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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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There's nothing wrong with doing softball interviews during a campaign cycle. Lots of people vote based on likeability, and to that end one's take on the mole in Albuquerque is a matter of great regional importance. Music matters even more -- Nick Hornby has argued that you can tell a lot more about a person by what they like than by what they're like.


But, more than eight weeks since his last press conference, every question the president fields from an outlet like 93.3 KOB.FM becomes another turn of the thumb in the eye of his White House press corps.


"I just flirted with the President of the United States of America," the co-host of the show says after President Obama hangs up. White House correspondents, meanwhile, are begging for a suggestive glance from across the room.



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The White house press corps is fuming over the Obama administrations insistence of Obama not giving personal press briefings. It's been months.


What makes them really upset is that he is only doing puff interviews with Peoples magazine and interviews with radio stations like this. Their calculation from what I've read is that he is popular in light hearted settings, and that they are wary of him answering tough questions.


But Bush never had many press briefings either!

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Man, I love the internet.


Me too. This video will make you piss your pants. Obama explains how McCain's plan to cut $800B in Medicare to pay for healthcare will result in a health care plan that will reduce options and do nothing to reform health care. Truly astounding how useless this guy is.



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Here are some slogans the reelect BO have been working on...


Hate and Chains!


All for one, and I'm The One!


America the Pretty - get used to it.


That 716 Billion dollars - you didn't need that!


I think, at a certain point, you've got enough money - unless you're the government.

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Indeed, Obama has held half as many availabilities as his two most recent predecessors at this point in the year of their reelection campaigns, according to data provided by Towson professor and presidential scholar Martha Joynt Kumar. At the same point in their reelection campaign, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had held 17 and 16 pressers, respectively. Obama has held just eight.


Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/79840_Page2.html#ixzz23pmu0drJ



Usually the Obama administration wilts under pressure when it comes from the left. My guess is he'll do one soon.

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I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while.


Those huge crowds for Romney, as opposed to the half filled venues for Mr. Obama ? Well the Obama campaign is "limiting" attendance on purpose

“We have plenty of time for big rallies,” a campaign spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said between the rallies on Thursday. “Our focus right now is on exciting our supporters and winning over undecided voters
and the smaller and medium-size events are the best venue to accomplish that
because the president can closely engage with the crowd.”


Big rallies are expensive, especially given the logistical and security challenges for a president as opposed to a mere United States senator. And Obama campaign operatives, both at the Chicago headquarters and in swing states where Mr. Obama recently has stumped, say the campaign intentionally limits crowds by restricting tickets. The reason is to allow the president to better connect with supporters, aides say.



They don't think much of us, thats evident.




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I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while.


Those huge crowds for Romney, as opposed to the half filled venues for Mr. Obama ? Well the Obama campaign is "limiting" attendance on purpose




They don't think much of us, thats evident.






They also have an easier time sending goons to prevent reporters from interviewing attendees outside of the venue when they "limit" tickets.

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I know you guys will probably rip me for this comment but it's just an opinion.


I cannot picture Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Sometimes, I feel like you can just look at the candidates and just tell who the people will vote for.

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I know you guys will probably rip me for this comment but it's just an opinion.


I cannot picture Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Sometimes, I feel like you can just look at the candidates and just tell who the people will vote for.


We're not going to rip you for that. It actually makes pretty good sense. I mean, Obama was actually ELECTED as President and most people still don't picture him as President.


Community organizer? Cokehead? Stoner? Agitator? Campaigner? The guy at work who blames his incompetency on everyone else? Sure.


President? Not so much.

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I know you guys will probably rip me for this comment but it's just an opinion.


I cannot picture Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Sometimes, I feel like you can just look at the candidates and just tell who the people will vote for.

Face it. You probably can't picture yourself as a success either.

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I know you guys will probably rip me for this comment but it's just an opinion.


I cannot picture Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Sometimes, I feel like you can just look at the candidates and just tell who the people will vote for.


I know what you mean. I feel the same way about James Buchanan.

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I know you guys will probably rip me for this comment but it's just an opinion.


I cannot picture Mitt Romney as President of the United States.


Sometimes, I feel like you can just look at the candidates and just tell who the people will vote for.


I can understand your "touchy, feely" approach to this election, because you are a liberal. Conservatives have a different standard.

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