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If a VP nominee gets announced on a Saturday morning during the Olympics, does it make a sound? The timing would have been more appropriate for coming clean with a tax return dump. This was a great pick...for Obama. When voters, especially the elderly, are educated on the details of the Ryan plan that Romney now owns; taxing employer-provided health care, vouchers for Medicare, and privitizing Social Security, while providing further unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy in hopes they will "trickle down" on us, it will further define the class divide that the Republicans want to implement.


In addition, the lack of foreign policy experience on the Republican ticket is suprising. When was the last time that a Republican ticket didn't have experience in either candidate? That was one of the assets that Biden brought to Obama, and now Obama has his own foreign policy / commander in chief successes to run on.


The further this campaign goes on, the more confident I am that Obama will be re-elected. Then on to 2016 and Hillary! :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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If a VP nominee gets announced on a Saturday morning during the Olympics, does it make a sound? The timing would have been more appropriate for coming clean with a tax return dump. This was a great pick...for Obama. When voters, especially the elderly, are educated on the details of the Ryan plan that Romney now owns; taxing employer-provided health care, vouchers for Medicare, and privitizing Social Security, while providing further unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy in hopes they will "trickle down" on us, it will further define the class divide that the Republicans want to implement.


In addition, the lack of foreign policy experience on the Republican ticket is suprising. When was the last time that a Republican ticket didn't have experience in either candidate? That was one of the assets that Biden brought to Obama, and now Obama has his own foreign policy / commander in chief successes to run on.


The further this campaign goes on, the more confident I am that Obama will be re-elected. Then on to 2016 and Hillary! :D

The Vice President has been over the last 30 years holds the American record for wrong on the most issues in foreign affairs ever. And the list starts with the nuclear freeze in the early ’80s against Thatcher and Reagan and Cole which is one of the follies of the era. He supported it.


He was against aid to the Nicaraguan Contras which in the end brought democracy and ended the Sandinista rule at the time. He was against Reagan’s expansion of the defense budget, which bankrupted the Soviet Union and led to the end of the Soviet Empire. He was against Reagan on Strategic Defenses, which is the big advantage that we have now in the missile age.


And look at where he was on Iraq. He opposed the first Iraq War, the Gulf War that liberated Kuwait that everybody agrees was a good thing. He supported the Iraq War which he, not I, he says was a terrible mistake. And then when the surge happened, he opposed the surge in Iraq which rescued a losing war and ended with our leaving with our heads held high and some promise in the future.


Charles Krauthammer.


To top it off.... He opposed the raid on OBL.






If a VP nominee gets announced on a Saturday morning during the Olympics, does it make a sound? The timing would have been more appropriate for coming clean with a tax return dump. This was a great pick...for Obama. When voters, especially the elderly, are educated on the details of the Ryan plan that Romney now owns; taxing employer-provided health care, vouchers for Medicare, and privitizing Social Security, while providing further unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy in hopes they will "trickle down" on us, it will further define the class divide that the Republicans want to implement.


In addition, the lack of foreign policy experience on the Republican ticket is suprising. When was the last time that a Republican ticket didn't have experience in either candidate? That was one of the assets that Biden brought to Obama, and now Obama has his own foreign policy / commander in chief successes to run on.


The further this campaign goes on, the more confident I am that Obama will be re-elected. Then on to 2016 and Hillary! :D


How about reality Joe? If Obama is reelected, odds are the economy will still be in bad shape. Unless Hillary joins the tea party, she doesn't have a snowballs chance of being.elected.

Posted (edited)

haven't read the rest of this thread but "intellectual leader of the republican party"? (meet the press started today's show with this romney sound bite). Doesn't that word alone raise the hackles of a significant contingent in the party? or is it just an oxymoron?

Edited by birdog1960

How about reality Joe? If Obama is reelected, odds are the economy will still be in bad shape. Unless Hillary joins the tea party, she doesn't have a snowballs chance of being.elected.


It is actually more logical that in order for Obama's SOS to have a run in 2016, she needs him to lose in November. If he wins, she can leave the SOS post, but she'll still be tied to Obama's hip, and let's face it, anyone who thinks four more years of Obama will somehow IMPROVE the current state of our economy is DSW/Biden/conner-like stupid.


haven't read the rest of this thread but "intellectual leader of the republican party"? (meet the press started today's show with this romney sound bite). Doesn't that word alone raise the hackles of a significant contingent in the party? or is it just an oxymoron?









Ryan is a terrible pick IMHO. Not that I don't think he's effective at what he does, but he's extremely divisive. I might have been willing to jump ship and pull the lever for Romney in November provided that he picked another centrist as a running mate. And face it people, Romney is a centrist. He's saying what he needs to to get elected now, but I think he would govern as a centrist. But Ryan is just way to far to the right for me. And I have a feeling this sentiment goes quite a long way with others who were sitting on the fence just a few days ago.

Posted (edited)

Paul Ryan, who works with numbers,

will eat your children and steal your thunder

While heavy torsos that heave and hurl,

will crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels.

Edited by Rob's House

Ryan is a terrible pick IMHO. Not that I don't think he's effective at what he does, but he's extremely divisive. I might have been willing to jump ship and pull the lever for Romney in November provided that he picked another centrist as a running mate. And I have a feeling this sentiment goes quite a long way with others who were sitting on the fence just a few days ago.


Not everyone "feels" that way,



As Democrats eagerly leapt to cast Mitt Romney's vice presidential pick as an extremist, at least one Pennsylvania Democrat warned Saturday that Paul Ryan's appeal shouldn't be underestimated.

T.J. Rooney, former chairman of the Pennsylvania Democrats who was at the helm in 2008, called on his party to avoid belittling Ryan and take him as a threat.

"This guy is serious, this is not Sarah Palin," said Rooney, of Bethlehem. "Democrats need to worry more about what we need to do to win, to reinvent the intensity to the extent we can of four years ago."

In Pennsylvania, a blue-leaning state Romney would love to make competitive, the choice of conservative Ryan as a running mate may sway the undecided independents that Democrats are counting on him turning off.





From an article re: Rassmussen polling;

What leaps out from that survey is that Ryan actually does better among independents than any of the other presumed short-listers, save Condoleezza Rice, who wasn’t really shortlisted at all. Among unaffiliated voters, Ryan scores a 36/22 favorability






Ryan is a terrible pick IMHO. Not that I don't think he's effective at what he does, but he's extremely divisive. I might have been willing to jump ship and pull the lever for Romney in November provided that he picked another centrist as a running mate. And face it people, Romney is a centrist. He's saying what he needs to to get elected now, but I think he would govern as a centrist. But Ryan is just way to far to the right for me. And I have a feeling this sentiment goes quite a long way with others who were sitting on the fence just a few days ago.


Seems your opinion is wrong...





...that is, if you were in fact ever thinking of voting for Mitt Romney. Which btw, I don't buy for one second. The liberals live in a bubble fantasy world where 2010 and the WI recall elections never happened and Newsroom is an unbiased HBO program. Their giddiness over the Paul Ryan pick is too funny because they actually believe this is great news for them...LOL



... I've left a decent sized trail of fools who've paid for their mouths on the field, legally, Never once thought it was worth it to fight some clown at the mall, movie theatre, or later, the bar, etc. I just laughed, asked them for their jersey number, and wrote it down. Never had that problem with the teams that could beat us. Only had it with the scrubs who had no chance.

Am I the only one that finds this hilarious?


I might have been willing to jump ship and pull the lever for Romney in November provided that he picked another centrist as a running mate.




I always get a chucklen when I hear a lefty pretend to others (and possibly themselves) that they don't drink the DNC Kool-Aid by talking about how they could have voted for a Republican if they hadn't done _____.


Am I the only one that finds this hilarious?

i find it kinda scary. but, i'm a weak, withering liberal, don't ya know?









ok. if he's the intellectual leader, then i'm albert einstein.


i find it kinda scary. but, i'm a weak, withering liberal, don't ya know?


I just have this image in my head of OC playing whatever sport he's referencing (I assume football) and someone talking trash to him after a play. Then OC coolly as ever asks the guy for his jersey number, whips out the pencil he keeps in his sock and writes it down...


Is he unable to read the number on the guy's jersey? Or does he just not believe everything he reads? Why else would he have to ask a guy for his jersey number during a game, let alone write it down.


i find it kinda scary. but, i'm a weak, withering liberal, don't ya know?

Acceptance is the first step to recovery.


I just have this image in my head of OC playing whatever sport he's referencing (I assume football) and someone talking trash to him after a play. Then OC coolly as ever asks the guy for his jersey number, whips out the pencil he keeps in his sock and writes it down...


Is he unable to read the number on the guy's jersey? Or does he just not believe everything he reads? Why else would he have to ask a guy for his jersey number during a game, let alone write it down.

I didn't get it at first either, but I think he's saying that when he played ball, sometimes he'd run into **** talkers from other schools in public, he'd ask what their number was, and then lay them out on the field. But I could be wrong.


Acceptance is the first step to recovery.



I didn't get it at first either, but I think he's saying that when he played ball, sometimes he'd run into **** talkers from other schools in public, he'd ask what their number was, and then lay them out on the field. But I could be wrong.

I'm pretty sure you're right -- and I'm not even trying to take the piss with OC. I honestly pictured what he wrote and laughed my ass off. Not at him cause he didn't mean it like that, but what he wrote is still a ridiculous comedic image.


Totally stealing it.


Paul Ryan, who works with numbers,

will eat your children and steal your thunder

While heavy torsos that heave and hurl,

will crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels.


Shut the !@#$ up

Learn to Buck up



So if Romney's selection of Ryan is indefensable based on lack of experience, how defensable is a vote for Barack Obama?

You don't get it (again). Romney has been runnig around aaying it's essential a president have private sector track record to lead the economy, so how he's going to defend his pick for VP? Ryans private sector "experience" was driving the Oscar Meyer weiner truck and a brief stint with a window dressing "market research" position at his family's company?


I just have this image in my head of OC playing whatever sport he's referencing (I assume football) and someone talking trash to him after a play. Then OC coolly as ever asks the guy for his jersey number, whips out the pencil he keeps in his sock and writes it down...


Is he unable to read the number on the guy's jersey? Or does he just not believe everything he reads? Why else would he have to ask a guy for his jersey number during a game, let alone write it down.


wow, painting a pretty vivid picture there :lol: . so, OC, which is it?


You don't get it (again). Romney has been runnig around aaying it's essential a president have private sector track record to lead the economy, so how he's going to defend his pick for VP? Ryans private sector "experience" was driving the Oscar Meyer weiner truck and a brief stint with a window dressing "market research" position at his family's company?

yep. did you read "the New Yorker" article on the fussbudget. was the timing of that article divinely inspired or was the info leaked?

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