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When Romney Wins the Election...


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Congratulations! Only 65 posts to lose all credibility! Turn off Rush! Did you think that up yourself?


65? I thought his first post was starting a thread about impeaching John Roberts. I don't think he ever gained any credibility.


Let's see:


Big SC healthcare decision - New Poster Duck Dodgers starts topic #1.

Romney makes VP Pick - What do you know? Welcome back Duck.



It's someone's alt that's out trolling again today. Give them a week and they'll have had their fun and move on to a different character.

I'm sure when there is more "Big" political news, this asshat will return.

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65? I thought his first post was starting a thread about impeaching John Roberts. I don't think he ever gained any credibility.


Let's see:


Big SC healthcare decision - New Poster Duck Dodgers starts topic #1.

Romney makes VP Pick - What do you know? Welcome back Duck.



It's someone's alt that's out trolling again today. Give them a week and they'll have had their fun and move on to a different character.

I'm sure when there is more "Big" political news, this asshat will return.

I haven't followed his history. In fact the closer the election gets the less I read PPP. It seems to have brought out a lot of new Roach's out of the corner

. I actually think they believe they think they are making valid arguments. Is not stop listening to Rush the ultimate shut down I win remark?


I miss the days when I could just skim past conner, DIN and Bizul. Now there's a basket of them.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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And neither side gives a rats ass about the American people.


Accomplish so little ? He is the President. An uninspiring one to be sure but to claim he has never accomplished anything is disengenuous.

And as far as Romney is concerned, part of what has made him successful in business is a big part of Americas downfall.


I'll probably vote Romney myself just to watch the Republicans squirm for the next 4 years like the dems have been squirming the last 4. If nothing else its time for new jokes.

Out of curiosity, what kind of policies do you imagine a candidate who cared about the American people would enact?

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"I saw it firsthand. Romney challenged us to challenge each other, and he was never afraid to ask tough questions, or answer them. He surrounded himself with the sharpest, most talented guys and ran the place like a consulting firm, where employees were expected to create value, to do their homework, and present proposals rooted in facts. In Ryan, you see that kind of politician; he's not slinging bull." Edward Conard, a partner at Bain Capital from 1993 to 1997.


Unfortunately I can't take anything this guy says seriously. He was a partner at Bain, and therefore is also directly responsible for giving some guy's wife cancer.



Or something.


So here are two quotes from this weekend, one from Obama:


"A new America in which prosperity is shared"


and the other from Ryan:


"We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcome"



That's it folks, whose side are you on?


One quote shows an understanding of the role of the government. The other is populist bullcrap.

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Unfortunately I can't take anything this guy says seriously. He was a partner at Bain, and therefore is also directly responsible for giving some guy's wife cancer.



Or something.




One quote shows an understanding of the role of the government. The other is populist bullcrap.



So, did he give this guys wife the opportunity to have cancer, or just the spreading it around sort of thing?

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So, did he give this guys wife the opportunity to have cancer, or just the spreading it around sort of thing?


Clearly he was doing both. As a greedy rich investor who doesn't pay his 'fair share', he was giving everyone the opportunity to have cancer by spreading it around. You might say he was doing his 'fair share' to promote cancer for the poor.


Greedy Bain rich bastard that he is.

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