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Rule #5 of PPP Discourse -If you find that you've made a complete ass of yourself for 10 pages and your only way out now is to either backtrack significantly or admit defeat, it is best practice to declare total victory and then retire from the discussion.


Never gets old.



Sound familiar, WorldTraveler? Still ROFLMFAO all these hours later....

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Hold on a second, I specifically answered your question, referenced three links that addressed three different points and now you want me to go back through the links to show you?


So where is your outrage over the whitehouse leaks ? I mean GG already called you out as well for your faux outrage. I mean surely you must be a lot more concerned with the WH leaks which is infinitely more damaging for this country than anything in mitts tax returns.


Where is your concern Matty ? Hypocrite :lol:


To answer your first question--yes, because I pointed out what was wrong in your argument based on those links (which themselves dissembled from my original point that you were seeking to refute, that of it now being the best time in about 60 plus years to be a wealthy American from a tax perspective) and you had no response to that. Simple question--got any data to show that our tax system is progressive all the way at the top and not simply based on deciles? Your link talked in deciles, as the author himself admitted. I linked to two sources for my point.


As for point 2 re leaks--believe it or not I can handle thinking about two issues at once (three on good days), but no matter. Let's see where the investigation goes before declaring victory, shall we, after all, it's early days on that. Maybe you'll be right and this WH will turn out to be as devious as the last (remember your good buddy Scooter Libby?)....

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To answer your first question--yes, because I pointed out what was wrong in your argument based on those links (which themselves dissembled from my original point that you were seeking to refute, that of it now being the best time in about 60 plus years to be a wealthy American from a tax perspective) and you had no response to that. Simple question--got any data to show that our tax system is progressive all the way at the top and not simply based on deciles? Your link talked in deciles, as the author himself admitted. I linked to two sources for my point.


As for point 2 re leaks--believe it or not I can handle thinking about two issues at once (three on good days), but no matter. Let's see where the investigation goes before declaring victory, shall we, after all, it's early days on that. Maybe you'll be right and this WH will turn out to be as devious as the last (remember your good buddy Scooter Libby?)....


I did have a response, but you are too ideologically incapable to see a different perspective.


"the share of federal taxes paid by higher-income households exceeded their share of before-tax income, and the opposite was true for lower-income households.


In 2009, the shares of federal taxes paid by households in certain income quintiles were:


Lowest quintile: 0.3 percent

Middle quintile: 9.4 percent

Highest quintile: 67.9 percent


Declines in before-tax income among households in the top income percentile lowered their share of tax liabilities from 26.7 percent in 2007 to 22.3 percent in 2009. "


Between 2007 and 2009, after-tax earnings by Americans in the top one percent for income fell 37 percent. On a pre-tax basis they fell 36 percent in the same period.


when you take into account federal transfers, assistance and taxes paid, the incomes of the bottom 20 percent grew by 3 percent, while it fell a modest 2 percent for the middle 20 percent.


In other words, the incomes of the top one percent fell 18 times more than the incomes for the middle class at the start of the recession."



And to your second point, so what you're saying is that you dispute the OECD's claims that the US has the most progressive tax code in the world. I guess it didn't fit your narrow views. Got it! :lol:

Edited by WorldTraveller
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I'm gonna give you a little help Matty, the issue isn't so much how much the top 1% are paying in taxes, but what's lost in your views is how much the middle class are paying in taxes? The fact is that the middle class pay unusually low tax rates, And since we are talking about the progressivity of the US tax code, relativity is vital.

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Declaring victory and hiding is a time-honored tradition, yes.


But JtSP is breaking new ground her. He's not only declaring victory, he's declaring victory and basking in the imagined praise of everyone for achieving it. That's...remarkable. I'll bet you didn't know that you were so thankful for his presence on the board until he told you so, did you? Almost schizophrenic.

Yeah because the ad naseum attacks I get from the TBD Alamo gang in here quenches my "narcistic" requirement for "excessive admiration."


"sh#t for brains" isnt even a good analogy for you. At least actual sh#t having no capacity for cognition isn't WRONG 100% OF THE TIME. Lol dude can your level of idiocy really exist in this world ? How many times you gonna get lucky at the crosswalk thinking "don't walk" means it's safe to pass ?

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Yeah because the ad naseum attacks I get from the TBD Alamo gang in here quenches my "narcistic" requirement for "excessive admiration."


"sh#t for brains" isnt even a good analogy for you. At least actual sh#t having no capacity for cognition isn't WRONG 100% OF THE TIME. Lol dude can your level of idiocy really exist in this world ? How many times you gonna get lucky at the crosswalk thinking "don't walk" means it's safe to pass ?


This is what Charlie Sheen used to call "winning".

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Yeah but at least when Charlie wasn't really "winning", he was still fvcking hot young porn stars


JtSP can't afford that consolation prize


You never know man, I mean he did pass his series 7 & series 63.

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Yeah because the ad naseum attacks I get from the TBD Alamo gang in here quenches my "narcistic" requirement for "excessive admiration."


"sh#t for brains" isnt even a good analogy for you. At least actual sh#t having no capacity for cognition isn't WRONG 100% OF THE TIME. Lol dude can your level of idiocy really exist in this world ? How many times you gonna get lucky at the crosswalk thinking "don't walk" means it's safe to pass ?


And to think, all this started because you're too cluelessly gullible to distinguish the mindless hit-piece editorialism of AntiWar.com from actual facts.

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If he ever tries the CFA he could join me and Jauronimo in our exclusive awesome group.


He wouldn't do that. He's so much more smarter than everybody, he wouldn't stoop down to your level by joining your exclusive awesome group.

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That is a hard exam, and the question that trips most up is the one about the speed of light vs the speed of sound in space




It's three exams and I got a special letter bypassing me from that question :D


He wouldn't do that. He's so much more smarter than everybody, he wouldn't stoop down to your level by joining your exclusive awesome group.


Especially since calling it an exclusive awesome group is a violation of the code of ethics.

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