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Is your neighbor a Democrat

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"I think this is invasion of my privacy and every other woman's privacy. It's like — 'Here, this is where all the women are,'" one woman told the Journal Sentinel.


Um, horseshit. In fact, it's 50/50 you WISH more men knew where you were. :lol: Moreover, this is a helpful app. Knowing who/where the female proles are is useful information in many different scenarios. Mostly, so we can avoid them like the plague. There's little that's more annoying than putting up with a drunk, MSNBC-fed, female liberal who doesn't stand a chance in a political discussion when she's sober. Gotta hate it when you encounter the personification of Reagan's "there's just so much that they know, that isn't so" quote. Living here has increased my acumen in seeing the signs, and escaping.


Full Disclosure: However, I will admit that there are nights where I purposely seek them out...just to antagonize. :devil:


But, if we want a one-night thing, with this app in hand, it would make it easier to put on an effective "corporations are just not the answer to so many of our problems, and that makes me 'insightful', don't you agree?" game, head out to the bars that have the highest concentration of blue flags around them, and....:lol:


Edit: How could I forget? Escape by telling them at some point the following week that you just can't be thinking about your own personal happiness when there are so many homeless without internet access. Hey, if the were dumb enough to confuse idiocy with insight the first time around....why wouldn't they buy the 2nd bit?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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And appropriate red flags so everyone else can map out where the stupid asses with guns are

More targeted crime and robbery.


Not really the stupid asses angle... But more from a robbery angle. If it is published where the guns are, those places are going to be more liable to robbery of the guns. Of course one's not gonna rob the place when somebody is there, they will get shot! A person who wants to steal the guns will watch the place until people leave... Then go in and steal the weapons. For the criminal, what better weapon to have than a stolen one traced to somebody else... Well I guess that is the mentality for obtaining a stolen weapon.

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