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Off Topic... Would u ever get a pre nup for marria


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i figured i would see something along the lines of "a pre nup means i dont trust you" blah blah blah!! that isnt true at all. look u can love someone with all your heart and could have been with them for 10 years b4 u get married and believe with everything u have, that the relationship will stand the test of time. but you just never know 100%.... the statistics show that half of all marriages end in divorce. and u have to assume that even those 50% who got divorced truely believed with all of there heart that there marriage would last forever. lets face it, a marriage is a business agreement. and with all business agreements should be some sort of insurance or protection. and that is all a pre nup is! it is a "just in case" arrangement. and there is nothing wrong with that at all. better safe then sorry! ppl(women i have noticed in particular)want to throw there hands in the air and say "u dont trust me" yadda yadda yadda just b/c, the other person wants to play it safe and protect there assests. if the marriage is gonna stand the test of time, then having a pre nup would be a moot point anyway. so then it doesnt really matter now does it!



LOL, I don't believe that. Marriage is forever but if you or your mate have a wandering eye now, don't bother with nuptials.


Divorce is a result of one or both partners cheating. Yes, finances play some part but it's not the determining factor.


Seriously, your partying/playboy life ends when you put on that ring (definitely when you have kids). If most Americans actually believed this, we'd be better off.


Pretty simple really.

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i figured i would see something along the lines of "a pre nup means i dont trust you" blah blah blah!! that isnt true at all.


If you weren't interested in hearing a POV that didn't agree with your own, why did you bother posting this stupid question in the first place? :pirate:

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LOL, I don't believe that.  Marriage is forever but if you or your mate have a wandering eye now, don't bother with nuptials. 


Divorce is a result of one or both partners cheating.  Yes, finances play some part but it's not the determining factor. 


Seriously, your partying/playboy life ends when you put on that ring (definitely when you have kids).  If most Americans actually believed this, we'd be better off. 


Pretty simple really.



could always become swingers :(

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Divorce is a result of one or both partners cheating.  Yes, finances play some part but it's not the determining factor. 




Right. That's the only reason people divorce.


'Kay. Glad you cleared that up. :doh::(

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I would definitely get a pre-nup if I had more money. Don't want her to get more than her share if it doesn't work. If she has more money, then no pre-nup. This way if it doesn't work out, you can take the goods with you.


Also, you should always sock some away without her knowing about it while you're married. You might need it for strippers, gambling, etc. If she finds out about it, tell her that you are trying hard to save for the 2 of you and that you were going to surprise her with it at some future time. This way if she divorces you, you've got some starting up money when you're done.

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Well, it all comes down to two things:


1. Do you have anything to lose?


2. If so, how bad would you feel if you lost it?


If you don't have anything to lose (ie, no real assets), then there's not much reason for a pre-nup. So if we assume the answer to #1 is yes, then it all comes down to the answer to #2.


It may sound cynical, but anyone who doesn't believe in pre-nups because of the of the trust thing, or the sanctity of marriage thing, or whatever, is just being naive. You can go ahead and be naive if you want and take your chances, and maybe you'll get lucky. But if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that you never really know someone as well as you think. And far too many times I've seen that come back to bite someone in the ass.

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