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This seemed to get no press whatsoever. Biden in Virginia, during his trip said


"hey by the way, let's talk about social security. Number one, I guarantee you, flat guarantee you, there will be no changes in social security. I flat guarantee you"



That is an utter failure of real leadership. I don't see how anyone who is younger than the age of 45 that could not see this irresponsible, cowardly statement from the Obama administration as deeply disconcerting.

Posted (edited)

Way to take on the tough issues and demonstrate leadership.


It's a theme with this administration to do as little as possible and be content to blame everything on everyone else. Hope and change!

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid

So Joe does that include not raising the income cap in the SS tax? Never increasing the age for maximum benefits? How about survivor benefits for same sex couples? Something I learned a long time ago, never ever guarantee anything, let alone flat out guarantee. Read my lips......


So Joe does that include not raising the income cap in the SS tax? Never increasing the age for maximum benefits? How about survivor benefits for same sex couples? Something I learned a long time ago, never ever guarantee anything, let alone flat out guarantee. Read my lips......


There must be a lot of tension between crazy Joe and Obama right now.


My sig says it all:


Why should I support a candidate, or a party, who's experssed interest is F'ing me over? Telling me to pay for things now, that I KNOW won't be around later, and trying to call me evil....because I correctly identify them as completely full of schit?


F them. They have 0 credibility. They are the party of yesterday, because I haven't heard a single truly new idea from them in years, just more boilerplate they ripped out of a 30 year-old 3-ring binder.


There must be a lot of tension between crazy Joe and Obama right now.


The Hill is reporting that Jay Carney confirmed that getting Biden off the ticket is nothing more than a ridiculous sideshow that is distracting from larger campaign narrative. Granted, that narrative from Obama is about a dog on Romney's car, but still....FOCUS, people!!!




This works to Obama's advantage. He can send Biden out to guarantee all kinds of things for votes, and once the guarantees are broken (or proven to be ridiculous), he can just say that's Crazy Ol'Joe talking out of turn again and never was my position.


The Hill is reporting that Jay Carney confirmed that getting Biden off the ticket is nothing more than a ridiculous sideshow that is distracting from larger campaign narrative. Granted, that narrative from Obama is about a dog on Romney's car, but still....FOCUS, people!!!




[...] the vice president in an address in Virginia said the Republican’s approach to the financial industry would “put y’all back in chains.” Biden made the remarks in front of a racially mixed audience.


“The vice president was talking about Wall Street reform,” Carney said Thursday. “The vice president's intention was clear.”


Of course. Clearly no racial undertones there. As completely unambiguous as calling someone a "Monday".

Posted (edited)

[/font][/color]Of course. Clearly no racial undertones there. As completely unambiguous as calling someone a "Monday".


I'm surprised no one has pointed out that if he was talking about being the Wall Street reform, why did he said "put y'all BACK in chains." The word 'back' is the clearest indication of what he meant to the predominantly black audience.


But hey...I guess we were all just too stupid to really understand Biden's message.

Edited by LABillzFan

I'm surprised no one has pointed out that if he was talking about being the Wall Street reform, why did he said "put y'all BACK in chains." The word 'back' is the clearest indication of what he meant to the predominantly black audience.


But hey...I guess we were all just too stupid to really understand Biden's message.


Oh, hey, I know the answer to that one: "He didn't actually say that, you're misquoting him out of context!"



Our leadership is making me yearn for the days of the Frank Zappa/Joe Walsh ticket. Or even Bill the Cat/Opus the Penguin.




Oh, hey, I know the answer to that one: "He didn't actually say that, you're misquoting him out of context!"



Our leadership is making me yearn for the days of the Frank Zappa/Joe Walsh ticket. Or even Bill the Cat/Opus the Penguin.


Years ago I'd ask my wife who she was voting for and she'd always say Snoopy. Used to think she was a goof. Now I think she's brilliant.


Years ago I'd ask my wife who she was voting for and she'd always say Snoopy. Used to think she was a goof. Now I think she's brilliant.


My wife writes in one of our cats - an animal that licks its own ass.


And I'm comparing that to Biden these days and sayin' "Y'know... :unsure:"


Years ago I'd ask my wife who she was voting for and she'd always say Snoopy. Used to think she was a goof. Now I think she's brilliant.


You live in California. It doesn't matter who she votes for.



My wife writes in one of our cats - an animal that licks its own ass.


And I'm comparing that to Biden these days and sayin' "Y'know... :unsure:"


I read a great line on Twitter today: "I was told if I voted for Sarah Palin, I'd have an idiot for vice president. I did, and they were right."

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