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Looks like the Bain attacks have had...

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Lol, sorry, I didn't see that

Yes, I'm sure it was a coincidence, just like all your threads are born from David Axelrod Twitter posts.


Pure coincidence.


Note to the liberal dolts always trying to sell themselves as "moderate independents": THIS is what a partisan hack actually looks like.

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Why isn't Romney running away with the polls? Too many people who need the gravy train to continue. But that will change soon enough when the economy is so bad, the gravy train starts falling off the track.



Or, (respectfully) Doc, the polling could be like this.


Who’s up for a new NBC/WSJ poll based on a bad sample?


Last month’s sample was questionable. This month’s sample is terrible:


(Breakdown table at the link)


The 2008 national exit poll sample, taken when Hopenchange fever was at its zenith, was 39D---32R---29I, or D+7.


This one, after three years of Obamanomics dreck, is somehow D+11 if you include leaners and D+12(!) if you don’t.


Anyone feel like taking these results seriously?


And yet we soldier on, my friends, reminding ourselves at every step that lame content is still content. One interesting takeaway: The attacks on Bain are driving Obama’s favorables down too, even with a very Democratic sample.


Hot Air



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Lol, sorry, I didn't see that. I watched my stocks fall all well, saw McDonalds and Apple miss their earning in first time in forever and can see what's going on.



Put a fork in Obama, he is done




* I hope I am wrong :mellow:


Mine beat earnings tonight. Stock's up 8% after the close...


...except I bought calls just out-of-the-money. Those are up closer to 200%. :w00t:

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Mine beat earnings tonight. Stock's up 8% after the close...


...except I bought calls just out-of-the-money. Those are up closer to 200%. :w00t:

Nice job Tom. I see my Apple stock is down 5% in after hours trading. I'm still way ahead on it, but it still is a downer. No problem though, in lower prices there is only opportunity to buy and long term this is simply a bump in the road. Europe is a disaster though. Romney hit the jack pot on that. With the housing market recovering here and Europe probably getting their house in order before 2016 I'm sure it's 8 years of Mitt. Oh well, he will be better than Bush I bet . We shall see


Despite the ridiculously D + 11 democrat over sampling, when they asked those who were most likely to vote, Romney leads Obama by 2 points 48% to 46%

Wait till unemployment hits 10% again, which it will...those numbers will change to Romney pretty quickly

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Lol, sorry, I didn't see that. I watched my stocks fall all well, saw McDonalds and Apple miss their earning in first time in forever and can see what's going on.



Put a fork in Obama, he is done




* I hope I am wrong :mellow:

In light of all that I can certainly see why you want to give him 4 more years. Do you think Dick Jauron should have gotten another extension?

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In light of all that I can certainly see why you want to give him 4 more years. Do you think Dick Jauron should have gotten another extension?

You just said I don't know anything about economics and you post this ignorance?? Pray tell, what should our President have done to make the Euro Zone more stable?


Wow, you are a total idiot!

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How the !@#$ you go from the bolded above to "women adore him?" YOU apparently adore him and are projecting YOUR favoring of his stance on the issues you listed above into meaning that women will flock to him, apparently because he's dreamy.


What job creation?


If "women's rights" (code word for abortion) were the be all end all, then ALL women would be Democrats. Women as a bloc are far more divided than African Americans or other racial minority groups tend to be.


The rest of the "quiver" of issues you've come up with are social issues which will not trump economic issues unless the economy takes a major upturn in the next 3 months. As much as you apparently desperately want the election to come down to social issues, it is not looking like that is what people are focused on currently. IF it does come down to social issues, the President will likely get re-elected. Right now, and for the past 45 or so months, it's looking like this election will be decided by the economy. Most of the women I know aren't too thrilled with the direction that's headed in currently.



And on a separate note, you said yourself, the President has been on the attack for 6 months. There are still 3 more months to go before people go to the polling stations. People want to hear what's right with the country, not just how this new guy is the devil. Attacking the other guy doesn't LOOK presidential. The tactics used, by both sides, will likely change significantly throughout the next 3+ months. If the President doesn't take the high road himself, he will give Mr. Romney an opportunity to look more presidential than the current President. If that happens, President Obama's election chances are in deep trouble. Past Presidents have let their campaign staff do their dirty work, the current WH occupant might be wise to follow that tack.


In talking with a buddy here about social issues in the Pres election, I realized I meant to pose this question a few days ago:


If social issues won't be a factor--how likely is Romney to pick a pro-choice veep? I say highly unlikely.

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You just said I don't know anything about economics and you post this ignorance?? Pray tell, what should our President have done to make the Euro Zone more stable?


Wow, you are a total idiot!


But you DON'T know anything about economics.


And a foreign policy would be nice, for starters...

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In talking with a buddy here about social issues in the Pres election, I realized I meant to pose this question a few days ago:


If social issues won't be a factor--how likely is Romney to pick a pro-choice veep? I say highly unlikely.

It's not likely because elections are about base turnouts

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Harry Reid takes the election down to a gutter level that seems even a little disgusting for Harry himself.


What a completely useless dolt this man has become.


Reid said he wasn't sure if the tip was true or not.


"He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain," Reid said. "But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?"


Reid refused to say who the investor was, according to the Huffington Post.


Democrats have repeatedly criticized Romney for not releasing enough of his tax returns. They say Romney's hesitance to release less than two years worth of returns indicates he's hiding something.

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