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When Romney Wins the Election...


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What changes will a Romney administration bring?


I like this article that talks about why he chose Ryan as his running mate. I think it gives some insight to how President Romney will approach the grievous problems that beset our nation.



"I saw it firsthand. Romney challenged us to challenge each other, and he was never afraid to ask tough questions, or answer them. He surrounded himself with the sharpest, most talented guys and ran the place like a consulting firm, where employees were expected to create value, to do their homework, and present proposals rooted in facts. In Ryan, you see that kind of politician; he's not slinging bull." Edward Conard, a partner at Bain Capital from 1993 to 1997.



That contrasts mightily with the Mickey Mouse White House we currently have.

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What changes will a Romney administration bring?


I like this article that talks about why he chose Ryan as his running mate. I think it gives some insight to how President Romney will approach the grievous problems that beset our nation.



"I saw it firsthand. Romney challenged us to challenge each other, and he was never afraid to ask tough questions, or answer them. He surrounded himself with the sharpest, most talented guys and ran the place like a consulting firm, where employees were expected to create value, to do their homework, and present proposals rooted in facts. In Ryan, you see that kind of politician; he's not slinging bull." Edward Conard, a partner at Bain Capital from 1993 to 1997.



That contrasts mightily with the Mickey Mouse White House we currently have.


I was thinking the other day that Romney is running this campaign much like you might a business deal, don't tip your hand and let the other party exhaust all his resources, and swoop in for the kill.

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There will be this great sucking sound of the money he will draw out of the middle class directly into a Swiss bank account. The uproar over this will be covered over by the news we have been "attacked" by Iran and Israel has the proof.

After what the Obama administration has done to the middle and lower classes of this country, there is nothing left to suck out. Most are out of work, out of money, out of hope, and are essentially begging for anyone to step up who is finally more interested in helping the people then helping their old pals. I can't remember the last time anyone spit on the black community, and all minorities, as much as this president has. It's only too bad the middle class didn't get a cut of that money laundering stimulus plan Obama used to pay all his friends some dough to kick back into the Obama campaign.

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When Romney wins nothing will change.


For the next 4 years we'll listen to the Reublicans blame Obama for our fiscal mess just like we've been listening to Democrats blaming Bush for the fiscal mess the past 4 years.


Until we have leaders that will work with one another for the benefit of the American people, we'll continue to sink into the abyss.

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When Romney wins nothing will change.


For the next 4 years we'll listen to the Reublicans blame Obama for our fiscal mess just like we've been listening to Democrats blaming Bush for the fiscal mess the past 4 years.


Until we have leaders that will work with one another for the benefit of the American people, we'll continue to sink into the abyss.

It's hard to work together to forge a path when both sides have plans that are diametrically opposed to one another.

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For the next 4 years we'll listen to the Reublicans blame Obama for our fiscal mess just like we've been listening to Democrats blaming Bush for the fiscal mess the past 4 years.


While it's difficult to determine what kind of president Romney will ultimately be, you can bet on this: no one in their life has ever been as successful as Mitt Romney by blaming other people for their own failures. Yes, both sides blame each other, but anyone paying attention knows that Obama has made it a personal art form. This is what happens when you accomplish so little in your life like Obama.


I refuse to believe Mitt Romney will spend any time discussing anything he inherited because business leaders like him understand that when they ask for a job, they're asking for everything that comes with it without being a whiny little B word in the process.

Edited by LABillzFan
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While it's difficult to determine what kind of president Romney will ultimately be, you can bet on this: no one in their life has ever been as successful as Mitt Romney by blaming other people for their own failures. Yes, both sides blame each other, but anyone paying attention knows that Obama has made it a personal art form. This is what happens when you accomplish so little in your life like Obama.


I refuse to believe Mitt Romney will spend any time discussing anything he inherited because business leaders like him understand that when they ask for a job, they're asking for everything that comes with it without being a whiny little B word in the process.

If Romeny told Obama to man-up and stop whining like a little B word he would become my new hero (sorry Tom).

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It's hard to work together to forge a path when both sides have plans that are diametrically opposed to one another.

And neither side gives a rats ass about the American people.

While it's difficult to determine what kind of president Romney will ultimately be, you can bet on this: no one in their life has ever been as successful as Mitt Romney by blaming other people for their own failures. Yes, both sides blame each other, but anyone paying attention knows that Obama has made it a personal art form. This is what happens when you accomplish so little in your life like Obama.


I refuse to believe Mitt Romney will spend any time discussing anything he inherited because business leaders like him understand that when they ask for a job, they're asking for everything that comes with it without being a whiny little B word in the process.

Accomplish so little ? He is the President. An uninspiring one to be sure but to claim he has never accomplished anything is disengenuous.

And as far as Romney is concerned, part of what has made him successful in business is a big part of Americas downfall.


I'll probably vote Romney myself just to watch the Republicans squirm for the next 4 years like the dems have been squirming the last 4. If nothing else its time for new jokes.

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And neither side gives a rats ass about the American people.


Accomplish so little ? He is the President. An uninspiring one to be sure but to claim he has never accomplished anything is disengenuous.

And as far as Romney is concerned, part of what has made him successful in business is a big part of Americas downfall.


I'll probably vote Romney myself just to watch the Republicans squirm for the next 4 years like the dems have been squirming the last 4. If nothing else its time for new jokes.


Good to see you are making a stand for what you believe in. Doesn't it feel great to be part of the solution and not a large part of the problem?

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Accomplish so little ? He is the President.


And? Tell me. What were his other accomplishments? Can you lay them out for me? Let's see...he was a Senator for a little while, with an exceptional record of voting "present." Ummmm....we're told he went to college. No idea what he accomplished there, though someone mentioned he was allowed to fill in as an assistant to the assistant professor. He did some community organizing...still not sure what that includes beyond maybe helping people register to vote. We actually know more about "chooming" and his coke habit than we do about actual accomplishments.


And as far as Romney is concerned, part of what has made him successful in business is a big part of Americas downfall.

Can you specifically tell me (1) what you consider to be the reason for America's downfall and (2) what Romney did to contribute to it? Please be specific. Thank you.

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After what the Obama administration has done to the middle and lower classes of this country, there is nothing left to suck out. Most are out of work, out of money, out of hope, and are essentially begging for anyone to step up who is finally more interested in helping the people then helping their old pals. I can't remember the last time anyone spit on the black community, and all minorities, as much as this president has. It's only too bad the middle class didn't get a cut of that money laundering stimulus plan Obama used to pay all his friends some dough to kick back into the Obama campaign.


Turn off Rush for a few minutes man. Really, what a joke you are

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Congratulations! Only 65 posts to lose all credibility! Turn off Rush! Did you think that up yourself?

It was amazing, too. Because the minute I turned off Geddy Lee, it became clear to me that unemployment among blacks and other minorities is nowhere NEAR as bad as it seems. I mean, yeah amost 50% of black youth are out of work, but the private sector is doing fine!!!

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