his position on an issue (think gay marriage), he is said to have evolved. When Mitt does the same (say, on abortion), he flip-flops. Ann Romney wears a $990 shirt in May, and the Washington Post denounces her as out of touch and “indicative of a tone-deaf campaign.” Last month in London Mooch-elle Obama showed off an embroidered jacket that cost $6,800. The verdict? She “wowed ’em” at Buckingham Palace. Rising gas prices? Never mentioned, unless to explain them away by saying they have something to do with an oil refinery fire and are absolutely not the fault of the president. Falling gas prices? They lead the 6 o’clock news. Beaming motorists interviewed live at the nearest pumps. Good news for the American consumer! Pointing out that a gallon of gas cost $1.89 on the day Bush left office in 2009 — a firing offense. U.S. casualties in Afghanistan under Bush — a national catastrophe. Higher U.S. casualties in Afghanistan under Obama — what casualties? Don’t call them Americans either, they’re “coalition forces” or “NATO troops.” Afghans shooting their American commanders — stick with the euphemism “green-on-blue violence.” Otherwise, voters might get upset, like seeing the flag-draped caskets arriving back at Dover Air Force Base. With George Bush gone, they’ve been banned from the evening news, like Cindy Sheehan. And to paraphrase Pete Seeger: “Where have all the candlelight vigils gone?” Romney puts his dog on the roof of his car and every comic in Hollywood makes endless jokes. Obama eats a dog in Indonesia — crickets. Bush’s $4 trillion deficit in eight years? “Unpatriotic,” according to Barack. Obama’s $5 trillion deficit in four years? “The private sector is doing fine,” according to Barack. Soon they’ll be banning more words as racist. The next to go will be “failure” and “incompetent.” http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view/20220819lamestream_coverage_leans_left/srvc=home&position=3
Rob's House Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 http://www.bostonher...home&position=3 The real kicker is, in light of all of this most libs still have the balls to scoff at the idea of the "liberal media" and decry the outrage that is Fox News. Then they wonder why we call them irrational.
Koko78 Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 The real kicker is, in light of all of this most libs still have the balls to scoff at the idea of the "liberal media" and decry the outrage that is Fox News. Then they wonder why we call them irrational. Not only that, but they have to call it "Faux" News, to show how witty and relevant they are.
CosmicBills Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 (edited) The real kicker is, in light of all of this most libs still have the balls to scoff at the idea of the "liberal media" and decry the outrage that is Fox News. Then they wonder why we call them irrational. Honest question, not trying to stirr up the sh*t. I'm one of the ones who scoffs at the notion of a liberal media -- not because the network anchors and producers don't lean left (they do) but because the concept of a "mainstream media" no longer exists. Whenever I hear a friend or family member vent about the mainstream media it isntantly paints them (to me) as either being out of touch or just looking for something to rail against. What is the definition of the mainstream media? Is it just network news? Or does it encompass all print and cable news mediums as well? Does mainstream media also include movies and television shows that appear on network TV? What is the precise definition to you? Edited August 20, 2012 by tgreg99
DC Tom Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 Honest question, not trying to stirr up the sh*t. I'm one of the ones who scoffs at the notion of a liberal media -- not because the network anchors and producers don't lean left (they do) but because the concept of a "mainstream media" no longer exists. Whenever I hear a friend or family member vent about the mainstream media it isntantly paints them (to me) as either being out of touch or just looking for something to rail against. What is the definition of the mainstream media? Is it just network news? Or does it encompass all print and cable news mediums as well? Does mainstream media also include movies and television shows that appear on network TV? What is the precise definition to you? Network news, print, cable news, and associated web sites. Drama, sitcoms, and movies need not apply.
Nanker Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 The media is the message, and the message is, "We love BO."
Rob's House Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 (edited) Honest question, not trying to stirr up the sh*t. I'm one of the ones who scoffs at the notion of a liberal media -- not because the network anchors and producers don't lean left (they do) but because the concept of a "mainstream media" no longer exists. Whenever I hear a friend or family member vent about the mainstream media it isntantly paints them (to me) as either being out of touch or just looking for something to rail against. What is the definition of the mainstream media? Is it just network news? Or does it encompass all print and cable news mediums as well? Does mainstream media also include movies and television shows that appear on network TV? What is the precise definition to you? The problem with your theory is that most people aren't news junkies, & to the casual observer the overwhelming majority of outlets are unabashedly left wing. Sure, you can turn on "Faux" News, talk radio, Drudge, Town Hall, etc. if you're so inclined. If not ABC, NBC, CBS, MSDNC, CNN, NYT, Wahington Post, Time, Newsweek, etc, are all left. And although it's not "news" Comedy Central, late night talk shows, HBO, etc. are all left as well. I think you have to either be extremely biased to the left, or try very hard, not to see it. It couldn't be more obvious. Sarah Palin comes off as flakey & the pop culture media labels her a dunce. Joe Biden is DC's village idiot & that's just Joe being Joe. When Obama ran for office he was relatively unknown & had serious allegations brought against him. Mitt Romney's dog & tax returns have gotten more attention from the media than Tony Resco, Bill Ayers, & Reverend Wright combined. Hell we heard all kinds of concern over Palin's lack of foreign policy experience as a candidate for VP but there was no such concern over Obama's equally empty resume in that category - and he was running for President, not the President's back up. When Bush was President, despite having been the Governor of TX, there was a media outcry to see his college transcripts. Despite no meaningful experience & his academic credentials being one of his main selling points, the media is curiously silent on the topic. When Bush was in office every goddamn day we were reminded of what a sad sorrowful shape the economy was in, how bad unemployment was, how expensive gas was, and the dangers of the "massive budget deficits. With Obama in office we are worse off in all those categories, but we don't really dwell on it. He'll, man; we had the media cheerleaders dutifully reporting the "summer of recovery" narrative before we ever saw recovery. Most of the bias is in the subtleties; the way information is reported. When under Bush jobs figures came in under expectation we were gloomily told how many jobs were lost. Under Obama, when unemployment goes up we're told how many jobs were created. And how many smiling happy faced pictures of the Obama family grace the pictures of magazines? It's gotten so bad & so obvious that I have trouble believing anyone paying attention can even question it. Network news, print, cable news, and associated web sites. Drama, sitcoms, and movies need not apply. They may not apply but the reinforce the stereotypes. All these poli-dramas - West wing, News Room, Political Animals, that god awful show with Gena Davis as President, and so on - all cast Democrats in a positive light. When was the last time you saw a major studio production or TV show that cast Republicans in a positive light? Edited August 20, 2012 by Rob's House
DC Tom Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 When was the last time you saw a major studio production or TV show that cast Republicans in a positive light? All In The Family.
CosmicBills Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 Network news, print, cable news, and associated web sites. Drama, sitcoms, and movies need not apply. Okay, cool. But hasn't the advencement of social media, the ever-quickening speed of communication, the proliferation of the Drudges/TMZs of the world, not to mention the rise in stature of talk radio pundits (Limbaughs, O'Reily's, Hannity's, Ingrams) increased the availability of information expodentially? Does anyone under the age of 70 make the nightly news appointment viewing? Do Limbaugh's listeners really tune in nightly to Brian Williams and subscribe to the NY Times? I'm asking honestly because it seems to me that people are too busy to wait for news today. Instead we seek out our own sources. The majority of people I interact with don't get their news from the networks anymore, frankly I can't believe the traditional nightly news still exist. In fact, I'm willing to be that it won't exist 25 years from now. I realize that I'm speaking from a very subjective persepective, but it seems to me that the concept of the mainstream media being the majority's source of information is an old ghost. Again, I'm not saying that the bias isn't there in the mainstream media -- it is. I'm pretty sure I'll disagree with some folks on PPP with regards to how much bias there is, but there is bias. I just don't get why it matters as much today as it did 5 years ago. Or, why it will matter 5 years from now... News in the mainstream meadia as you define it has become entertainment, it's a race to grab eyeballs rather than inform. And I think most people, in all political camps, would admit that. Wouldn't they?
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