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  On 8/6/2012 at 7:31 PM, Doc said:

Kerry wasn't a president. And yes, A.B.O...especially when the other guy is infinitely more qualified and the country is in the crapper under O after 4 years as prez.


But one reason he lost was because of his war record (swiftboated)... And Kerry's record is more honorable than Mitt's. Bush qualified? Obama is more qualified! LoL... Where do you think this whole "qualified" schtick got started? You conservatives have totally no shame when it comes to memory recollection.


  On 8/6/2012 at 7:49 PM, Nanker said:

JFK - a war "hero" solidly put our azz in Vietnam.

LBJ - a Naval officer in WWII ramped up that god damned abomination till over 58,000 Americans died and a few million others were !@#$ed over.

Nixon - like LBJ, was a Naval commander and HE ENDED the Vietnam war.

Harry Truman dropped the big one - twice. And he was a WWI vet.


Yeah, it's a great predictor.

You gotta be joking? You are getting nuttier than a Mormon on steriods. Not quite Jim McMahon (non-Mormon) material though... :-P


I am just !@#$ing with you Nanker! :-)

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  On 8/6/2012 at 7:55 PM, ExiledInIllinois said:

But one reason he lost was because of his war record (swiftboated)... And Kerry's record is more honorable than Mitt's. Bush qualified? Obama is more qualified! LoL... Where do you think this whole "qualified" schtick got started? You conservatives have totally no shame when it comes to memory recollection.

Kerry lost because he absolutely sucked as a candidate. To borrow a gem from our resident wise man, he had all the brains of a rock but none of the personality. He had all the charisma of a dead moth.


He couldn't argue policy b/c he had nothing but a plan to have a plan. He was going to follow the Bush war plan except he was going to do it smarter.


So that left him with 1 selling point - he fought in Viet Nam. And he might have pulled it off had he been a little more smooth - been the guy who casually draws attention to his Rolex by checking the time rather than the guy who keeps loudly announcing that he's wearing one.

  On 8/6/2012 at 8:21 PM, Rob said:

Kerry lost because he absolutely sucked as a candidate. To borrow a gem from our resident wise man, he had all the brains of a rock but none of the personality. He had all the charisma of a dead moth.


He couldn't argue policy b/c he had nothing but a plan to have a plan. He was going to follow the Bush war plan except he was going to do it smarter.


So that left him with 1 selling point - he fought in Viet Nam. And he might have pulled it off had he been a little more smooth - been the guy who casually draws attention to his Rolex by checking the time rather than the guy who keeps loudly announcing that he's wearing one.


You're right, Kerry was terrible. He was a boring, un-charismatic, aristocratic suit who ran on the "I'm not the other guy" platform without offering any of his own plans. On that we could not agree more. I'm curious how--by this definition--Willard isn't Kerry 2.0?

  On 8/6/2012 at 8:21 PM, Rob said:

Kerry lost because he absolutely sucked as a candidate. To borrow a gem from our resident wise man, he had all the brains of a rock but none of the personality. He had all the charisma of a dead moth.


He couldn't argue policy b/c he had nothing but a plan to have a plan. He was going to follow the Bush war plan except he was going to do it smarter.


So that left him with 1 selling point - he fought in Viet Nam. And he might have pulled it off had he been a little more smooth - been the guy who casually draws attention to his Rolex by checking the time rather than the guy who keeps loudly announcing that he's wearing one.

If Howard Dean doesn't "bbbbyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" his way out of the race, Kerry loses handily. Fortunately for John Heinz Kerry he was running against the only guy with less charisma.

  On 8/6/2012 at 8:27 PM, Jauronimo said:

If Howard Dean doesn't "bbbbyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" his way out of the race, Kerry loses handily. Fortunately for John Heinz Kerry he was running against the only guy with less charisma.



I must be the only one who actually liked Dean more after going nuts.

  On 8/6/2012 at 8:24 PM, The Big Cat said:

You're right, Kerry was terrible. He was a boring, un-charismatic, aristocratic suit who ran on the "I'm not the other guy" platform without offering any of his own plans. On that we could not agree more. I'm curious how--by this definition--Willard isn't Kerry 2.0?

Besides the economy not being a mess back in 2004, the deficit, unemployment, and gas prices not being sky high, Dubya not dividing the country, Romney actually having run a company, an Olympics and a state, you're right, there is no difference at all between the two. Oh wait, they are both rich, reserved white guys, so there's that.

  On 8/6/2012 at 10:13 PM, TheNewBills said:

I must be the only one who actually liked Dean more after going nuts.


Must have been a slow news cycle... Refresh me again why it was so bad? Of course not as bad as having a horse in the Olympics... ;-)


I mean God forbid, Barry sneaks out the back door of the Oval Office to have a ciggy break...

  On 8/6/2012 at 10:17 PM, Doc said:

Besides the economy not being a mess back in 2004, the deficit, unemployment, and gas prices not being sky high, Dubya not dividing the country, Romney actually having run a company, an Olympics and a state, you're right, there is no difference at all between the two. Oh wait, they are both rich, reserved white guys, so there's that.



  On 8/6/2012 at 10:34 PM, The Big Cat said:


There's no fiction there. Unless you were trying to compare Kerry to Lois Einhorn.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/6/2012 at 8:24 PM, The Big Cat said:

You're right, Kerry was terrible. He was a boring, un-charismatic, aristocratic suit who ran on the "I'm not the other guy" platform without offering any of his own plans. On that we could not agree more. I'm curious how--by this definition--Willard isn't Kerry 2.0?

I kind of get the similarities - both guys greatest strength is that he's not the other guy; neither garnered much enthusiasm from the base - but that's about where the similarities end. Romney hasn't been terribly specific, but he's offered more than a declaration of having a secret plan (and has any campaign line ever relied on the idiocy of the target audience like "I'll invest in job creation"? :blink:).


Romney has said he wants to cut corporate taxes, wants to offer stronger solidarity with Israel (which I have reservations about, but it is a discernable difference from Obama), wants to scale back social spending, and repeal Obamacare. That's four significant differences off the top of my head and I haven't really been paying that much attention to his campaign.

Edited by Rob's House
  On 8/6/2012 at 8:24 PM, The Big Cat said:

You're right, Kerry was terrible. He was a boring, un-charismatic, aristocratic suit who ran on the "I'm not the other guy" platform without offering any of his own plans. On that we could not agree more. I'm curious how--by this definition--Willard isn't Kerry 2.0?


I'm going to go with: executive experience and knows money doesn't grow on friggin' trees.


Couldn't care less about his plan, since it won't survive his hypothetical first post-election presidential briefing. Obama's didn't.

  On 8/6/2012 at 11:24 PM, DC Tom said:

I'm going to go with: executive experience and knows money doesn't grow on friggin' trees.


Couldn't care less about his plan, since it won't survive his hypothetical first post-election presidential briefing. Obama's didn't.

That's one thing you have to hand to Bush; he made good on all his campaign promises. I wish he hadn't, but he did.

  On 8/6/2012 at 11:31 PM, Rob said:

That's one thing you have to hand to Bush; he made good on all his campaign promises. I wish he hadn't, but he did.


Except that whole "no nation building" promise... <_<

  On 8/6/2012 at 11:37 PM, DC Tom said:

Except that whole "no nation building" promise... <_<

Yeah, that's a good point. I was referring to his positive actions like "No child left behind" and the like; every feel-good campaign compassionate-conservative "do-something" promise he made good on, unfortunately.

  On 8/6/2012 at 11:48 PM, Rob said:

Yeah, that's a good point. I was referring to his positive actions like "No child left behind" and the like; every feel-good campaign compassionate-conservative "do-something" promise he made good on, unfortunately.


True. Aids would be better off if we just did nothing. Kind of like the '08 crash.

  On 8/6/2012 at 2:22 PM, Joe_the_6_pack said:

I'm concerned what someone who has a hypocritical pro-war attitude but goes to great lengths fighting them (to the point of abusing his religion in avoidance) may do as president; the position with the greatest influence on what conflicts we engage in.

im concerned that we have a president who wont share his grades

  On 8/7/2012 at 12:26 AM, BuffaloBorn1960 said:

im concerned that we have a president who wont share his grades


im concerned that the Bills may not have a good second option at WR according to the general forum

  On 8/7/2012 at 12:28 AM, TheNewBills said:

im concerned that the Bills may not have a good second option at WR according to the general forum


The Bills will be good this year.


Watch out AFC.

  On 8/6/2012 at 11:51 PM, TheNewBills said:

True. Aids would be better off if we just did nothing. Kind of like the '08 crash.

Dude, come on. You're smarter than that. "No Child Left Behind" and the Medicare expansion does dick **** to prevent AIDS. Issues like that are amusing insofar as the ignorance of the vocal activists is so easily exposed; just ask them how much we currently spend on <fill in cause> and how much we should be spending; the inevitable answers are not enough and more. And I've yet to hear which Dems were pushing for action that would have averted the '08 debacle.

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