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My God I hate the Pats

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I agree to some extent, but not entirely. For ex., the Stillers Packers and Giants are all very successful franchises yet engender nowhere near the hate. Some of the hate is the fault of the teams you listed. The Yankees buy championships, Duke is for snooty, rich kid front-runners, and the Pats*, well, where does one start....


...ask other NFC east fans what they think of the Giants. Vanderbilt is full of snooty rich kids too. Who hates them? It's all driven by context and recent success.

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It's real simple. The Pats are perennial division champs. I wouldn't expect ESPN or other media outlets to not give them their due. Maybe Buffalo will again be the media darlings as they were in the early 90's, but not until they win on the field. Teams like the Pats are going to get the attention as they are always in the mix come playoff time. Let's see, the Pats have appeared in the playoffs 13 of the past 17 seasons including 9 of the past 11 seasons. Buffalo hasn't been to the playoffs in 12 years. Who are you going to talk about if you are ESPN? I'm talking about the Pats if I'm ESPN. Until the Bills EARN the attention of the media by becoming a perennial playoff team, I'd expect to see only brief mentions of the Bills in the national media. This is as it should be. Go Bills.



While all of this is true, why should it in any way preclude a BILLS fan from despising the Pats with every fiber of their being?

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...ask other NFC east fans what they think of the Giants. Vanderbilt is full of snooty rich kids too. Who hates them? It's all driven by context and recent success.



Divisional rivalries are always like that--Browns fans hate the Stillers, too--but there is no "League-wide" hate for any of those teams like there is for the 'Boys or the Pats*. I think you're giving too much credit to context and success, which admittedly plays a part (there'd be less attention otherwise), but not as big a part as you think, IMHO....

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To quote the great Ric Flair, to be the man you got to beat the man (Insert Wooooo), overall the Pats* are the defending AFC champs and the AFC East Champs. They also have played in 5 Super Bowls since 2001, and have only missed the playoffs 2 times in the last 12 seasons. Its pretty easy to see why the Pats* get covered like they do. When the Bills beat the Pats*, win the division we will be the man. That's what its going to take, not only going at least 4-2 in our division but compiling a good record outside of that.


Don't worry about the media or who is giving who props. You win on the field not in the media. The Bills are semi under the radar (Despite having a universally acclaimed off-season), thanks to the Pats* being the media darling and the Jets acquiring one the most high profile players in Tebow. But that's fine with me week one we get to see exactly where we stack up against the Jets and on week 4 we see the Pats*. So by the quarter point of the season we should see exactly where we stand in the division.


Just worry about the Bills and their issues. Don't care about the media in particular ESPN.

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the Patriots are on the downward slope.. and we will get to see all the so called die hard Pat's fans slowly distance themselves from the sinking ship

If you consider going from 14 wins in '10 to just 13 wins in '11 then I guess you are right .... they are in decline. Then again, they did happen to represent the AFC in last years SB game.

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