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Looks like the Bain attacks have had...

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Thank's for making my point.


You're not making any sense.



Despite your quips about him, Romney is probably one of the smartest men to run for office based simply on his resume. He knows what he's doing and if he starts listening to the talking heads about how to approach certain situations, he could kiss the presidency goodbye.


Like a good coach, you don't listen to the fans.


Please substantiate...


That's fine and all, but it doesn't take away from him being a stuffy boob. :lol:

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I've got a say that I don't know where this "Romney has to define himself" or "What is Romney doing?" crap comes from. You must be in a NY or New England. Because Romney has been running for President for what seems like 6 or 7 years now.


States that don't know about Romney are states that are going to have all their electoral votes go for whatever democrat party member the left throws up ever 4 years no matter what. Why bother to run adds or hold campaign events in those states.


You'll learn more during and after the convention when the campaign truly goes national.


Really? "Only 3 months?"


No, it's "A lot can happen in 3 months".


It's the middle of summer. School starts at the end of next month and people will turn off their vacation brain and begin to seriously think about the next 4 years. I only hope they not only consider who will be the President, but who is currently the Attorney General and other political appointees. My hope is they seriously consider who will appoint the next 2 or 3 justices to the Supreme Court. I hope they consider those executive orders that go against the process of checks and balances.


Romney is speaking for himself. Those who wouldn't find fault if Obama was found in bed with 2 teenage boys aren't listening.


The rest are. And he's moving up in the poles despite the poles favoring democrat voters (disregarding the 2010 midterms as some sort of fluke). So, most people are receiving his message even if some of the left leaning posters here are not.



No, actually I live in Texas. A red state through and through. I am virtually surrounded by Republicans, most places I go. Honestly, while I know they will all vote for Romney, I am not sure I can recall anybody speaking particularly enthusiastically of him. Even on a national level, the same Republicans who were bashing him only 6 months ago, are now giving their lukewarm endorsements... in his 7 years of running for the candidacy, he hardly seems to have won the hearts and minds of his own party.


Romney was the guy who nobody in the Republican party wanted as their candidate, but they couldn't get a conscensious on anyone else. It seems to be the "anyone but Obama" philosophy has taken root... in some ways, it almost a replay of John Kerry... hope for your side it goes better than that did. It very well may, but after Romney recreates the wheel on his first day in office, what is he going to do?

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Reasonable person: Based on polling data, on general matchups and questions posed regarding the attack ads on mitt, there is evidence that there hasn't been much of a shift


TBC: Na uh, it's working



Reasonable Person: well, not according to the polling data that poses their views of Romney and how he would manage the economy


TBC: Na uh, Nate Silver says differently


Reasonable Person: I understand that you want to cite a self-described progressive who blogs for the NY times to back up your point, but please elaborate on the point rather than cite his conclusion.


TBC: Oh you just hate progressives.


Reasonable Person: So according to the polls, it's practically a dead even race.


TBC: Na uh, Obama is winning by a point, that's not dead even. Plus Obama was winning by alot more 6 months ago.


Reasonable Person: ummm, a point race is practically dead even.


TBC: Be a man! say who you think is gonna win the race. Romney. Will. Lose. Haruuumphhhhhhh!!!!!


Reasonable Person: relax little fella, no need to get worked up, the point is that the ads are ineffective.


TBC: I hate you! and I don't need no polls, I have insight, and women adore Obama!


Reasonable Person: This whole issue about defining Romney is not a problem for Romney as much as people like to make it out to be, because he's been on the trail for so long, been governor and has had a pretty public profile.


TBC: Romney is a stuffy boob :nana:

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Please substantiate...


That's fine and all, but it doesn't take away from him being a stuffy boob. :lol:


Because private equity is probably one of the most challenging fields in business to succeed and it takes a strong analytical understanding of pretty much every industry and worldwide.


This is just my personal opinion but being able to acquire and re-tune businesses to make them profitable is difficult and very impressive.


That being said, I think he knows what he's doing and if he starts listening to the chatter, he'll throw his path off course.

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No, actually I live in Texas. A red state through and through. I am virtually surrounded by Republicans, most places I go. Honestly, while I know they will all vote for Romney, I am not sure I can recall anybody speaking particularly enthusiastically of him. Even on a national level, the same Republicans who were bashing him only 6 months ago, are now giving their lukewarm endorsements... in his 7 years of running for the candidacy, he hardly seems to have won the hearts and minds of his own party.


Romney was the guy who nobody in the Republican party wanted as their candidate, but they couldn't get a conscensious on anyone else. It seems to be the "anyone but Obama" philosophy has taken root... in some ways, it almost a replay of John Kerry... hope for your side it goes better than that did. It very well may, but after Romney recreates the wheel on his first day in office, what is he going to do?

Right. And Hillary had nothing but sweet things to say about Obama 4 years ago?


Oh, I forgot. He should be running around a sure win state throwing campaign events and tons of cash at add buys.


My side's really not in the race this year by the way. I'm a lesser of two evils kind of guy.


I did take that online test that says I agree pretty much with Romney, so maybe he's on my side. Kind of weird. I consider my side to be liberal in the classical meaning of the word.


And, Romney was my guy in 2007 - 2008 (something about business for me I think they know something the political class doesn't... I voted for Ross Perot and I voted for Forbes over Bush in the spring of 2000 but Bush in November 2000). I think Romney's term as a governor with a hostile legislature is a plus.

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No, actually I live in Texas. A red state through and through. I am virtually surrounded by Republicans, most places I go. Honestly, while I know they will all vote for Romney, I am not sure I can recall anybody speaking particularly enthusiastically of him. Even on a national level, the same Republicans who were bashing him only 6 months ago, are now giving their lukewarm endorsements... in his 7 years of running for the candidacy, he hardly seems to have won the hearts and minds of his own party.


Romney was the guy who nobody in the Republican party wanted as their candidate, but they couldn't get a conscensious on anyone else. It seems to be the "anyone but Obama" philosophy has taken root... in some ways, it almost a replay of John Kerry... hope for your side it goes better than that did. It very well may, but after Romney recreates the wheel on his first day in office, what is he going to do?


Don't you live in Austin?

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No, actually I live in Texas. A red state through and through. I am virtually surrounded by Republicans, most places I go. Honestly, while I know they will all vote for Romney, I am not sure I can recall anybody speaking particularly enthusiastically of him. Even on a national level, the same Republicans who were bashing him only 6 months ago, are now giving their lukewarm endorsements... in his 7 years of running for the candidacy, he hardly seems to have won the hearts and minds of his own party.


Romney was the guy who nobody in the Republican party wanted as their candidate, but they couldn't get a conscensious on anyone else. It seems to be the "anyone but Obama" philosophy has taken root... in some ways, it almost a replay of John Kerry... hope for your side it goes better than that did. It very well may, but after Romney recreates the wheel on his first day in office, what is he going to do?

There is certainly an element of that, although I thought that was even more applicable to McCain. I think Romney will do a better job of gaining support during the campaign because he has more charisma than Kerry (who doesn't?) & I don't think he'll be as big of a kitty as McCain was. But the lack of initial enthusiasm is a concern.

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There is certainly an element of that, although I thought that was even more applicable to McCain. I think Romney will do a better job of gaining support during the campaign because he has more charisma than Kerry (who doesn't?) & I don't think he'll be as big of a kitty as McCain was. But the lack of initial enthusiasm is a concern.


Did you say "kitty"? LoL!

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Because private equity is probably one of the most challenging fields in business to succeed and it takes a strong analytical understanding of pretty much every industry and worldwide.


This is just my personal opinion but being able to acquire and re-tune businesses to make them profitable is difficult and very impressive.


That being said, I think he knows what he's doing and if he starts listening to the chatter, he'll throw his path off course.


Fair enough. I say it's BO's to lose. Romney might be a whiz when it comes to numbers and dollars, but that doesn't necessarily a president make.

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Fair enough. I say it's BO's to lose. Romney might be a whiz when it comes to numbers and dollars, but that doesn't necessarily a president make.


There are plenty of people who are good with numbers and dollars but there are very few who could be successful in different environments with completely different situations.

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Fair enough. I say it's BO's to lose. Romney might be a whiz when it comes to numbers and dollars, but that doesn't necessarily a president make.

Maybe not. But being a community organizer and a Senator who mostly voted "present" certainly didn't a president make.

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Being good with numbers doesn't make you able to run a business and have a strong understanding of economics.


Right, and being able to run a business and have a strong understanding of economics doesn't pre-qualify you as a good president, either.

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Right, and being able to run a business and have a strong understanding of economics doesn't pre-qualify you as a good president, either.


Being governor of one of the most liberal states and still having a decent approval rating probably does though.

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Speech reading & community organization are far better indicators.


That's a pretty bold argument for someone like you to make.


Being governor of one of the most liberal states and still having a decent approval rating probably does though.


We'll see how it all turns out.

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