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More problems for Mitt

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This is the most retarded thread I've seen in some time. I tried to think of an analogy for a reductio ad absurdum, but we're already at absurdum.


The official PPP term for beyond "reductio ad absudrum" is "reductio ad conner," as a matter of fact.

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When off shoring started in the 1970s the reason given was we can't compete if we do not off-shore, of course who were they competing against? other economically developed countries or other American businesses- who they were not competing against were indigenous companies using their own cheap labor, off-shoring wasn't popular here but when the people protested the answer was we have to compete against the Europeans, off-shoring was also unpopular in western Europe but when the people protested the answer was we have to compete against the Americans- and the net effect only marginally lowered prices on products but mainly caused stagnation and now decline in the working mans wages, unemployment, and increased wealth disparity.

Gravity man.


It's called survival of the fittest. Companies don't do it so they can be perceived as Meanies, they do it to compete, and the cold hard business world, you gotta do what you can to survive, if that means shutting down here and setting up shop overseas where labor is cheaper, than that's what you gotta do. It's natural that illogical thinking people will base their conclusions off of emotions, and that's their right, but in all actuality they are detached from any sense of economic reality.


It is what is

Edited by WorldTraveller
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OK, you have to be a troll. We can take away 4/5 of one rich person's wealth and that would have to affect on their lifestyle, but take away only half of another person's wealth and they would have to change their lifestyle?

What? Speak English or at least make sense

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I hear most of them stuff it in mattresses and treasure rooms. If only they'd invest it in companies it could help to grow the economy. Greedy bastards.

Or stuff it in bank accounts inn the caymans, which is not being invested, it's just sitting there


That's !@#$ing hilarious....he's quoting you.


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Back in the 1990's the big Conservative idea was to let the Churches do more to take care of everyone. While here would be more misery, at least we would be more spiritual!


I'd sooner trust most churches (note: NOT all. Scientology, for example) to handle charity than I would the government.


And I don't trust most churches.

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I totally understand how you feel. Its amazing how people believe all that garbage! These business men big and small are so wealthy and they want more. Yet they cry all day about taxes and big Government giving all these hand outs to the masses. Well if you ship all the jobs overseas and the people have no job what are we suppose to do?

Back in the 70s (I think) Milton Friedman traveled to China where they showed off some of their great works projects with teams of men working with shovels. He asked why they didn't have any heavy machinery. They gushed about how wonderful this was because it created all these extra jobs. He asked, "then why don't you just give them spoons?" Think about it.

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I'd sooner trust most churches (note: NOT all. Scientology, for example) to handle charity than I would the government.


And I don't trust most churches.

Want the masses to worship do you? That will fix them!

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Back in the 70s (I think) Milton Friedman traveled to China where they showed off some of their great works projects with teams of men working with shovels. He asked why they didn't have any heavy machinery. They gushed about how wonderful this was because it created all these extra jobs. He asked, "then why don't you just give them spoons?" Think about it.

Don't try to reason with it

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Don't mind admitting it's something of a guilty pleasure of mine watching liberals turn on each other. Park vs. Bigfat is not quite Feinstein vs. Obama...but it'll do, pig. It'll do.


Hey, have you managed to bring of Solyndra in this thread yet? I would have to admit, it's a guilty pleasure of mine to see how long it takes LA to drag Solyndra into a thread.

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