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Not yet. My boss is on vacation. He's the only Pole I come in contact with regularly. Oh wait. I'm WFH today and our cleaning ladies are coming. They're Polish. I'll report back later! :thumbsup:

here's the cool thing. if paul ryan excpects to express his deviant views, i call shotgun in suggesting i have the right to mine.


No one has ever had a problem with you expressing your deviant views. No one.


The Ryan Plan Vs. the Obama Plan



Democrats have been quick to pounce on Paul Ryan’s budget, which was enacted by the House of Representatives and incorporates significant entitlement reform. The Democrats, of course, have no budget at all–astonishingly, they refuse to adopt one. They have no plan for entitlements other than to allow them to go bankrupt and, presumably, be repealed by Congress. The Democrats apparently believe that most voters prefer no plan to salvage unsustainable entitlements over a plan that will preserve them for the next generation. That could be true, if you assume voters are ignorant, which seems to be the operative assumption that underlies all of Obama’s strategies.






Has anyone come across any polls post-ryan pick?


The only ones will be the daily trackers from Gallup and Rasmussen, but I will imagine pretty soon we will see some others. However, we will have to see what days they were conducted. I would say the best polls that we can really look at will be about 2 weeks after the Democratic convention, that will give a good snapshot of where we are.As of right now, the Battle ground polls are pretty close to being neck and neck, and most of those polls have been RV polls.

Posted (edited)

When the writers at Politico see the problem, maybe it really is a problem for libs.




The King of the Reagan Babies


Obama’s spin doctors are salivating at the chance to dissect Ryan’s conservative record and politically disembowel him with it.


But they don’t understand that Ryan’s conservatism is not going to hurt him anymore than Ronald Reagan’s did in 1980. Bearing, like Reagan, a specific plan of action for difficult times, Ryan may be just the man to ride his conservatism straight into the West Wing.


Because Ryan is the king of the Reagan babies. The one that most resembles dad.


Who are the Reagan babies? They’re the new generation of Republican politicians who were politically whelped during Reagan’s presidency, who rose to awareness as the Golden Age of conservatism dawned, shined and then faded into the moderate Republicanism of the Bushes and the Democratic centrism of Bill Clinton.




But most like Reagan, Ryan stands implacably for something – something that, as with Reagan in 1980, is an alternative to the dismal state of affairs the country finds itself.Reagan’s victory in the 1980 Republican primary initially lit up the pleasure regions of the brains of Jimmy Carter’s political operatives.


But the Carter camp, like those working for Obama today, didn’t understand conservative ideas’ power to rouse the public to the Republican ticket. Because they hate these ideas so much, they can’t fathom that so many people could embrace them.

Edited by LABillzFan

While I agree with that article, it is an opinion piece from Politico and certainly doesn't line up with their left-leaning views. And make no mistake, they are a left-leaning media outfit

Posted (edited)

While I agree with that article, it is an opinion piece from Politico and certainly doesn't line up with their left-leaning views. And make no mistake, they are a left-leaning media outfit


Politico used to be a daily web visit for me, especially The Arena. Yeah, they're left-leaning, but I never saw them as hard left until they went after Cain. Now I only end up there if someone else links (got the above link from Twitter). Similarly, the day the LA Times came out with their well-timed hit piece on Arnold groping was the last day they delivered to my house. NOTE: I have no problem exposing the behavior...but stories based exclusively on anon sources are the worst part of journalism.


In fact, Politico has another story running where they say they've interviewed "dozens" of GOP people in DC who say the Ryan pick is Romney waving the white flag. Not one of them is named. Not one.

Edited by LABillzFan

Politico used to be a daily web visit for me, especially The Arena. Yeah, they're left-leaning, but I never saw them as hard left until they went after Cain. Now I only end up there if someone else links (got the above link from Twitter). Similarly, the day the LA Times came out with their well-timed hit piece on Arnold groping was the last day they delivered to my house. NOTE: I have no problem exposing the behavior...but stories based exclusively on anon sources are the worst part of journalism.


In fact, Politico has another story running where they say they've interviewed "dozens" of GOP people in DC who say the Ryan pick is Romney waving the white flag. Not one of them is named. Not one.


I read that story, (I do believe Mark McKinnon is named) but I initially thought the same thing, that there was a real lack of sources in that article. However, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some GOP strategists that feel that way. They understand that attempting to reform Medicare has almost always been a political loser, so I think it's quite natural a few of them are wavering a bit, but they have to buck up, be courageous like Paul Ryan and believe in doing whats right for the country, which is helping defend a serious attempt to preserve the entitlements.In order for it to work, they have to have near unanimity within the flanks from the right, of course there will be some politicians in certain districts that will attempt to distance themselves from this plan, and that's ok, but the cohesion has to be there for the most part, or else the whole thing can get pretty messy.


Politico used to be a daily web visit for me, especially The Arena. Yeah, they're left-leaning, but I never saw them as hard left until they went after Cain. Now I only end up there if someone else links (got the above link from Twitter). Similarly, the day the LA Times came out with their well-timed hit piece on Arnold groping was the last day they delivered to my house. NOTE: I have no problem exposing the behavior...but stories based exclusively on anon sources are the worst part of journalism.


In fact, Politico has another story running where they say they've interviewed "dozens" of GOP people in DC who say the Ryan pick is Romney waving the white flag. Not one of them is named. Not one.


We were just talking about this, Bill Kristol weighs in: When "GOP pros" are most full of fear and apprehension about Republican prospects—for example, Reagan in 1980, Gingrich in 1994, and the Tea Party in 2010—Republicans tend to do well. When they're confident and complacent—for example, at the George H.W. Bush White House in late 1991 or the George W. Bush White House in early 2005—the GOP is heading for a fall. And remember in 2009 that GOP pros were petrified about Dick Cheney taking on President Obama on the war on terror. As I noted then: So while some Hill Republicans were fretting about getting a positive message out and others were launching substance-free listening tours, while GOP operatives were wringing their hands about whether Republicans could recover from the Bush years, and while most senior Bush alumni were in hiding, Dick Cheney--Darth Vader himself, Mr. Unpopularity, the last guy you'd supposedly want out there making the case--stepped onto the field. He's made himself the Most Valuable Republican of the first four months of the Obama administration (ably assisted by a few bold denizens of the Hill like the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, Pete Hoekstra). Of course, this has resulted in some Republican political operatives' doing what they do best: complaining, on background, to the media. "As Cheney Seizes Spotlight, Many Republicans Wince," was the front-page headline in Thursday's Washington Post. Two Republican "strategists" spoke "on the condition of anonymity in order to be candid." Profiles in courage! One of them opined that Cheney is "entirely unhelpful." The other elaborated, "Even if he's right, he's absolutely the wrong messenger.  .  .  .  We want Bush to be a distant memory in the next election." The GOP pros were wrong. Cheney won the debate, Obama eventually caved on the war on terror but only after inflicting political harm on himself and Democrats, Gitmo stayed open, and Republicans did well in 2010. As they will in 2012—that is, if the Romney camp keeps its nerve and ignores the varieties of pseudo-sophisticated conventional wisdom on offer from GOP pros without (and some within). Then, with Romney-Ryan close to victory in late October, and with Republican congressional candidates benefitting from a nationalized debate on the deficit, economic growth and Obamacare, we can all enjoy the spectacle of “GOP pros” racing to say—on the record!—how enthusiastic they'd always been about the Ryan pick.http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/08/kristol-gop-pros-often-wrong-132083.html?hp=t2_3


I gag every time I hear someone say they like Obama but not his policies. What is it you like about him? He comes off as a cold, arrogant, condescending prick who will slither into the sleaziest gutter to achieve his ends. What's so damn likeable about that?


For the record, I don't like Obama or his policies.

Nah....you can be a good guy, and have fun, be likeable, etc....and just have a job that many people don't like. How many cops do you know? You hate them in their jobs, but at the bar, Sabres games, etc...a lot of them can be a riot. I see Obama doing the things his job requires, just doing them poorly. It doesn't mean he's not a decent guy, or wouldn't be qualified to do other jobs.

I bow to the greatness that is this response.

I have not yet begun to show off. :lol: Sing it with me: "No-oh-oh-oh. No Reply at all. There's no reply at all"


Your empty suits can't hang with Ryan...and Romney has landed some nice punches in the last 2 days. "Take it back to Chicago" Zing! So bad that CNN cut away right after that....before it got any worse for you. See here: http://www.realclear...to_chicago.html Remember: That's realclearpolitics dogging you....not me.


Meanwhile Biden has....performed exactly as expected. "Put y'all back in chains", in a Southern accent? What do your Hollywood friends have to say about those insensitive comments? Is that not the best example of racist pandering there is?


Yeah you are the party of sensitivity and tolerance, and that's your VP. :rolleyes::lol: You and they should enjoy wallowing in that. But wait...aren't these your actual values: keep minorities dependent on you so that they have to keep voting for you?


Is this your example of "strength"? :lol: Is this "leadership"?


As I said....it's always just a matter of time before I am proven right....this time we only had to wait 2 days. :lol:


The Biden public whipping, I mean debate, is on Oct. 11, and that's just a matter of time as well. Now...should I write down your number now, and crush you then, or are you done right now? :lol:



Nah....you can be a good guy, and have fun, be likeable, etc....and just have a job that many people don't like. How many cops do you know? You hate them in their jobs, but at the bar, Sabres games, etc...a lot of them can be a riot. I see Obama doing the things his job requires, just doing them poorly. It doesn't mean he's not a decent guy, or wouldn't be qualified to do other jobs.

It's purely subjective so I can't say you're wrong, but I don't think I'd like him at all. I could see Clinton or Biden that way, but not Obama. The depth of his depravity transcends politics.

Posted (edited)

Ryan politicking in Colorado:



Having won over the crowd with pleasantries, Ryan imperceptibly worked his speech to a crescendo. The famous wonk wisely didn't stump on intricacies of, say, the Wyden-Ryan Medicare reform proposals. He made a series of moral arguments:


    "Guess what? Government doesn't regulate happiness, government doesn't define your happiness—you define it for yourself. That's how we do it in America.


    What we are offering is a very clear contrast, a very clear choice. What kind of country do you want to have? What kind of people do you want to be? We want that American idea, that opportunity society with a safety net that's there to help people can't help themselves, that's there to help people get back on their feet who are struggling.


    But it's the opportunity society, the American ideal, where you can meet your potential, nothing is stopping you from meeting your destiny. Our job is to get the barriers out of your way, it's not to look at people who are working hard, who are succeeding, with resentment. It's to say, 'here's how to get things done, we want more people to be successful, because if more people are successful, America grows and we create jobs."


At that point, the crowd in the Lakewood High School gymnasium cut him off, pounded the bleachers, and offered a full 22 seconds of applause. But they weren't done yet—an older man in the crowd stood up, pointed at Ryan and screamed "Hey look, no teleprompter!" The crowd roared in approval, not because it was gratuitous swipe at the president, but because they were so grateful that Ryan was providing not just competing policy vision to Obama, but a substantive rhetorical alternative. And they clearly liked what they were hearing. Ryan finally continued:


"When we know what we believe, we know what we need to do, and what we need is leadership. Here is our commitment to you—we're not going to duck the tough issues, we are going to lead. We're not going to blame others for our mistakes, we're going to to take responsibility."



http://www.weeklysta...49987.htmlThats That's a great message.

Edited by WorldTraveller

according to rasmussen, just about every major election in the last 10 years should have gone republican. his polls are outliers by definition.


Actually you are factually wrong, as usual, Rasmussen was rated the most accurate pollster for the 2008 elections. But thanks for playing


according to rasmussen, just about every major election in the last 10 years should have gone republican. his polls are outliers by definition.

Rasmussen absolutely nailed the 2008 presidential election. Nailed it.


Think for yourself. It's an awesome ride.


according to rasmussen, just about every major election in the last 10 years should have gone republican. his polls are outliers by definition.

Once again...willfull ignorance of the material being discussed....makes you wrong....and me :lol:


LA we were talking about this yesterday, how some of the GOP "pros" were fretting over the RYAN decision, and yesterday Bill Kristol took issue , in today's WSJ, the editorial board hammers the "pros" for being wusses, and basically had the same message I did, which was to "buck up"


The WSJ editorial page derides the Republicans we quoted, almost all anonymously, in our story yesterday about fears within the party of what Paul Ryan on the ticket means, denouncing the "Bedwetter Caucus":


Republicans who believe in something can console themselves in knowing that these "pros" are reflecting the Washington conventional wisdom.


'Nearly everyone in the Beltway thinks it's impossible to reform entitlements like Medicare, and or even to restrain the size of government, so why would a candidate be foolish enough to try?


This crowd is good at forecasting the political future as a repetition of the past and present, but as Irving Kristol used to say, they aren't very good at predicting the turns. We'll see if this year is one of those turns.


Meantime, the "pros" willing to shoot their candidate in the back are one more reason that voters have contempt for the political class, and why most Republicans who don't live in Washington are delighted with the choice of Mr. Ryan.'


The edit-heads took particular issue with the one person quoted voicing anything but glowing praise on the record, Mark McKinnon. McKinnon was not calling Ryan a bad pick, but he stated plainly what everyone else said privately - that the country may not be ready to hear about tough choices, and it gives the Obama campaign a target.




The "Bedwetter caucus" :lol:

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