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RGIII taking too many sacks

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"Rich Campbell of the Washington Times notes that Griffin has "taken more than a few sacks" in training camp because he takes too long holding onto the ball. This is a common occurrence for rookies who still are learning to read NFL defenses, much less rookies in their first week of training camp."


With the first preseason game one week away, this is music to my ears. I'm looking forward to seeing the Bills D-line get multiple sacks on RGIII next Thursday.

Edited by Jerry Jabber
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After watching Griffin III on youtube i have come to the conclusion that he will be a monumental bust. My comments on his videos to this effect have been ridiculed harshly, but from what i have seen he has had success on play action and deep balls. His accuracy in the short and mid range passes is suspect and he played some simplistic defenses during his tenure at Baylor. His tendency to take off running if his primary target is covered kept the chains moving, but in the NFL he is a big injury risk IMO, because he is not huge and has a tendency to take some big hits

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I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a preseason game. I don't even care that the starters might see 15 snaps if we're lucky. I'm just disappointed I can't tailgate. Luckily my office is like a block away from the stadium so the second the clock hits 5, I'm bolting out the door and sprinting over there. At least I won't have to pay to park. Preseason or not, I'm just ready for football. Disjointed rambling over.

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After watching Griffin III on youtube i have come to the conclusion that he will be a monumental bust. My comments on his videos to this effect have been ridiculed harshly, but from what i have seen he has had success on play action and deep balls. His accuracy in the short and mid range passes is suspect and he played some simplistic defenses during his tenure at Baylor. His tendency to take off running if his primary target is covered kept the chains moving, but in the NFL he is a big injury risk IMO, because he is not huge and has a tendency to take some big hits



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I'm not saying Robbie G a bust, I'm just saying if he doesn't take off running quick, he's gonna take a beating from the Bills D-line next week considering how bad the Foreskins O-line is. Remember, we had 10 sacks against them last season without Kyle Williams, Mark Anderson and Mario Williams.

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Shannahan better be right. He gave up 2 first rounders and a high second rounder for him. Thats a big price to pay


I agree! IMO, if Robbie G doesn't work out, it will set the Foreskins back many years. A 2nd rounder, plus two 1st rounders is quite a lot of draft picks just for one player. On top of that, they wasted a 4th round draft pick on a QB, when they could have used that pick on the O-line or another position of need.


So, we'll see how much of a genius Shanahan really is over the next few years.

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"Rich Campbell of the Washington Times notes that Griffin has "taken more than a few sacks" in training camp because he takes too long holding onto the ball. This is a common occurrence for rookies who still are learning to read NFL defenses, much less rookies in their first week of training camp."


Wow, can't they even give the guy a full preseason before carping on him?


I could be wrong, but I don't think you're likely to see Bob Griffin for long enough to see multiple sacks.

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Two of the Redskins OL starters are injured at this time.

Three years of Shanny-Ball and their O-line still sucks. Compare that to Chixley.


Mike Shanahan is a genius and wouldn't have insisted on drafting Bob Griffin if he didn't think he could turn him into the next Jake Plummer.



I could be wrong, but I don't think you're likely to see Bob Griffin for long enough to see multiple sacks.

Not so sure. Granted it's the first preseason game but on the other hand, this is a guy they are planning to start as a rookie… so he might get more PT than a veteran starter would typically get.

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I agree! IMO, if Robbie G doesn't work out, it will set the Foreskins back many years. A 2nd rounder, plus two 1st rounders is quite a lot of draft picks just for one player. On top of that, they wasted a 4th round draft pick on a QB, when they could have used that pick on the O-line or another position of need.


So, we'll see how much of a genius Shanahan really is over the next few years.

I'm just looking forward to laughing at the posters who demanded that we auto-accept that as a great deal.... :lol: on a team...who has no offensive line, or "save RG3's ass" WRs, TEs...on and on. :lol: What's more funny? They demanded that we auto-accept the soundness of a deal...that involves the Redskins, and player personnel decisions. :lol: (Adam Archuleta says hi).


The all-time best: the only way this deal makes any sense at all? RG3 MUST be a first ballot HOFer, that will be better than Montana, etc. Why? Because all of them but a few were acquired for a single draft pick. So really, we don't have to wait 10 years to find out they were wrong, we already know.


Value is value, period. The value doesn't add up here. It never, ever will, even if RG3 is good. Good is not all-time great, and that's what 2 #1s and a high 2 absolutely require....especially given the new CBO. But really? Even that isn't enough. The definition of "draft value" has changed.


Why? Because with each of these high picks, while paying "good" money", not great money you have way less risk, more money that can be used to sign/re-sign FAs, and more years of play for less money. Would you rather have 1 good/great player that you are underpaying, for 5 years ...or 3 of them? See? The RG3 deal is sheer idiocy....it's just that they don't understand the new CBO yet....or much about the concept of diversification.


But, they are not alone. :lol: The "we should trade up" morons, like Jerry Jones, also don't understand that it costs you the ability to "underpay" good players for at least 4 years, if not 5. Bill Belechik also fell into this trap this year. Trading up 2x in the 1st...for what he got? Idiocy. This thinking is not just short-sighted, it's just plain wrong.


You want to play the trade game? Use 4th round and below. Eventually this will be common knowledge.

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Not so sure. Granted it's the first preseason game but on the other hand, this is a guy they are planning to start as a rookie… so he might get more PT than a veteran starter would typically get.

I was thinking the same thing. Plus, he only has the pass the ball twice for us to get multiple sacks against him :thumbsup:

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