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What's In Those Tax Returns?


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That is ludicrous. You're trying to argue that increased visibility of ONE person's tax returns is a viable basis for tax reform (because we'll "learn" about the tax code).


One person.




For the entire tax code.


That's just dumb. It's not going to prompt any sort of meaningful discussion on tax reform, it's just going to increase awareness that "The rich aren't paying their fair share" (like anyone's UNaware of that argument), which doesn't provide any insight, just provokes outrage that ultimately results in no meaningful reform (or even counter-productive reform.


If you really wanted to have a meaningful discussion of tax reform, you wouldn't be calling for Romney's earlier returns for insight into the tax code. You'd look at the returns he has released and say "I don't understand how he's paying 14%. I don't understand these at all. Why do we have a tax code that we can't even understand?"


But no one will do that. Because it ain't about the tax code. It's about demonizing the rich (and Romney in particular).

Come now DC, Barry just discovered that rich people pay a lower percentage in taxes and by the time he realized it, it was too late as the Repibs blocked his attempts at tax reform. Never mind that it's been on-going for decades, that wealthy pay a lot more in total taxes than the middle or lower class, that everyone tries to lower their tax burden, and that the Dems had a chance to do something about it in Barry's first 2 years. :rolleyes:

Edited by Doc
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unless you are a farmer owning horse should be an instant disqualification for public office


That comment displays that you are either very sheltered or jealous



I think what he's really trying to hide is the time he pushed legislation through the state legislature to run funds to a slum lord who in return gave him a sweetheart land deal far below market price and then ceded enough of the adjacent lot so that no one could build on it. An abuse of power for personal gain of that nature could certainly speak to whether or not he's fit to be trusted with the power of the Presidency. Imagine if a guy like that came into power. He could launder taxpayer dollars to his campaign through generous grants and subsidies to his friends and allies who will generously contribute a portion of that to him as a kick back. Maybe we do need to find out what he's hiding.


Were already dealing with that... now imagine a guy who probably has either committed fraud or lied to the American people and to cover it up seals hid college transcripts

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So let me get this straight, in order for us to address our tax code more effectively, Mitt Romney should release more tax returns? :lol: You can't make this up


Yes. And in order for us to address our rising cost of higher education more effectively, BO should release his college records? :ph34r: Somebody else made that happen.

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Lower taxes for whom, exactly? Not me. And unless you make more than $500,000/year, not you either.


The reason his returns are a hot topic right now is not that he paid 0 in taxes. It's what we'll learn about an unfair tax code that allowed him to pay 0 in taxes, and whether we want to make it worse, or reform it and make it better for all Americans. Romney's returns are an opportunity to see how the tax code works for the wealthy, and decide if we want to keep taking it in his direction that will benefit a small group of people, or take it in the direction of real fairness and efficiency.

Are we talking federal income tax? Because I pay zero in federal income tax, as a matter of fact I get a big refund(welfare) check because of the child tax credit. Any idea where that money comes from?


Why is Mitt a bad guy for not paying federal income tax?

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Lower taxes for whom, exactly? Not me. And unless you make more than $500,000/year, not you either.


The reason his returns are a hot topic right now is not that he paid 0 in taxes. It's what we'll learn about an unfair tax code that allowed him to pay 0 in taxes, and whether we want to make it worse, or reform it and make it better for all Americans. Romney's returns are an opportunity to see how the tax code works for the wealthy, and decide if we want to keep taking it in his direction that will benefit a small group of people, or take it in the direction of real fairness and efficiency.

There's a thread somewhere around here about this tax plan Romney has, and why what you probably heard about it is crap. Specifically, that calculator that Obama has up on his campaign page is crap, and based on faulty assumptions.

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There's a thread somewhere around here about this tax plan Romney has, and why what you probably heard about it is crap. Specifically, that calculator that Obama has up on his campaign page is crap, and based on faulty assumptions.

%#~}DR6: &$ R 7#%#*< H?

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There's a thread somewhere around here about this tax plan Romney has, and why what you probably heard about it is crap. Specifically, that calculator anything that Obama has up on his campaign page says is crap, and based on faulty assumptions.

Fixed it for you.


I'd also ask if anyone really believe that Dems really care about those making, say, under $500K, or if they're just pawns for them to use in their own political pursuits?

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An idiot leftist friend posted it on facebook. I giggled quite a bit until I realized they were serious about it.


I'm not sure what my favorite part is...the numbers not being even comparable, or the "explanations" literally being nothing more than "Romney bad, yay Obama!"

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Of course they were serious about it, it was on his website, and they'll believe anything that comes from them, just ask Dr. Dareus. Nevermind the fact that Romney never made any such suggestion of eliminating the loop holes, tax breaks or deductions for folks under $250K, it's just automatically assumed that he would, because based on their "non partisan" projections the only way for it to be revenue neutral is get rid of these "middle class" deductions and breaks. That may or may not be the case, even though the growth projections from this "non partisan" group, because of the tax break are virtually non existent. Growth be damned!

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