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  On 7/19/2012 at 2:49 PM, LABillzFan said:

The only people who are "suspicious about financial doings" are the people trying to change the subject from horrible economic numbers, embarrassing jobs numbers, and a guy stupid enough to go off script and admit to the world his solemn belief that Americans who work hard, sacrifice, build their own company and find the America Dream are not that smart, and actually accomplished nothing.


But hey...how about those tax returns!!! Look over here, everyone! He must be hiding something!!!




Yes, but it also a matter of trust, and honesty. As much as elections are about credentials, we have to keep in mind this is about Public Office. You can be the best CEO or economic genius in the world, but you lack values that we hold dear in the country, you will have a heck of time getting into the office. It is important to remember the Government is not a private business, you are held to different expectations of discloure.... you know that is true...


What can be the motivation to not release your financials? Because I don't legally have to? Ok, then you don't have to. But in some voters minds, again, if there something going on? Is Mitt afraid the numbers are too big, and he will be painted as 1% elitist? Is he afraid he will be painted as nothing in common with the rest of America? Those items are all easy to deal with... if he skipping taxes, of being fraudulent? Criminal?

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Posted (edited)

That a guy who made a sh#tload of money used overseas investments and loopholes (whatever that means) to legally lower his tax bill. So what? This is not an issue like some keep trying to make it. But hey the right had plenty of blood on their hands with this kind of crap, saying Obama is a Muslim and his birth certificate is faked.stuff many are trying to dredge up again. Same unsubstantiated, slanderous crap from both parties in the face of america facing the most serious financial crisis in its history.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
  On 7/19/2012 at 2:59 PM, blzrul said:

I wanna see his long form birth certificate to make sure he's not really Mexican.




Racist! Where have you been? We've missed you. I think, well maybe not, I'm not sure, hard to say, nahhh. Aww who am I kidding...of course we've missed you.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/19/2012 at 2:52 PM, WorldTraveller said:

Who said "sheeple"? And if my response regarding the media spoon feeding this relatively insignificant point of data offends you, then sorry bud, thats not my problem. It is what is.


So, while you, who never had any intention for voting for Mitt as it is are offended by Mitt not releasing his taxes, well tough titty, and frankly, this issues falls WAAAAAAAAAY down the totem poll of what voters care about.


I didn't say I was offended, I said it is a Reasonable Request of a candidate running for the highest office in the land- this is not without precedent, his father was one of the first to come forth with this standard. I would not care if the same standard was applied to Obama, Bush, McCain, Hillary, etc. Its not partisan issue, it is a question.... Mitt can either answers and put it to rest, or stand his ground and deal with it to November... his choice.


How would you feel if he did release his returns and it was found he did something knowingly illegal? Would feel better a tax cheat wasn't in the office?

Edited by B-Large
  On 7/19/2012 at 3:01 PM, B-Large said:

I didn't say I was offended, I said it is a Reasonable Request of a candidate running for the highest office in the land- this is not without precedent, his father was one of the first to come forth with this standard. I would not care if the same standard was applied to Obama, Bush, McCain, Hillary, etc. Its not partisan issue, it is a question.... Mitt can either answers and put it to rest, or stand his ground and deal with it to November... his choice.


How would you feel if he did release his returns and it was found he did something knowingly illegal? Would feel better a tax cheat wasn't in the office?

I'm not concerned about it, and why could that be?


Because he's following the law.


So again, while the media and their eager viewers (who lean left) obsess about Mitt's tax returns, who is following the law, the majority of the electorate will focus on who can lead this nation to a better outcome.

  On 7/19/2012 at 2:57 PM, Joe_the_6_pack said:

That a guy who made a sh#tload of money used overseas investments and loopholes (whatever that means) to legally lower his tax bill. So what? This is not an issue like some keep trying to make it. But hey the right had plenty of blood on their hands with this kind of crap, saying Obama is a Muslim and his birth certificate is faked.stuff many are trying to dredge up again. Same unsubstantiated, slanderous crap from both parties in the face of america facing the most serious financial crisis in its history.



I had no issue with the Conservatives asking for Obama's birth certificate. I mean, that is LAW that he must be a natural born citizen. Obama should not be excused from producing that document, just "because"....


People are asking the Romney for tax returns. again, reasonable request based on precedent. He will either open up and settle it, or leave it out there for people to decide that that means...


I have no issue with agressive vetting of our public officials, any of them.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/19/2012 at 2:57 PM, Joe_the_6_pack said:

That a guy who made a sh#tload of money used overseas investments and loopholes (whatever that means) to legally lower his tax bill. So what? This is not an issue like some keep trying to make it. But hey the right had plenty of blood on their hands with this kind of crap, saying Obama is a Muslim and his birth certificate is faked.stuff many are trying to dredge up again. Same unsubstantiated, slanderous crap from both parties in the face of america facing the most serious financial crisis in its history.


Was it the McCain presidency that made those allegations or the talking heads?


Big difference.

Edited by meazza
  On 7/19/2012 at 3:06 PM, B-Large said:

I had no issue with the Conservatives asking for Obama's birth certificate. I mean, that is LAW that he must be a natural born citizen. Obama should not be excused from producing that document, just "because"....


People are asking the Romney for tax returns. again, reasonable request based on precedent. He will either open up and settle it, or leave it out there for people to decide that that means...


I have no issue with agressive vetting of our public officials, any of them.

Oh yeah, well I can certainly tell you that I mocked those who asked for Obamas birth certificate, and guess what? The majority of the public didn't care about it in 2008 and don't care about it now.

  On 7/19/2012 at 2:57 PM, B-Large said:

Yes, but it also a matter of trust, and honesty. As much as elections are about credentials, we have to keep in mind this is about Public Office. You can be the best CEO or economic genius in the world, but you lack values that we hold dear in the country, you will have a heck of time getting into the office..... if he skipping taxes, of being fraudulent? Criminal?



Then how do you explain Marion Barry being re-elected???


Oh wait it was Washington DC. never mind.

  On 7/19/2012 at 2:48 PM, B-Large said:

sigh, the "spoon fed" and "Sheeple" response...


voters don't want a cheat. Mitt, if you have nothing to hide just release them and move the discussion back to jobs and economy... heck, I would release 10 years of returns in a second, I have nothing, absolutely nothing to hide...


Don't you think the IRS went over his returns very closely? If he was cheating don't you think word would have gotten out? His return for 2010 was 3 inches thick. Do you think he should have to defend made up schit by the Ed Schultz's of the world for the next 3 1/2 months? This whole tax return thing is just one more distraction made up by the Chicago gang.

  On 7/19/2012 at 3:05 PM, WorldTraveller said:

I'm not concerned about it, and why could that be?


Because he's following the law.


So again, while the media and their eager viewers (who lean left) obsess about Mitt's tax returns, who is following the law, the majority of the electorate will focus on who can lead this nation to a better outcome.


again, letter of the law yes. Court of Public Opinion, no. believe it or not, alot of Americans don't vote on issues and logic, they vote of likablity of the candidate.


You didn't answer the question at the bottom of my post, I am interested in your answer.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/19/2012 at 2:57 PM, B-Large said:

Yes, but it also a matter of trust, and honesty. As much as elections are about credentials, we have to keep in mind this is about Public Office.



B, I think that we all understand your point.


But, I dont think that you can explain, why does he have to do more ?, whats the limit to avoid the "suspicion cloud" ?


He did release his tax returns. He's shown trust and honesty to those who are open..


Why does Mitt Romney have to do more than any other candidate ?



By the way, this is strictly rhetorical, as we both know the answer.




Edited by B-Man
  On 7/19/2012 at 3:10 PM, 3rdnlng said:

Don't you think the IRS went over his returns very closely? If he was cheating don't you think word would have gotten out? His return for 2010 was 3 inches thick. Do you think he should have to defend made up schit by the Ed Schultz's of the world for the next 3 1/2 months? This whole tax return thing is just one more distraction made up by the Chicago gang.

Doesn't matter, I hope that the Obama campaign continues to obsess about Mitt's tax returns (Who AGAIN, is following the law), because it is proof positive that these tactics aren't working. Polling is moving in mitts favor, not just in the national polls but in the battleground states, and again I will make this point, this is after there has been maniacally obsessive media coverage from the mainstream media that has been brutal to Mitt along with a huge spending advantage of negative ads against mitt in the battleground states.


And what do they have to show for it?


Polls moving in Mitts direction


So please, keep focusing on what Mitts tax returns, it will undoubtedly lead to a new president, if they continue down this road.


Again, what bombshell is Barry hiding in his college transcripts and the F&F documents? And I guess, his 1997-1999 tax returns?


I don't get it.


Are we asking for tax returns because we think he is committing tax fraud?


If not, who gives a ****.


Why would anyone be hypocritical enough to slam someone for reducing their tax burden? Everyone that files taxes does everything they can to reduce their tax burden.

  On 7/19/2012 at 3:15 PM, Joe Miner said:

I don't get it.


Are we asking for tax returns because we think he is committing tax fraud?


If not, who gives a ****.


Why would anyone be hypocritical enough to slam someone for reducing their tax burden? Everyone that files taxes does everything they can to reduce their tax burden.


No, they're asking for his tax returns because he rich. Get with the program. Or maybe it is fraud, because it's well known that all rich people commit fraud and list that fraud on their returns.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/19/2012 at 3:13 PM, B-Large said:

again, letter of the law yes. Court of Public Opinion, no. believe it or not, alot of Americans don't vote on issues and logic, they vote of likablity of the candidate.


You didn't answer the question at the bottom of my post, I am interested in your answer.

Sorry, I don't think that way, I vote on substance, not hypothetical scenarios of what may or may not be in someones tax returns or if there is some sort of conspiracy if the candidate was born in the US or Indonesia. That is a game for fools. I vote on who I believe will lead us to a more vibrant economy, fix our entitlements and move us to a more sustainable fiscal debt situation.



And it looks like you aren't gonna get what you want


Read Ann's lips: No new tax returns


7/19/12 8:30 AM EDT


In an ABC appearance, Mrs. Romney says the public and the press have been given quite enough personal financial information already:


Ann Romney dismissed concerns about her husband’s tax returns Thursday, contending that the two of them have “given all you people need to know.”


“You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” the potential first lady said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person who is trying to hide things, or do things? No. He is so good about it. Then, when he was governor of Massachusetts, didn’t take a salary for four years.”


“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she added later.




So now what are you gonna do? Change your original No vote towards Mitt?

Edited by WorldTraveller
  On 7/19/2012 at 3:01 PM, B-Large said:
How would you feel if he did release his returns and it was found he did something knowingly illegal? Would feel better a tax cheat wasn't in the office?

What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how corrupt this administration is? For a while there it seemed like a requirement to serve on Obama's cabinet was to have cheated on your taxes. They've laundered trillions of taxpayer dollars directly to campaign bundlers who promptly pocketed the money before filing for bankruptcy, and and you think the America people care if Mitt Romney forget to carry a one?

  On 7/19/2012 at 1:50 PM, Park said:

Everyday I wake up and see he hasn't released them I do a harty "hurrah!" This Tricky Mitt is obviously hiding a bomb shell but the longer he hides the greater the drama grows.


John McCain has seen them and really hasn't said anything. But we do know this. He didn't pick Mitt as a running mate. He took Palin instead, lol. Could be related to the taxes? We don't know.



What's he hiding???


Where are Obama's college transcripts?


Why did it take him YEARS to release his so-called birth certificate?


!@#$ off

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