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I too live in a swing state, and perhaps THE swing county of the election

Judging by your name, we most likely live in the same swing state (Hampton Roads area)

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if Mitt Romney will challenge Obama on this subject?


Probably support the New York Jets for providing jobs to the handicapped. :sick:

Edited by HOUSE

You don't know this board well then. PPP is for politics and this place is for football. It's not your fault but I don't come to this board for anyone's opinion on politics because I honestly don't care.

This thread wasn't political until you and others tried to make it political. It's a topic about football, or at least it was.


Oh, Mr President...Tebow, Sanchez, doesn't matter. If either one wins a Superbowl, somebody else made that happen.


Sure won't be Rex Ryan :flirt:


I think it's a lame attempt by some Obama staffer to try to make him look like a 'regular guy' by reading some prepared statement.


Obama wouldn't know Tim Tebow or Mark Sanchez if he bumped into them. Which I have no problem with btw -- the President should have better things to do than follow football training camps. I always thought one of the stupidest media reactions in history was when they made a big deal out of GHWB not being familiar with a supermarket scanner -- as if a guy who had spent the last 12 years as President or VP should have kept up on grocery store techonolgy.


This thread wasn't political until you and others tried to make it political. It's a topic about football, or at least it was.


I doubt anyone has a chance. It's football


We are way beyond big trouble already, as daily Beck, Rush, and the like make comments that are just as irrelevant that sway votes. (sorry for leaving out all those liberal talk show hosts, feel free to insert them....if they exist)


Needless to say, I agree that this topic has taken a turn for the worse.

Nobody listens to the liberal ones. That is why you couldn't name then. Glenn and Rush are not irrelevant. Neither are their comments. They speak of the news that the left leaning media refuses to report on. Listen to either of them for one week and you will see that. Or we can all preach what we have heard from someone else...just saying.

Posted (edited)

Nobody listens to the liberal ones. That is why you couldn't name then. Glenn and Rush are not irrelevant. Neither are their comments. They speak of the news that the left leaning media refuses to report on. Listen to either of them for one week and you will see that. Or we can all preach what we have heard from someone else...just saying.

They speak utter crap. Like how the villain in the Batman movie was named after Bain to embarress Romney. I think Rush is abusing pain pills again. They don't call 'em dittoheads for nothing.



Edited by PromoTheRobot

They speak utter crap. Like how the villain in the Batman movie was named after Bain to embarress Romney. I think Rush is abusing pain pills again. They don't call 'em dittoheads for nothing.




And when is the last time that you listened to either Beck or Limbaugh? Or do you base your opinion of their shows upon the opinions of others?


This thread wasn't political until you and others tried to make it political. It's a topic about football, or at least it was.


Complete BS. See post #3 and #7. You were wrong and I accept your apology.


You don't know this board well then. PPP is for politics and this place is for football. It's not your fault but I don't come to this board for anyone's opinion on politics because I honestly don't care.

Give me a break.


It is a football question.


If you don't like the mere mention of anything political, don't click the thread.




And when is the last time that you listened to either Beck or Limbaugh? Or do you base your opinion of their shows upon the opinions of others?

I don't have to listen. Limbaugh, Savage, and all of their ilk make money by pandering to the paranoia and prejudice of a segment of people want their delusions confirmed. Sorry if that includes you.




I don't have to listen. Limbaugh, Savage, and all of their ilk make money by pandering to the paranoia and prejudice of a segment of people want their delusions confirmed. Sorry if that includes you.




You accuse others of prejudice but won't listen to their show because of your own preconceived notions

Posted (edited)

You accuse others of prejudice but won't listen to their show because of your own preconceived notions

now this is not what i am here for, but these are quotes from the first story on each of these fine upstanding citizens websites. first Beck: 'From the ‘God hates fags’ and the ‘God hates the Chick‑fil‑A’ people. There’s no difference.'

Rush: 'RUSH: This is so predictable. Guess who just took the podium in Washington to explain the unemployment numbers today? President Obama. Right when this program begins.'


This is the type of crap you can here with in minutes of tuning in to either program. And I have tried time and again to listen, it's a game to me to see how long i can go with out steering my truck into a giant tree. Any issue they make points about is discredited by the BS, unfounded claims and hate they spew. Glen Beck was fired from Fox news for being too crazy????? does that not tell you anything??? And so you know, I don't get my news from the Daily show or MSNBC. I used to think a liberal counter to the Rushes of the world was the answer, and Kieth Olberman showed me it is just as obnoxious from the left. If and when I see a political story I will read CNN, FOX, then BBC. I'm absolutely sure that is not good enough for you cause I don't read the drudge report, but what ever.


I am not gonna change your mind, as you are not mine, but if you think either one of these guys are doing anything but duping their fans for the almighty dollar, you are not only sadly mistaken, but sad. And although we are in the same swing state, I am in what should be the swing county of the state, and perhaps the election. I am pretty sure HR will go D, and I hope my vote is the vote that stifles the right in my county!!!


Now for real, I love this site, and should have avoided posting, but the veiled and not so veiled comments had to be balanced, but move this thread, mods and lets move on to something we can all agree on(with the exception of Paintmyhouse) Football, and the truly exciting season we have coming up!


Nobody listens to the liberal ones. That is why you couldn't name then. Glenn and Rush are not irrelevant. Neither are their comments. They speak of the news that the left leaning media refuses to report on. Listen to either of them for one week and you will see that. Or we can all preach what we have heard from someone else...just saying.

See previous post! Also, Liberals are not as easily fooled/amused.

Edited by RichmondRob
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