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Geithner grilled on capital hill (Libor)

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This fraud stuff is going tilt towards actual consequences sooner or later this is a really significant scandal towards that imo. And as a known drug dea....I mean known leftist on this board...the Republicans were much harder than the democrats IMO. Touche House GOP. I basically don't have a kind word to say about you for 2 years running...now I have one kind thing to say. Just thought I would post since I blast the House GOP constantly. Still probably nothing going to happen but...we'll see.

Edited by TheNewBills
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Some say our financial elite are scum but really except for liar loans, robo signings and forging documents, collusion with the credit rating agencies so they can sell junk assets to pension funds, front running trades, commodity manipulation, currency, manipulation, insider trading, using look back trades to steal from pensions, stealing from segregated accounts, pump and dump schemes, falsifying earnings reports,, buying our politicians, making huge risky bets without the assets to back them, having the balls to protest any regulation as government interference when they were getting (direct bailouts with tax payer money, having their junk assets being bought at above market by the Fed, and getting near zero percent interest Fed loans ) laundrying drug money/terrorist money and now rigging LIBOR rates - they are fine human beings - oh and except for their low personal ethics, and lack of empathy or compassion but aside from that they're great.

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Some say our financial elite are scum but really except for liar loans, robo signings and forging documents, collusion with the credit rating agencies so they can sell junk assets to pension funds, front running trades, commodity manipulation, currency, manipulation, insider trading, using look back trades to steal from pensions, stealing from segregated accounts, pump and dump schemes, falsifying earnings reports,, buying our politicians, making huge risky bets without the assets to back them, having the balls to protest any regulation as government interference when they were getting (direct bailouts with tax payer money, having their junk assets being bought at above market by the Fed, and getting near zero percent interest Fed loans ) laundrying drug money/terrorist money and now rigging LIBOR rates - they are fine human beings - oh and except for their low personal ethics, and lack of empathy or compassion but aside from that they're great.


And they smell, and their mothers dress them funny.

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Lies, they have no mother except Ayn Rand and she wouldn't change a baby and be exploited.


I've spent about six hours on the phone with people at Wells Fargo so far this week.


If you'd talk to them for just ten minutes, you'd realize that you're characterizing them all wrong: these people are far too stupid to formulate the intent to break the law.

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I've spent about six hours on the phone with people at Wells Fargo so far this week.


If you'd talk to them for just ten minutes, you'd realize that you're characterizing them all wrong: these people are far too stupid to formulate the intent to break the law.

yeah somehow they are like Schrödinger's cat at the same time so !@#$ing brilliant they deserve every dollar of bloated salary and bonus unmoored from performance yet so painfully stupid they can't be held accountable for malfeasance.

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yeah somehow they are like Schrödinger's cat at the same time so !@#$ing brilliant they deserve every dollar of bloated salary and bonus unmoored from performance yet so painfully stupid they can't be held accountable for malfeasance.


What they're going to put their self-regulating selves in jail? They're going to hold themselves accountable?

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What they're going to put their self-regulating selves in jail? They're going to hold themselves accountable?

BTW I've started hearing this defense - " most of us never wanted to do unethical things but because the regulators never stopped our competitors from unethical behavior we were forced to follow suit or go out of business"

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BTW I've started hearing this defense - " most of us never wanted to do unethical things but because the regulators never stopped our competitors from unethical behavior we were forced to follow suit or go out of business"


Sort of like the BO administration's license to run amok, isn't it? "Well, George Bush did it, so we can do it."

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I've spent about six hours on the phone with people at Wells Fargo so far this week.


If you'd talk to them for just ten minutes, you'd realize that you're characterizing them all wrong: these people are far too stupid to formulate the intent to break the law.

The people on the phone? Of course they're dumb. That's just how "they" want it.

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BTW I've started hearing this defense - " most of us never wanted to do unethical things but because the regulators never stopped our competitors from unethical behavior we were forced to follow suit or go out of business"

I wouldn't quite characterize it all as a function of inaction by regulators, but the essence of that argument- in that environment that's how the game was, so your options were largely play ball or get off the team - is fairly accurate. What is it you disagree with?

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Some say our financial elite are scum but really except for liar loans, robo signings and forging documents, collusion with the credit rating agencies so they can sell junk assets to pension funds, front running trades, commodity manipulation, currency, manipulation, insider trading, using look back trades to steal from pensions, stealing from segregated accounts, pump and dump schemes, falsifying earnings reports,, buying our politicians, making huge risky bets without the assets to back them, having the balls to protest any regulation as government interference when they were getting (direct bailouts with tax payer money, having their junk assets being bought at above market by the Fed, and getting near zero percent interest Fed loans ) laundrying drug money/terrorist money and now rigging LIBOR rates - they are fine human beings - oh and except for their low personal ethics, and lack of empathy or compassion but aside from that they're great.

If you think the elite are bad you should meet some middle management or entry level guys. The Sr. Analyst down the hall from me always kills the last of the coffee. And does he fill it back up? Never. I promise you this, comrade. When the revolution starts he will be the first against the wall.

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If you think the elite are bad you should meet some middle management or entry level guys. The Sr. Analyst down the hall from me always kills the last of the coffee. And does he fill it back up? Never. I promise you this, comrade. When the revolution starts he will be the first against the wall.


That doesn't beat the last guy who finished my milk in the fridge.


I'm close to the boiling point.

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That doesn't beat the last guy who finished my milk in the fridge.


I'm close to the boiling point.

If someone drinks your milk then its definitely fair game to polish off their left over PF Changs or have an affair with their wife. Pay it forward.

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If someone drinks your milk then its definitely fair game to polish off their left over PF Changs or have an affair with their wife. Pay it forward.


The worst incident. I had a dessert in the fridge when I was working on this ****ty job. I waited all day to eat it and it was gone.


I should have went postal on those mother!@#$ers.


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Are these the same ones that get Smirnoff Ice when you go out for beers?

We're talking finance, not public relations. If you're going to make it in finance you need to drastically over spend on the trendy top shelf booze and then drown it with mixers or pay $10 for some skunk piss yuppie brew. Otherwise how will everyone know that we're better than them?

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