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"Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio go for a walk together. They come to a sign saying "beauty contest inside" and Snow White says she wants to enter it. She does and returns thirty minutes later with a big smile saying: "I won". A little while later they come upon a sign saying "strong man contest inside". Superman says he wants to enter it and comes back a few minutes later with a smile saying: "I won it"! Shortly they come upon a sign saying "lying contest inside". Pinocchio says he wants to enter it and five minutes later returns with tears in his eyes saying: "Anybody know who Barack Obama is?"

I don't get it.

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I don't get it.

Pinochio has a long nose

A long nose means he has a long something else

Modern myth is that black men have long something else

Obama is black


Clearly a Racist® remark by 3rd


Pinochio has a long nose

A long nose means he has a long something else

Modern myth is that black men have long something else

Obama is black


Clearly a Racist® remark by 3rd


It's clear you grew up in the Keystone State and have real problems. Any state with towns named Intercourse and Blue Balls has an inordinate focus on sex and must be hiding a statewide inferiority complex. No wonder the word "shrinkage" is used by more Eagle and Steeler fans than the rest of the league combined.


It's clear you grew up in the Keystone State and have real problems. Any state with towns named Intercourse and Blue Balls has an inordinate focus on sex and must be hiding a statewide inferiority complex. No wonder the word "shrinkage" is used by more Eagle and Steeler fans than the rest of the league combined.


It's clear you have no understanding of the Keystone state.

Grouping Steeler and Eagle fans together is like grouping Jets, Giants, and Bills fans together.


Philadelphia and the surrounding area is by far the largest population center in Pennsylvania. Therefore, your "shrinkage" comparison is skewed like a poll with a +11 Democrat bias showing Obama in front. Your pathetic attempt at humor in regards to town names is also an EPIC FAIL. Look on a map sometime. Those towns are all in Eastern PA.


In the future, don't confuse us Western PA folks with those fancy froo foo Soda Drinking Iggle fans


It's clear you have no understanding of the Keystone state.

Grouping Steeler and Eagle fans together is like grouping Jets, Giants, and Bills fans together.


Philadelphia and the surrounding area is by far the largest population center in Pennsylvania. Therefore, your "shrinkage" comparison is skewed like a poll with a +11 Democrat bias showing Obama in front. Your pathetic attempt at humor in regards to town names is also an EPIC FAIL. Look on a map sometime. Those towns are all in Eastern PA.


In the future, don't confuse us Western PA folks with those fancy froo foo Soda Drinking Iggle fans



Youins from somewhere near the three rivers that can barely speak the English language and think Mckeesport is the vacation point for all of the working man might not understand that Pittsburgh is just a suburb of Philly.


Only as far as the left took "I can see Russia from my house", which wasn't actually said by Palin


That works, because Obama didn't actually tell business owners that they didn't build their own business.


That works, because Obama didn't actually tell business owners that they didn't build their own business.


So Fatty, why don't you post his actual comments? It's OK if you put them in context or out of context. I'm calling you stepping in it before the shoe hits the pavement.


So Fatty, why don't you post his actual comments? It's OK if you put them in context or out of context. I'm calling you stepping in it before the shoe hits the pavement.


I'll do you one better and post you a link to the actual speech.



Youins from somewhere near the three rivers that can barely speak the English language and think Mckeesport is the vacation point for all of the working man might not understand that Pittsburgh is just a suburb of Philly.

Y'ins need to learn how to spell. And I'm not from around Trois Rivieres, I'm from Erie. Which btw is the vacation point, not McKeesport. Bet you didn't know more people vacation in Erie than Yellowstone.


Calling Pittsburgh a suburb of Philly is like saying Buffalo is a suburb of New York or Toronto


Pinochio has a long nose

A long nose means he has a long something else

Modern myth is that black men have long something else

Obama is black


Clearly a Racist® remark by 3rd

Did he also call him "Monday?"


That works, because Obama didn't actually tell business owners that they didn't build their own business.

Sure he did. Twice, no less. You see, the "that" he used (twice) refers to the business, not the bridges and roads which he was talking about prior to those fateful line, because those would be "those."


Did he also call him "Monday?"



Sure he did. Twice, no less. You see, the "that" he used (twice) refers to the business, not the bridges and roads which he was talking about prior to those fateful line, because those would be "those."


Sure man, believe whatever you need to.


It's clear you have no understanding of the Keystone state.

Grouping Steeler and Eagle fans together is like grouping Jets, Giants, and Bills fans together.


Philadelphia and the surrounding area is by far the largest population center in Pennsylvania. Therefore, your "shrinkage" comparison is skewed like a poll with a +11 Democrat bias showing Obama in front. Your pathetic attempt at humor in regards to town names is also an EPIC FAIL. Look on a map sometime. Those towns are all in Eastern PA.


In the future, don't confuse us Western PA folks with those fancy froo foo Soda Drinking Iggle fans



Why would you group 2 Jersey teams in with a NY team? As a sometime resident of western PA I understand your reluctance to be grouped in with the Philly people but let's be realistic. Politically they own you, and until you get Erie and its suburb, Pittsburgh to vote overwhelmingly for the good guys, Philadelphia rules. As far as town names go, you don't think "Union City" shouldn't be thrown in there with Blue Balls and Intercourse?




Sure he did. Twice, no less. You see, the "that" he used (twice) refers to the business, not the bridges and roads which he was talking about prior to those fateful line, because those would be "those."



Really?? Come on man, how can you say that of course he was referring to the bridges and roads. Because he used the wrong word you're saying he meant they didn't build their business? Ooookay. But as I've come to the realization you don't have to take those words out of context for it to be stupid. It's stupid in the context of the whole bit. Business owners didn't build those? What exactly does that mean and as I've said a bunch of times here. What's the point? What point was he trying to make. None, he's playing class warfare and it's backfiring.


I'll do you one better and post you a link to the actual speech.




Doesn't help. The context is worse than the single line itself.


I think I can distill his message even more than I already have. It basically comes down to "You don't deserve it."


That's zen. :beer:


I wonder what BO will have told Henry Flagler or George Eastman.




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