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Harry Reid's Comments

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Harry Reid. Little boys. In his senate office bathroom. Lots of people are talking now. What's Harry hiding in his bathroom???


See how freaking stupid you sound?


Stay with me Mock, you are starting to wig out again. Take a deep breath, count to 3 and channel it man.... You'll be fine once the bitterness and anger passes.

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No chance in hell he'll ever understand. Ever. Until someone stands up and wants Harry Reid to explain about a rumor they heard about little boys in his senate office bathroom.


That explains the whispers about him wanting to turn over a new page all the time. Silly me, I took it as he just wanted a fresh start.

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Okay.....................Now we're gettin somewhere.......................lol


Awesome new scoop on Romney — his high school report card


Really. Boston.com dug it up, andMediaite spells it out:


Romney took English 3, Elementary Algebra, Biology, French 1, and Art 3. He is credited in his art class for having a “real ability in painting,” but admitted that Romney is “not as industrious or as responsible as he might be.”


The rest of the report card contains similar comments about Romney’s potential to do better in class, and under additional comments, the following is written about Romney’s overall performance.


“Mitt is doing well. He is a more responsible citizen this year.”



Wow. Just devastating. So while he was allegedly cutting a classmate’s hair because he thought the guy was gay, Mitt was becoming “a more responsible citizen.” Looks like somebody had the teacher fooled. . . . . . .


But seriously, his high school report card? Someone at The Boston Globe was paid to research this, and then New England’s biggest newspaper actually wasted online space to publish it? Can we see even half that much effort over Obama’s college records, since they were only 28 years ago instead of over 45 years ago? Personally, I don’t care about the President’s college records, but if we’re supposed to be in an uproar about Romney’s taxes, and care how he did in freakin’ art class, perhaps those could also be found?




Hot Air


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Just show your returns Mitt and this whole thing is water under the bridge.


Unless he lied and didn't leave Bain when he said he did.


Yes, but I can stop wigging out and you'll still sound like a dumbass.


How hard is it to release your taxes... The man should be a proud American and show that he did his part. What is he scared of? That he is out of touch? Of course he is out of touch, we all know that. He should be proud of how hard he worked to earn a nice income... His old man had nothing to hide.

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Just show your returns Mitt and this whole thing is water under the bridge.


Unless he lied and didn't leave Bain when he said he did.




How hard is it to release your taxes... The man should be a proud American and show that he did his part. What is he scared of? That he is out of touch? Of course he is out of touch, we all know that. He should be proud of how hard he worked to earn a nice income... His old man had nothing to hide.



One day we'll have a WH paying attention to saving someone else's job, but his own.


Oh, wait. This just in from the WH. Unemployment really isn't 8.3%. It's just rounded up.


Rather than 8.3% -- the rounded-up figure -- Obama economic adviser Alan B. Krueger writes on the White House website that the real jobless rate is 8.254%.


"The household survey showed that the unemployment rate ticked up to 8.3% in July (or, more precisely, the rate rose from 8.217% in June to 8.254% in July)," wrote Krueger, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.


But hey...you keep thinking this strategy will work.

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Just show your returns Mitt and this whole thing is water under the bridge.


Unless he lied and didn't leave Bain when he said he did.




How hard is it to release your taxes... The man should be a proud American and show that he did his part. What is he scared of? That he is out of touch? Of course he is out of touch, we all know that. He should be proud of how hard he worked to earn a nice income... His old man had nothing to hide.




You keep restating the same nonsense....................................He DID release them..............................



but you keep regurgitating that same sour taste in your mouth, he SHOULD release more to prove our baseless accusations wrong !!


What a hoot.


It aint going to happen, and thanks to Harry's nonsense, it aint going to hurt Mitt either.......................................Thanks





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One day we'll have a WH paying attention to saving someone else's job, but his own.


Oh, wait. This just in from the WH. Unemployment really isn't 8.3%. It's just rounded up.




But hey...you keep thinking this strategy will work.


:lol: At least they found a new excuse. That's progress.

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One day we'll have a WH paying attention to saving someone else's job, but his own.


Oh, wait. This just in from the WH. Unemployment really isn't 8.3%. It's just rounded up.




But hey...you keep thinking this strategy will work.



Who would have thought that LABillzFans would actually some day care about umemployed Americans. You do have a compassionate heart after all!

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Totally wrong. 10-15% is fair and I would let him off the hook... That is not too much to ask. Heck, you tip your waitress more.


14% in 2010 and 2011.


Probably a lot less in '08 and '09...which is why he doesn't want idiots like you to see them. Since the reason he had a smaller tax burden is because the market tanked, and the "income" he had was offset by the capital losses people like you don't understand.

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14% in 2010 and 2011.


Probably a lot less in '08 and '09...which is why he doesn't want idiots like you to see them. Since the reason he had a smaller tax burden is because the market tanked, and the "income" he had was offset by the capital losses people like you don't understand.


That's not the reason. Nice try.


What about 2000 to 2008?

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That's not the reason. Nice try.


What about 2000 to 2008?




You really don't understand.....I thought that you were just being obstinate.



What about 1999?

How about 1992?

Why's he hiding 1987 ??


You have no argument.



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He claims he left Bain in 1999... I think he is lieing.


It's spelled lying. Regardless what a competent person he must be. He worked at Bain and turned the 2002 Olympics into a resounding success too. What a talented guy.

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It's spelled lying. Regardless what a competent person he must be. He worked at Bain and turned the 2002 Olympics into a resounding success too. What a talented guy.

Ooops my bad.


Is that before or after the 400 million of our federal tax dollars was given to SLC and another 1.2 billion spent indirectly that Mitt turned things around?


See... Bailouts really DO work.

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He claims he left Bain in 1999... I think he is lieing.


Obama claims that he got into college (Occidental, Columbia, Harvard) on the merit of his scholarship. I think he is lying.


Release your college transcripts Mr. President and prove that you didn't apply to college, get accepted, and receive aid portraying yourself as a native of Kenya.


Do you see how stoopid it sounds now? I really need to stay away from this forum. :cry: :cry: :cry:


Ooops my bad.


Is that before or after the 400 million of our federal tax dollars was given to SLC and another 1.2 billion spent indirectly that Mitt turned things around?


See... Bailouts really DO work.


Wow, the US Olympic Committe is funded by tax dollars?!?!?!?! SCANDAL . . . Better tell Harry Reid . . .


You do realize that all of the same resources were available to the Olympic committee prior to Romney taking over the SLC Games right?

Edited by Fatty McButterpants
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