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Vilma Hearing Today


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Again, I heard back then he was holding off to let the NFLPA do some sort of investigation. If he was ready on the the 21st to penalize the players, then his investigation was doen. Sounds like he was letting the union do whatever they were going to do. By saying in April he hadn't made up his mind could mean he was waiting for the union to do their due diligence. He was mearly delaying his judgement of them.


Fujita has been consistent in his characterization. Im not saying what you claim hearing is untrue, but i know a lot of half truths were said all over espn and the like as this progressed. any idea on a link or source? i know its unlikely, as the only reason i have half of mine are because fans are crazy over this down here.


back in june, fujita talking about the process and specifically mentioning the same conversation in the same way:



"Fujita said his only chance to speak with Goodell directly came in early March after the release of the initial bounty report, which did not identify players, although Fujita's name had been leaked. Fujita said he called Goodell to explain locker room culture as it relates to tough talk and informal performance incentives, and how it could be misconstrued.

He said Goodell told him then that "he would have no problem coming down hard on Saints coaches, but that when it comes to players, he's not quite sure what he's got.""

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Fujita has been consistent in his characterization. Im not saying what you claim hearing is untrue, but i know a lot of half truths were said all over espn and the like as this progressed. any idea on a link or source? i know its unlikely, as the only reason i have half of mine are because fans are crazy over this down here.


back in june, fujita talking about the process and specifically mentioning the same conversation in the same way:



"Fujita said his only chance to speak with Goodell directly came in early March after the release of the initial bounty report, which did not identify players, although Fujita's name had been leaked. Fujita said he called Goodell to explain locker room culture as it relates to tough talk and informal performance incentives, and how it could be misconstrued.

He said Goodell told him then that "he would have no problem coming down hard on Saints coaches, but that when it comes to players, he's not quite sure what he's got.""


Well he's not exactly going to tell this guy on the phone that he's about to drop the hammer on him. Him saying he "doesn't know what he's got" to one of the "suspects" is hardly suspicious behavior. It's exactly what he should have said at that point. Especially if he was waiting on Fujita's union. What else could he say?: "Oh....Scott--hey, glad you called. You're suspended 4 games."

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Well he's not exactly going to tell this guy on the phone that he's about to drop the hammer on him. Him saying he "doesn't know what he's got" to one of the "suspects" is hardly suspicious behavior. It's exactly what he should have said at that point. Especially if he was waiting on Fujita's union. What else could he say?: "Oh....Scott--hey, glad you called. You're suspended 4 games."


The point being he was making consistent statements to that over the next month publicly, which doesn't mesh with "I'm ready to go but giving the pa a courtesy here."


Could be, as you said, just a matter of the way talking points get handled. Frankly what surprises me is that goodell hasn't said "no comment" more through all of this. His words have been clumsy the whole way and sparked a lot of debate opportunities. That's not to say he did anything wrong, but I'm surprised he'd even risk leaving doors open.

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The sooner Desmith loses and is fired, the better for the sport as a whole. He's an attention whoring clown and got manhandled in the CBA and is now trying to get out of something he agreed to in the courts (or worse, he planned to go to court all along so he could 'give' on this point in the CBA)


What a waste of the courts time and propagation of the sue-because-mommy-didn't-give-me-ice-cream culture.

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Won't start a new thread but..... That espn profile left a lot to be desired today. Can't believe they used John Barr (of incorrect wire tapping story fame) to do this one.


Florio has a good piece about the good, bad and ugly of it. Definitely issues that need to be addressed but Barr is a baffoon. Several in the media already saying he missed the boat here-



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Won't start a new thread but..... That espn profile left a lot to be desired today. Can't believe they used John Barr (of incorrect wire tapping story fame) to do this one.


Florio has a good piece about the good, bad and ugly of it. Definitely issues that need to be addressed but Barr is a baffoon. Several in the media already saying he missed the boat here-




Barr may be a buffoon, but it doens't change the thrust of the piece. Payton is a notorious a**hole and it all has finally caught up with him. he went down without a peep. Not a sound. At least Vilma is still putting it out there that he is inoocent (of something or other). Payton is a pus**y.

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Barr may be a buffoon, but it doens't change the thrust of the piece. Payton is a notorious a**hole and it all has finally caught up with him. he went down without a peep. Not a sound. At least Vilma is still putting it out there that he is inoocent (of something or other). Payton is a pus**y.




More on the piece. Espn/Barr really aren't doing great on this. Holder was one of the Ones i was referencing that came out this morning. You'd think they'd realize people would look close at a Barr produced piece at this point.


Again, not denying he is a bit of a jerk with the media but I suspect its much like bellichek, or his major mentor parcells.

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