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Any Online Radio station broadcasting

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Anyone have any idea? I had to listen to the 49ers one last week with 49er radio commentators. Im not in the country, so anything works!


If anyone has anything please let me now thanks!




You have to log on this station at least 1 hour early. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. It usually works for me.



610 out of Canada

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I'm in Japan. Im going to be up 3 in the morning showing my true colors!



Sweet! You live there, or just vacationing? I've wanted to visit Japan for *years.* My wife's a fraidy-cat though. :lol: I'm a bit nervous (not speaking the language and all), but think it'd be a great experience. Maybe one of these days...


Oh, to answer your question -- while not radio, you can login to the chat room (http://www.twobillsdrive.com/chat -- however, if you know how to use IRC, you might want to use an IRC client like mIRC instead). There's play-by-play done there. I've heard the guy who does it is really talented. :( (text-based, not voice)


Send me some Pocky? :doh:



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Nah, we have to pay for that stuff now.  NFL makes us pay for everything now adays :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



Wow didnt know they charged for that,,since i live in the Buff..no need for it.. :(

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Business/Vacation. Mixed together. Buisness was before the christmas break, now im on vacation.


I miss watching ESPN on tv.


Ive seen some fake versions of Pocky here. Doesnt taste quite like the real thing.



Lucky you!


Fake Pocky? I would've thought that you could find the real thing anywhere. Heck, I've even seen Pocky boxes in some Anime films (such as "Spirited Away").



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