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What Has Obama Done to Help the Economy?

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The population was around 227 Million in 1980. Today we have about 320 Million, and thats not counting the illegles. She may be right, considering about 100 Million more people.

She's not right considering the president doesn't create private sector jobs.

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I never said it's Obama's fault. I don't think that the price of gas is controlled by the president.


Oh a decade? So you're saying that it is not important that you reduce your foreign oil dependance in a decade?


Are you sure?


Someone posted two links implying that Obama was holding up oil drilling and not allowing the Keystone pipeline to run though the US. sorry but that is laying blame on Obama.


If you agreed with that poster you must have agreed with them. ergo it's Obama's fault.


oh and Doc 5.6 Million jobs were lost in the United States in 2007.


Companies and Millionaires have been getting tax breaks for a decade. WHY are they not hiring?

Interest rates on business loans are at an all-time low. Thanks in part to the Federal Reserve, business loans, leases and other financial instruments are cheaper than ever. WHY are they not investing and hiring?


don't beleive me? GOOGLE IT.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Are you sure?


Someone posted two links implying that Obama was holding up oil drilling and not allowing the Keystone pipeline to run though the US. sorry but that is laying blame on Obama.


If you agreed with that poster you must have agreed with them. ergo it's Obama's fault.


oh and Doc 5.6 Million jobs were lost in the United States in 2007.


Companies and Millionaires have been getting tax breaks for a decade. WHY are they not hiring?

Interest rates on business loans are at an all-time low. Thanks in part to the Federal Reserve, business loans, leases and other financial instruments are cheaper than ever. WHY are they not investing and hiring?


don't beleive me? GOOGLE IT.



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Companies and Millionaires have been getting tax breaks for a decade. WHY are they not hiring?

Interest rates on business loans are at an all-time low. Thanks in part to the Federal Reserve, business loans, leases and other financial instruments are cheaper than ever. WHY are they not investing and hiring?



Isn't this a valid question to be asked of the current administration? Why do companies prefer to have a negative interest carry on their cash horde, instead of reinvesting it in their business?

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BO doesn't understand the economy. He has no taste for finance. He's not a problem solver. He's an economic demagogue. He has no plan, no solutions to fix the economy.


I think he's lost a lot of financial backing because the evidence that he's so totally clueless about the steps needed to turn the economy around is becoming inescapable for all but the most strident leftists. The money's staying put in the vaults until this clown steps into Line A at the unemployment office in January.

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Isn't this a valid question to be asked of the current administration? Why do companies prefer to have a negative interest carry on their cash horde, instead of reinvesting it in their business?


"Hoard". A hoard is a collection of stuff. A horde is what comes along and steals it.


And to answer your question: racism.

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"Hoard". A hoard is a collection of stuff. A horde is what comes along and steals it.


And to answer your question: racism.


It was intentional, as that cash horde is siting there waiting to pounce on the opportunity, if one exists.

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Are you sure?


Someone posted two links implying that Obama was holding up oil drilling and not allowing the Keystone pipeline to run though the US. sorry but that is laying blame on Obama.


If you agreed with that poster you must have agreed with them. ergo it's Obama's fault.


oh and Doc 5.6 Million jobs were lost in the United States in 2007.


Companies and Millionaires have been getting tax breaks for a decade. WHY are they not hiring?

Interest rates on business loans are at an all-time low. Thanks in part to the Federal Reserve, business loans, leases and other financial instruments are cheaper than ever. WHY are they not investing and hiring?


don't beleive me? GOOGLE IT.


I speak for myself you !@#$ing fils de pute.

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what's that got to do with 5.6 Million jobs lost in 2007.


Let me guess: that was Dubya's fault. Right?

umm who was in charge when the ecomony was in a FREE FALL?


Who was in charge when the DOW dropped 7000 points?


Who's really responsible fot not compramising on a budget? The Democrats or Republicans?


Who's tax cuts didn't create new jobs?

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what's that got to do with 5.6 Million jobs lost in 2007.



umm who was in charge when the ecomony was in a FREE FALL?


Who was in charge when the DOW dropped 7000 points?


Who's really responsible fot not compramising on a budget? The Democrats or Republicans?


Who's tax cuts didn't create new jobs?


Who had total control of the WH, Congress and Senate for TWO FULL YEARS, and FUBAR'ed the perfect opportunity to fix things by somehow believing the way to fix things was through a trillion dollar money laundering scheme to campaign bundlers?


Wait. Let me guess. The stimulus wasn't big enough and shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as we thought? :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
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Are you sure?


Someone posted two links implying that Obama was holding up oil drilling and not allowing the Keystone pipeline to run though the US. sorry but that is laying blame on Obama.


If you agreed with that poster you must have agreed with them. ergo it's Obama's fault.

I realize as a simpleton it's hard for you to consider more than one variable at a time, but did it ever occur to you that while a President doesn't control the price of oil, that policy restrictions on energy production could have an impact on it?

Companies and Millionaires have been getting tax breaks for a decade. WHY are they not hiring?

Interest rates on business loans are at an all-time low. Thanks in part to the Federal Reserve, business loans, leases and other financial instruments are cheaper than ever. WHY are they not investing and hiring?

Only an idiot would ask this. First, there is a lot more that effects growth & expansion than tax rates, but again, I don't expect you to be able to understand the effects of multiple variables. And businesses take loans to expand business to meet expected demand. Why would you hire more people & invest in more capital when you expect both would be idle? At least Obama probably knows this "solution" is just a bogus talking point he can throw out to give the lemmings something they can cite as something he's done to fix things. You're one of the lemmings that actually buys it.


There's a word for people like you. One word that sums you up: Useful Idiot.

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How many shovel ready programs could begin because the Tea Party refused the funds?




Here's something current you could answer.


Why is the Tea Party not arguing against Romney wanting to raise taxes on the middle class?


I thought the R's all signed a pledge never to vote for a tax hikes. Somehow thats changed?

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