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How Mitt Lost the Summer

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Regarding the "Mitt murdered the lady" ad:




In a January 10, 2012 interview with Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!" the anti-Romney steel plant employee revealed he was offered a buyout when Bain decided to close the plant. Joe Soptic, the employee, has been in the news as of late due to an ad he made for the Obama-backed Super PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Mr. Soptic says his wife died of cancer because he was laid off and no longer had health insurance.


However, not mentioned in the ad is that his wife found out she had cancer nearly five years after his departure from the plant. She died 22 days after her diagnosis. Transcript below.


AMY GOODMAN: Joining us now from Kansas City is Joe Soptic, former steelworker at Worldwide Grinding Systems, who has lost his job after a declared bankruptcy under Bain's control. He's speaking to us from Kansas City's PBS station KCPT. Joe, explain what happened.


JOE SOPTIC: Well, I guess the first thing I noticed after the company was bought out by GST, they became very union-non-friendly. I mean, they started looking for ways to eliminate jobs. In my case, in my department, they actually offered to buy our jobs out from underneath us. They cut back on safety equipment. You know, the working environment just wasn't as good as it should be.






So he was offered a buyout...


That, and while Romney was taking care of the Olympics - Jonathan Lavine was the Managing Director of Bain Capitol and the heartless person who killed Mr. Soptic's wife. Lavine is currently a fundraiser for Obama Victory 2012, so you know it had to be Mitt that killed her. It couldn't have been Lavine.




Bill Burton - former WH Deputy Press Secretary and co-founder of Priorities USA is a worm on the order of Alan Grayson.

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That, and while Romney was taking care of the Olympics - Jonathan Lavine was the Managing Director of Bain Capitol and the heartless person who killed Mr. Soptic's wife. Lavine is currently a fundraiser for Obama Victory 2012, so you know it had to be Mitt that killed her. It couldn't have been Lavine.




Bill Burton - former WH Deputy Press Secretary and co-founder of Priorities USA is a worm on the order of Alan Grayson.

When things like this happen I wish I had a TV show so I could pull a Keith Olbermann on this ass hole and name him the biggest douche bag in the world. Congratulations to Mr. Soptic. This sad, sorry little man just pimped out the memory of his dead wife to try to score bogus political points for his favorite politician. When asked why he blatantly lied to the country about his wife's condition, this giant waste of skin mumbled some babble about Bain Capital and scurried off to hide under a rock. One is left to think that in a just world it would have been him, rather than his wife, who died early. To his credit, at least he didn't say that she would have wanted her death to be used in a pathetic attempt to deceive the American public; or at least that's not been reported.

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When things like this happen I wish I had a TV show so I could pull a Keith Olbermann on this ass hole and name him the biggest douche bag in the world. Congratulations to Mr. Soptic. This sad, sorry little man just pimped out the memory of his dead wife to try to score bogus political points for his favorite politician. When asked why he blatantly lied to the country about his wife's condition, this giant waste of skin mumbled some babble about Bain Capital and scurried off to hide under a rock. One is left to think that in a just world it would have been him, rather than his wife, who died early. To his credit, at least he didn't say that she would have wanted her death to be used in a pathetic attempt to deceive the American public; or at least that's not been reported.


Sad eh? Absolutely no integrity.

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When things like this happen I wish I had a TV show so I could pull a Keith Olbermann on this ass hole and name him the biggest douche bag in the world. Congratulations to Mr. Soptic. This sad, sorry little man just pimped out the memory of his dead wife to try to score bogus political points for his favorite politician. When asked why he blatantly lied to the country about his wife's condition, this giant waste of skin mumbled some babble about Bain Capital and scurried off to hide under a rock. One is left to think that in a just world it would have been him, rather than his wife, who died early. To his credit, at least he didn't say that she would have wanted her death to be used in a pathetic attempt to deceive the American public; or at least that's not been reported.

Sad eh? Absolutely no integrity.


I want to see Mr. Soptic's tax returns so I can see how much Priorities USA paid him to sell out the memory of his wife.

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I want to see Mr. Soptic's tax returns so I can see how much Priorities USA paid him to sell out the memory of his wife.

They could have probably gotten him with a promise of Obama's autograph. I'm sure he'd have come running with his tongue out and his tail wagging.

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Sad eh? Absolutely no integrity.


True, but at least more people are seeing it. It's been said before and will continue to be said, without divorce records to have unsealed, Obama and his team are absolutely at a loss for anything of substance to discuss. We were told by many political pundits that Obama would run a scorched Earth campaign, but I'm not sure how many people were ready for the what happens when you combine scorched Earth with utter desperation.


You would probably think that Reid lying about Romney's taxes on the Senate floor and the Gibbs-run SuperPac "Romney killed Soptic's wife" ad are bottom feeder stuff, but stay tuned. In another 30 days we'll all be able to smell the desperation right before we find Axelrod Photoshopping images of Romney and Ryan into a Tijuana donkey show and asking on TV, "How do we know this isn't really them?"

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Todays polling numbers show


Mitt + 4 Rasmussen LV

Dead Even Gallup RV



and in Iowa Mitt +2


Also it shows Obama with a - 8 approval rating on Gallup


and a - 8 disapproval rating with Rasmussen




So who's polling is right?

The November election

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I find it hard to believe that anybody actually wants either of these candidates. This is America, surely theres somebody better out there.

If a squeaky clean mormon boyscout like Mitt Romney can be characterized as the devil incarnate what qualified successful Joe with the normal indiscretions of life in his background would ever subject himself to such scrutiny?

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If a squeaky clean mormon boyscout like Mitt Romney can be characterized as the devil incarnate what qualified successful Joe with the normal indiscretions of life in his background would ever subject himself to such scrutiny?


That was very succinct. It is sad that it has come to this, isn't it.

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If a squeaky clean mormon boyscout like Mitt Romney can be characterized as the devil incarnate what qualified successful Joe with the normal indiscretions of life in his background would ever subject himself to such scrutiny?

Or an African American kid from a broken home works his way up and graduates from Harvard law school. And gets harassed over his birth certificate, gets called a Muslim even though he's not and as if it should matter in th first place, and his wife is the butt of racial tinged remarks from the leading conservative commentator. But yeah funny we never hear your disgust over that.

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Or an African American kid from a broken home works his way up and graduates from Harvard law school. And gets harassed over his birth certificate, gets called a Muslim even though he's not and as if it should matter in th first place, and his wife is the butt of racial tinged remarks from the leading conservative commentator. But yeah funny we never hear your disgust over that.

You were so transparent from the beginning. What a douche. You oughted yourself, Nancy.

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Or an African American kid from a broken home works his way up and graduates from Harvard law school. And gets harassed over his birth certificate, gets called a Muslim even though he's not and as if it should matter in th first place, and his wife is the butt of racial tinged remarks from the leading conservative commentator. But yeah funny we never hear your disgust over that.


You don't hear it, because most of that myth filled rendition is twisting and spinning the way it really occurred.





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Or an African American kid from a broken home works his way up and graduates from Harvard law school. And gets harassed over his birth certificate, gets called a Muslim even though he's not and as if it should matter in th first place, and his wife is the butt of racial tinged remarks from the leading conservative commentator. But yeah funny we never hear your disgust over that.


You forgot "heals the sick" and "feeds the masses."

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You don't hear it, because most of that myth filled rendition is twisting and spinning the way it really occurred.






Yeah, it's all spin...


Politics is a dirty game. I wish you would just admit that it comes from BOTH sides of the aisle.

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