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Hey Bills fans check this out,


I came up with the word Heat-Peat when the Miami Heat were in the NBA Championship and had the phrase trademarked. Since I am the owner of the word now, I wanted to do something to give back to the Miami area. Since my father worked for child abuse, I figured I would do what I can to help the children that are abused on a daily basis by their families. So I have tagged up with a company in Miami, and soon, I will be selling shirts, hats and other items to help benefit children that were abused. Please check out my website and let me know what you think, please any and all clicks will help.


I am not asking you to buy anything but rather for your opinion on the site and idea. Let me know what you think, is it a good idea?




You can also follow me on twitter @Heat_Peat


Thanks and God Bless


Damond Talbot - It is not about winning multiple championships, but winning the ultimate goal, LIFE.


Cool site. Anything that benefits kids is a fantastic cause, so good on ya...


Unfortunately I'm a Magic fan, so I won't be purchasing any Heat merchandise. However, my brother is a Heat fan so I'll let him know about the site. I'll also let him know you'd like some traffic, I'm sure with the cause, he'll be more than happy to pass along the info.


Good luck!!


Damon… I can't stand the Heat.


In fact as a longtime Bills fan, my hatred of the Dolphins won't even allow me to be objective and fair about the Heat… although there's plenty enough to not like about them without having to play the Miami Sports Team card.


That said, good luck with the venture. I hope it benefits many and I hope your trademark becomes very valuable.


To be honest, if you read it I don't like the team either. I am a die hard Suns fan, and it is hard to root for them, but you know they are a very good team. When I came up with the trademark, I figured why not try to help people using the word. I was going to just make the word and hold it, but if you know anything about trademarking you can't really just hold a word, so I am going to push forward with it. I am working very hard to get everything in order. I personally would love to help tons of kids, that would be more important to me. It would be nice to make money but the kids are way more important at this point. Thank you both very much, and please pass it on to others. Even if you don't like the Heat.


God Bless



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