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That's not a comprehensive vision of America and the role of government in society, that's a !@#$ing bumper sticker slogan...


On one hand, Romney needs to be more specific and promote HIMSELF.


But, elections are mostly popularity contests where the best message and/or slogan win.

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That's not a comprehensive vision of America and the role of government in society, that's a !@#$ing bumper sticker slogan...


I call my sister in law a "bumper sticker liberal", precisely because her knowledge goes no further than **** like that...but damn if she isn't passionate about it.



(And I'm sure there's "bumper sticker conservatives" out there...I just don't know any personally.)


On one hand, Romney needs to be more specific and promote HIMSELF.


But, elections are mostly popularity contests where the best message and/or slogan win.

So basically, "Damn the torpedos and hire Don Draper"?


You couldn't pay me to.


Edit: Your post bills the upcommig election as "The Choice", when it's anything but. It's a contest about color, Red and Blue, and it doesn't change anything. If you believe the presidential election matters a whit, you've failed at thinking.


The famous everyone sucks argument.




The famous everyone sucks argument.





It's the "we've seen it both ways and get crappy results" argument.


Guys like Ron Paul are a different option. Not that he could get a ton done since there is a whole other legislative mess to navigate, but the things he believes in a very different that the candidates we are looking at in November.


I assume he is going to endorse and carry out much of what is detailed in the proposed Ryan budget. At this point, I think Americans are going to get real wiht the fact that no program, no service, not Government entity is "hold harmless" or off limits. The simple fact is most people do not want to the pay the taxes that are neccesary to support the Government we currently run today...


I don't disgree with those people, nobody likes paying taxes especially when the programs don't bebenfit them directly. Some programs are probably good public policy, but by no means do those programs have to stay in place as the exist today.


Romney- I don't know if he has the gumption to B word-slap the entrenched Washington gridlock and establishment... we may get the chance to see.


I will not vote for a Republican based on Heathcare, its that plain and simple. Once I know I can buy insurance even with existing condtions, then I will consider voting for an aggressive fiscal aggitator....

Maybe I should ask this in a PM so as not to hijack the thread... Too late. You've mentioned this health insurance concern several times; do you have a pre-existing condition that you're worried about? I ask b/c I do (bulging cervical disks) & have made it a priority to maintain health insurance & (more importantly) long term disability insurance for the last 10 years regardless of financial situation. I'm more concerned about government health care b/c if one of those disks ruptures (one slipped this morning, actually. I'm already a few IPAs deep to kill the pain) I'll be in surgery in a few hours. Under a socialized system I could wait until irreparable damage occurs. My concern isn't just for me but also cancer patients & others with similar afflictions to mine. Just curious what your thoughts are on this. Feel free to reply in the ACA thread if you feel so inclined.

Posted (edited)

I call my sister in law a "bumper sticker liberal", precisely because her knowledge goes no further than **** like that...but damn if she isn't passionate about it.



(And I'm sure there's "bumper sticker conservatives" out there...I just don't know any personally.)

People who feel their way through life's obstacles rather than reason their way through should be forced to have identifying facial tattoos so we know who they are and can dismiss them accordingly. The fact that we can't is disheartening but some of that blow is cushioned by the fact that they voluntarily place bumper stickers on their cars, largely serving the same purpose.


The famous everyone sucks argument.



When given two plates of ****, and asked which one I'd enjoy eating based on my preference of corn or nuts, I just push away from the table.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

When given two plates of ****, and asked which one I'd enjoy eating based on my preference of corn or nuts, I just push away from the table.


I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think complete lack of participation generally makes the situation even worse.


No, it was a winning message.


Yes, the Charlatan-in-Chief was able to fool enough people who couldn't see through his bs and gain office. He has proven that he is not worthy of the office and should be thrown out.


Maybe I should ask this in a PM so as not to hijack the thread... Too late. You've mentioned this health insurance concern several times; do you have a pre-existing condition that you're worried about? I ask b/c I do (bulging cervical disks) & have made it a priority to maintain health insurance & (more importantly) long term disability insurance for the last 10 years regardless of financial situation. I'm more concerned about government health care b/c if one of those disks ruptures (one slipped this morning, actually. I'm already a few IPAs deep to kill the pain) I'll be in surgery in a few hours. Under a socialized system I could wait until irreparable damage occurs. My concern isn't just for me but also cancer patients & others with similar afflictions to mine. Just curious what your thoughts are on this. Feel free to reply in the ACA thread if you feel so inclined.


you hijacking son of a B word!


My wife has a history of cancer, Wilms Tumor as a kid- she is uninsurable for any kind of individual health insurance or life insurance, that is before the ACA was passed. All we want is to be able to purchase catastrpohic coverage IF she has a recurrance of cancer and need extensive treatment.... Heck, I even understand that we would be rated higher dut to risk, that does not bother me one bit.. We plan start out own business in the next few years, it wil be hard for us to do that if one of us has to stay at a job because of group coverage.


you're smart keeping Health Ins, but REALLY smart keeping that Disability... I keep as much Dis Ins throught work both short and long-term as possible.. you never know, and like you, I don't want to be a burden on others to support me... that is my freaking resposinbility..


Socialized Medicine- sounds great in theory, in delivery from a logistical standpoint, from a admin standpoint... BUT... it tends to alocate cost controls and other expense devices that take the incentive to innovate and make money out of the equation... as much as people DO NOT want to hear it, it is good people can make money in Healthcare. You don't get Cancer Therapies, Robotic Surgical Modalties or for cripes sakes Lipitor if there is no money to be made and incentive to do so... its why we have the best treatments here, even if our delivery system is dusjointed and inefficient.


as for the ACA- it keeps the private insurance market, and overlays on the existing heathcare environment. Its the perfect fit... except for the, oh, 3900 pages of BS that is not needed to achieve these goals:


1. Citizens need to carry insurance coverage

2. Citizens can buy a cadillac plan, or they can buy a high deductible Catastrophic plan... they pick something that fits their budget, their needs

3. Incentives to get healthly and use less (not sure what those are)


The bill does not need to be 4000 pages, it can be more simplified and be much less intrusive in the lives of Americans....




Rob, I hope your surgery goes well, man. Back related injury is awful, people don't realize how much a bulging disk hurts... to a safe surgery and full recovery :beer:


I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think complete lack of participation generally makes the situation even worse.

My thoughts are basically this: We've already gone too far to fix our problems before we've completely destroyed ourselves. We aren't even discussing the real flaws inherent to the system... hell, we haven't even acknowledged them. We're watching riots in the streets as Europe unravels, and our canary in the coal mine is long past dead, but we're more concerned with presidential kiss cams and are debating about whether or not Mormons are Christian. None of this can be undone, so the fastest way to get to a point where the real problems are discussed and what sort of system we should have is debated is by going through the bottom. I'm a steward of ideas, and we're almost to the point where I can share them.


you hijacking son of a B word!


My wife has a history of cancer, Wilms Tumor as a kid- she is uninsurable for any kind of individual health insurance or life insurance, that is before the ACA was passed. All we want is to be able to purchase catastrpohic coverage IF she has a recurrance of cancer and need extensive treatment.... Heck, I even understand that we would be rated higher dut to risk, that does not bother me one bit.. We plan start out own business in the next few years, it wil be hard for us to do that if one of us has to stay at a job because of group coverage.


you're smart keeping Health Ins, but REALLY smart keeping that Disability... I keep as much Dis Ins throught work both short and long-term as possible.. you never know, and like you, I don't want to be a burden on others to support me... that is my freaking resposinbility..


Socialized Medicine- sounds great in theory, in delivery from a logistical standpoint, from a admin standpoint... BUT... it tends to alocate cost controls and other expense devices that take the incentive to innovate and make money out of the equation... as much as people DO NOT want to hear it, it is good people can make money in Healthcare. You don't get Cancer Therapies, Robotic Surgical Modalties or for cripes sakes Lipitor if there is no money to be made and incentive to do so... its why we have the best treatments here, even if our delivery system is dusjointed and inefficient.


as for the ACA- it keeps the private insurance market, and overlays on the existing heathcare environment. Its the perfect fit... except for the, oh, 3900 pages of BS that is not needed to achieve these goals:


1. Citizens need to carry insurance coverage

2. Citizens can buy a cadillac plan, or they can buy a high deductible Catastrophic plan... they pick something that fits their budget, their needs

3. Incentives to get healthly and use less (not sure what those are)


The bill does not need to be 4000 pages, it can be more simplified and be much less intrusive in the lives of Americans....




Rob, I hope your surgery goes well, man. Back related injury is awful, people don't realize how much a bulging disk hurts... to a safe surgery and full recovery :beer:

Thanks, bub. Sorry to hear about your wife. My aunt dealt w/ a lot of insurance bull **** when she had cancer. Not sure how much it will help, but if you don't want to wait you might be able to switch now. when I lost my coverage through my employer I was able to get personal coverage by submitting a letter of prior credible coverage. I'm not sure if that would work for your situation but it might be worth checking out.


Sorry TNB, I'll let you have the thread back.


My thoughts are basically this: We've already gone too far to fix our problems before we've completely destroyed ourselves. We aren't even discussing the real flaws inherent to the system... hell, we haven't even acknowledged them. We're watching riots in the streets as Europe unravels, and our canary in the coal mine is long past dead, but we're more concerned with presidential kiss cams and are debating about whether or not Mormons are Christian. None of this can be undone, so the fastest way to get to a point where the real problems are discussed and what sort of system we should have is debated is by going through the bottom. I'm a steward of ideas, and we're almost to the point where I can share them.


Fair enough. As I said, I actually agree with you but I don't think we'll ever hit the bottom*. I think, the more and more North American society is swamped in debt, cost of living will just get harder and harder for those that don't have old money. I'm already seeing it now where most people in my age group are strongly depending on their parents to be able to purchase homes, etc and it will become more difficult for upward mobility as the cost of living keeps on getting higher, similar to what my cousins in Italy are going through.


Note: I live in Canada so it's a different situation entirely but I think both countries share the same fundamental flaws.


Can you really and truly say you are voting FOR Mitt Romney without saying/thinking/knowing that you're really voting against Obama? Is there enough substance in Romney's bank of experiences, in his ability to comment off-the-cuff on matters of world import, to begin to justify casting a vote for him?


Of course, one can swap the names around in the above paragraph and be just as challenged.


Simply put, the choice in November just plain sux.

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