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Agreed. This late season run has given me a lot more reasons to watch the other games going on and not just Bills game. Tomorrow, nothing will be able to pry me away from a TV until after either the Jets or Broncos lose.


I'll be thanking the bills the monday after their last game. That way, it will either be a day or two after they lose, or a day or two before the parade.


It feels like the old days - and by old days I mean about ten years ago. The entire city is going nuts about the Bills in early January. This season has reminded me why I was ever so into football in the first place.


It's a beautiful thing.

Yes....Thank You Buffalo Bills for a great season......



I'm skipping the 9:30 mass tomorrow morning.


I'm happy to be part of this thread; as I'm anticipating a sh-- storm on the boards if we miss the playoffs.


No matter what: this has been a fun run. The most fun I've had watching football since the days of the K-Gun. Win or Lose this is a season we'll be talking about for some time to come.


Let's Go Buffalo!

I'm happy to be part of this thread; as I'm anticipating a sh-- storm on the boards if we miss the playoffs.

Let's Go Buffalo!



ya - wouldn't have imagined being in this state of extreme anticipation, back in mid-November. I am soo happy,


But, if we lsoe, you can bet your last chicken wing that ICE will be back in full force.


Even if we don't make the playoffs, i won't be pissed.


1) We survived MM growing pains as a rookie head coach.

2) Willis has regained his confidence

3) This team never gave up.

Amen to that. Thank you for reminding me what it means to be a Bills fan. Supporting a team that NEVER EVER EVER gives up!!!!!


I'll drink to that- that is exactly how I feel.
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