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Once again...willfull ignorance of the material being discussed....makes you wrong....and me :lol:

unfortunately the linky thing doesn't work here (old browser)) but do a search on "rasmussen bias" and read a few articles with the data. i particularly like "rasmussen polls were biased and inaccurate. Quinipiac, Survey USA performed strongly" Nov 2010, NYT.

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Yeah..the paper that just got done putting a 6 point bias into it's poll that it DOES WITH QUINIPIAC....is the answer. :lol: What a wonder...that they would promote polls that they did...over a competitor's. :lol:


Here's the latest NYT from FL/OH/PA: http://www.nytimes.c...s-cbs-poll.html


There's a 6 point registerd Democrat bias in all 3: (EDIT for the lazy: Page 8, last question)

FL 36R 42D

OH 35R 42D

PA 40R 46D


Now....WTF is that? At least 6% more registered Democrats, representing 6% of the total people sampled, were used? In ALL 3 states? (EDIT for the uneducated/willfully ignorant: putting 46% registered Democrats into poll like this GUARANTEES a bias. At most...40% is about the most you can put into something like this..and pray that you come away without a bias....that's what those of us who use statistcal software and do Business Intelligence do...because we are paid to get it right...and not massage the F'ing raw data)





Progressive Review conducted a review of polling accuracy in the 2000 presidential primaries. The review ranked Rasmussen Research number one in accuracy.[34]



In the 2004 presidential election, "Rasmussen...beat most of their human competitors in the battleground states, often by large margins," according to Slate magazine.[37] Rasmussen projected the 2004 presidential results within one percentage point of the actual vote totals earned by both George W. Bush and John Kerry.[38]

In 2004, Slate said they “publicly doubted and privately derided Rasmussen” polls because of the methodology. However, after the election, they concluded that Rasmussen’s polls were the most accurate.[37]



According to Politico, "Rasmussen’s final poll of the 2008 general election — showing Obama defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain 52 percent to 46 percent — closely mirrored the election’s outcome."[39] In reference to the 2008 presidential election, a Talking Points Memo article said, "Rasmussen's final polls had Obama ahead 52%-46%, which was nearly identical to Obama's final margin of 53%-46%, and made him one of the most accurate pollsters out there."[40]





Willful ignorance...birdog.....willful ignorance....


EDIT for the wiseass: Yeah...pasted in Wiki...because it's the fastest way to get all those links...that all work, try em....into this post. Slate magazine is the best: "union rag admits FAIL".

Edited by OCinBuffalo

Nah....you can be a good guy, and have fun, be likeable, etc....and just have a job that many people don't like. How many cops do you know? You hate them in their jobs, but at the bar, Sabres games, etc...a lot of them can be a riot. I see Obama doing the things his job requires, just doing them poorly. It doesn't mean he's not a decent guy, or wouldn't be qualified to do other jobs.


I have not yet begun to show off. :lol: Sing it with me: "No-oh-oh-oh. No Reply at all. There's no reply at all"


Your empty suits can't hang with Ryan...and Romney has landed some nice punches in the last 2 days. "Take it back to Chicago" Zing! So bad that CNN cut away right after that....before it got any worse for you. See here: http://www.realclear...to_chicago.html Remember: That's realclearpolitics dogging you....not me.


Meanwhile Biden has....performed exactly as expected. "Put y'all back in chains", in a Southern accent? What do your Hollywood friends have to say about those insensitive comments? Is that not the best example of racist pandering there is?


Yeah you are the party of sensitivity and tolerance, and that's your VP. :rolleyes::lol: You and they should enjoy wallowing in that. But wait...aren't these your actual values: keep minorities dependent on you so that they have to keep voting for you?


Is this your example of "strength"? :lol: Is this "leadership"?


As I said....it's always just a matter of time before I am proven right....this time we only had to wait 2 days. :lol:


The Biden public whipping, I mean debate, is on Oct. 11, and that's just a matter of time as well. Now...should I write down your number now, and crush you then, or are you done right now? :lol:

Again, I don't understand why you need to write down my number. I'm wearing a jersey, standing right in front of you. I know there are 20 other people running around on the field with numbers on their chests, but clearly you're able to remember one set of numbers -- especially when you want to crush the person wearing them, right?


Dude :blink:...the point is: you write the number down, when they are talking smack...now....NOT on the field...so that you remember it....later, when you are...in this case....on OCT 11.


I thought you were just F'ing with me earlier...but you really didn't understand, did you? When I asked for numbers...it was because I was being bothered oFF the field, at the mall or whatever. I get the number now then I educate them later, ON the field.


You...are a writer...not...a reader. :lol:


Dude :blink:...the point is: you write the number down, when they are talking smack...now....NOT on the field...so that you remember it....later, when you are...in this case....on OCT 11.


I thought you were just F'ing with me earlier...but you really didn't understand, did you? When I asked for numbers...it was because I was being bothered oFF the field, at the mall or whatever. I get the number now then I educate them later, ON the field.


You...are a writer...not...a reader. :lol:

So... a dude comes up to you at the mall and slams you.


And your response is: "Let me get your number"


Got it.




See? that's why I thought you were F'ing with me...that's the joke I thought you were going for. That's funny...but...I've heard it before. I had a wiseass girlfriend once....once.




See? that's why I thought you were F'ing with me...that's the joke I thought you were going for. That's funny...but...I've heard it before. I had a wiseass girlfriend once....once.



Maher is at the point where the only way people pay attention to him is when he says something immensely conner-like (...let’s stop having rich people pay taxes at all and poor people should look for food in the woods) before calling someone a c)nt.


He surrounds himself with people who think like him and his drone audience that claps at all his keywords.


At least Jon Stewart rips through Democrats (though much less often than Republicans) and is funny.


Don't know if you've ever been in the live audience of one of those "live" late night TV shows. A half hour before the show begins they heard everybody together and coach the audience on how to react to every joke. They make the entire audience practice laughing, "even if you don't think it's funny - laugh like it's the most hilarious thing you've ever heard." "don't whoop-whoop - or our ushers will remove you from the audience." "clap loudly and do NOT whistle! - or you will be removed from the audience." etc. etc. etc. Those audiences are coached hard by the enthusiastic sycophant staff and whipped into a frenzy - and they're also terrified if they misbehave, they'll get thrown out of a show they've waited months to get tickets to. Trust me. I've been there.


Don't know if you've ever been in the live audience of one of those "live" late night TV shows. A half hour before the show begins they heard everybody together and coach the audience on how to react to every joke. They make the entire audience practice laughing, "even if you don't think it's funny - laugh like it's the most hilarious thing you've ever heard." "don't whoop-whoop - or our ushers will remove you from the audience." "clap loudly and do NOT whistle! - or you will be removed from the audience." etc. etc. etc. Those audiences are coached hard by the enthusiastic sycophant staff and whipped into a frenzy - and they're also terrified if they misbehave, they'll get thrown out of a show they've waited months to get tickets to. Trust me. I've been there.


My colleague just went to the Jon Stewart show but I've never been and, aside from Conan, I would never go.


Don't know if you've ever been in the live audience of one of those "live" late night TV shows. A half hour before the show begins they heard everybody together and coach the audience on how to react to every joke. They make the entire audience practice laughing, "even if you don't think it's funny - laugh like it's the most hilarious thing you've ever heard." "don't whoop-whoop - or our ushers will remove you from the audience." "clap loudly and do NOT whistle! - or you will be removed from the audience." etc. etc. etc. Those audiences are coached hard by the enthusiastic sycophant staff and whipped into a frenzy - and they're also terrified if they misbehave, they'll get thrown out of a show they've waited months to get tickets to. Trust me. I've been there.


File under: not news.


They're creating television. What do you expect?


GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan took a shot at Vice President Joe Biden Thursday over his latest gaffe.


"It is great to be here in North Canton, or as Joe Biden might say, it's great to be here in Nevada," Ryan said as he opened an address at Walsh University in North Cantor, Ohio.


Biden on Tuesday mistakenly told a crowd in Danville, Va., that they could help President Obama win North Carolina in November.


"We can win North Carolina again," Biden said.




ZING!!!!! :lol:


GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan took a shot at Vice President Joe Biden Thursday over his latest gaffe.


"It is great to be here in North Canton, or as Joe Biden might say, it's great to be here in Nevada," Ryan said as he opened an address at Walsh University in North Cantor, Ohio.


Biden on Tuesday mistakenly told a crowd in Danville, Va., that they could help President Obama win North Carolina in November.


"We can win North Carolina again," Biden said.




ZING!!!!! :lol:


Hah this is gonna be good


GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan took a shot at Vice President Joe Biden Thursday over his latest gaffe.


"It is great to be here in North Canton, or as Joe Biden might say, it's great to be here in Nevada," Ryan said as he opened an address at Walsh University in North Cantor, Ohio.


Biden on Tuesday mistakenly told a crowd in Danville, Va., that they could help President Obama win North Carolina in November.


"We can win North Carolina again," Biden said.




ZING!!!!! :lol:


Cue the Obama/Biden campaign launching a national ad buy criticizing Ryan for his senseless and hurtful words, and for bringing the campaign into the gutter by openly mocking the senile.


Talk about giant coconuts....it's being reported that not only is Ryan going to Florida on Tuesday, but he's going into the lion's den: campaigning at retirement behemoth The Villages.


May as well cue up some music for this one, folks. May I recommend what will likely be the most widely played Youtube video between now and then???




I'm not sure I'd consider the Villages unfriendly territory, but it is a retirement community and it's important that he reassures seniors that his plan doesn't affect them.


Ironically, the only candidate that has passed or proposed a law that could affect seniors is Obama. Obama's law does impact seniors, through the reduction to the medical providers and IPAB, whereas Romney's plan doesn't have any impact whatsoever for those over 55.


I believe Seniors will see this and conventional wisdom is retarded, because it doesn't make any sense. People really don't realize how unpopular Obamacare is and they really are underestimating how this will be a loser for them again in 2012.


I'm not sure I'd consider the Villages unfriendly territory, but it is a retirement community and it's important that he reassures seniors that his plan doesn't affect them.


It doesn't need to be unfriendly territory. It only needs to be perceived as unfriendly territory. Directly after the Ryan pick, what's the first thing you heard from all the talking heads?


"There goes Florida."


The narrative was set early by the left, so naturally the story will build for next Tuesday. "Look at the guy who wants to gut Medicare, going to The VIllages!"


I wouldn't be surprised if his entire speech gets some live coverage on CNN, Fox, ABC, etc. Barring any missteps, misstatements, etc., the Romney team is running a clinic on how to keep Obama talking about dogs on cars and look like the leaderless, petty little dude that he is.

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