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Tim Hasselbeck:

His delivery is long, way below his waist which makes it time consuming. It allows the CB to jump the route, and his footwork is not good, or planted, causing underthrown balls due to a lack of power.


Mort says that Lee came in broke down those fundementals to show Fitz.


About Defense, Jayson Taylor said:

Great with two guys up front that can bring pressure against a division that loves to throw, and the front can put pressure on - with great depth.


If Tim Hasselback knows so much on what makes a quality quarterback, why was he so terrible? Maybe he is talking about banging hot Survivor chicks... "a long delivery below the waist makes him under throw his balls"


If Tim Hasselback knows so much on what makes a quality quarterback, why was he so terrible? Maybe he is talking about banging hot Survivor chicks... "a long delivery below the waist makes him under throw his balls"


Well.... He was right. His mechanics are his weakness currently.


Just because you yourself don't have the physical gift to do something doesn't mean you don't know or can't teach the correct way to do it. I can pick apart pitching mechanics but I can't throw 90+mph, I don't have that gift. It doesn't mean I can't look at mechanics and see what's wrong. Hell the Dolphins had a kicking coach with cerebral palsey who used a wheelchair for a while who, for obvious reasons, had never kicked a ball in his life.


Hasselbeck is a putz. I don't deny that you can't heba good coach even if you sucked youself but I just don't put any thought into Hasselbeck. He not only NOT a coach, he's an analyst and one of fhe worst ones on the station he works for.


If Tim Hasselback knows so much on what makes a quality quarterback, why was he so terrible? Maybe he is talking about banging hot Survivor chicks... "a long delivery below the waist makes him under throw his balls"

Why was Paula Abdul a judge for how well people sing?


About Defense, Jayson Taylor said:

Great with two guys up front that can bring pressure against a division that loves to throw, and the front can put pressure on - with great depth.


Two guys? Last I counted we had 4 guys that could bring pressure. :pirate:


I agree that Fitz's mechanics are far from conventional and they aren't refined. But lets hope Lee straightens him out enough to where he can improve. Fitz gets it done despite the mechanics, but if Lee is this guru that he is advertised to be he will improve Fitz. The D is looking good but its all got to come together on the field.


The best coaches almost never near the very best of athletes.


Very rarely great players end up being great coaches. Those who can't play coach. Lacking the great physical tools often leads to one being a student of the game. The physical limitations often keep a lot of people from making it in the bigs, but those who love the game and want to be around it end up coaching and that's why a lot of people who suck at the sport are great coaches.


If Tim Hasselback knows so much on what makes a quality quarterback, why was he so terrible? Maybe he is talking about banging hot Survivor chicks... "a long delivery below the waist makes him under throw his balls"

Because even great mechanics won't turn a sub par talent into a star. I could have perfect mechanics but lacking the size, velocity, strength, accuracy won't mean a thing. That's really why i don't pay much attention to all this fitz mechanics talk, skeptical it will matter


Tim Hasselbeck:

His delivery is long, way below his waist which makes it time consuming. It allows the CB to jump the route, and his footwork is not good, or planted, causing underthrown balls due to a lack of power.


Mort says that Lee came in broke down those fundementals to show Fitz.


About Defense, Jayson Taylor said:

Great with two guys up front that can bring pressure against a division that loves to throw, and the front can put pressure on - with great depth.


Thanks for sharing. I think it needs to be borne in mind that the mechanics Hasselbeck critiques were good enough to be #9 in the league for completion percentage and as Lee was quoted "sometimes he's deadly accurate and you don't want to mess with it at all". So I don't think they need a teardown and overhaul, just a bit of a tuneup.


What's with the 2 guys up front that can bring pressure comment? I thought we had 4 of 'em, maybe 5 if Merriman's all in


They were, he's been a lot better in camp.

My thoughts exactly...he seems to have more zip on the ball with tight spirals and is hitting his guys in stride. Albeit, in camp, but he's improved with the help of Lee. We need real time game situations to see if he'll revert to his old ways. Fitz, however, is a smart guy...one, who I billieve, will apply his newly refined mechanics...here's to hoping so!


Hasselbeck is a putz. I don't deny that you can't heba good coach even if you sucked youself but I just don't put any thought into Hasselbeck. He not only NOT a coach, he's an analyst and one of fhe worst ones on the station he works for.



Is that a qualification? Maybe that's the problem!



Fitz has rough mechanics but so did Favre, Marino, Rivers and a few others. I am not syaing he is on par with htose guys or nearly as athletically gifted but he makes up for it with intelligence and pocket presents.


Have you ever seena golfer with a horrible swing hitch and just pure the ball? Same thing in my opinion.


I was confused when watching this segment live though on NFL32. At one point, they had an overlay that said all AFC East teams are now running a 3-4 defense, and talked about the significance of that. But IIRC, aren't we shifting to a 4-3 this year under the Stache?


I was confused when watching this segment live though on NFL32. At one point, they had an overlay that said all AFC East teams are now running a 3-4 defense, and talked about the significance of that. But IIRC, aren't we shifting to a 4-3 this year under the Stache?

We are. ESPN finds research to be difficult despite being a "news" station.


Fitz does loos alot better, tight crisp throws


If Tim Hasselback knows so much on what makes a quality quarterback, why was he so terrible? Maybe he is talking about banging hot Survivor chicks... "a long delivery below the waist makes him under throw his balls"

Most of the best coaches are guys who fell short. They simply lacked the athletic ability to do what their brain told them.

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